This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 108 You are Hongmeng, I am Pangu

Chapter 108 You are Hongmeng, I am Pangu
"Goodbye, Chairman!"

"Goodbye, welcome to come again next time"

" did you talk?"

"Ah, slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, hehe..."

The farewell scene was comical, Bei Gaoyang waved his hand like a big brother, and walked into the warehouse with the door open.

The senior executives of the Canaan Company were still waving their hands foolishly as they bid farewell, as if he had entered not a warehouse without any other exits, but a spaceship that had started.

five minutes later.

The sound in the warehouse weakened, and everyone walked in cautiously, only to see the last arc disappear at the corner of the warehouse, and there was nothing left on the ground except for a mouse that was electrocuted to death.

Ah, it's really gone!
Everyone peeped at each other, all with a look of "I can't say, but I understand everything", they said haha ​​to each other, and they scattered.


It has been 6 days since we separated, and the abandoned wasteland is still the same as when we left. The concentration of magic power has neither increased nor decreased. Hordes of monsters are wandering in and out of the game area. Looking around, the waist-deep thatch hides many Danger.

The dark swamps exuded a faint "magic energy", and the surrounding animals and plants showed obvious changes. Those lands that were cracked by the earthquake also grew dense vegetation, many of which Bei Gaoyang had never seen before. .

The terrain in the game area has become a lot more complicated, with hills, basins, canyons, swamps, rivers... Further north is Buck City.

Maybe it's because there are many creatures living in the city, and a large number of prefecture-level monsters gather around the city wall. The farmland outside the city is almost completely destroyed, and the wildly growing crops have become the habitat of monsters. ecology.

The kobold mines were also beyond recognition. The earthquake collapsed the original mines and exposed new veins. The kobolds bound by the [Monster Art] took the opportunity to escape, but due to the existence of the magic net and Xiao Ai, they did not I didn't get any freedom, but under Xiao Ai's supervision, I sorted out a new mine as a game scene for the third test.

Roughly counting, there are more than a dozen monster gathering areas with a level of 1-9 in the game area. There are a lot of monsters, and they are still produced under the penetration of "magic energy". No one knows what this "output" is How did it come about? Maybe it was a leak leading directly to the abyss, allowing the abyss worms to enter the material world unimpeded and helpless, which led to this scene happening.

In the laboratory of Chenxi Town, the magic circle to contact the demon Bain has been activated for a long time. As soon as Bei Gaoyang went, Bain's slightly anxious and depressed voice was released.

War Golem, War Golem, War Golem.

From his anxious attitude, it can be seen that the intensity of the bloody battle may exceed imagination, and whether the tide of magic will retreat for a while, unless the gods intervene.

What is certain is that the gods will definitely not let go of the opportunity of the abyss civil war, and will definitely intervene, but the timing of the intervention is not yet easy to judge. Maybe they will enter the arena to pick the fruits of victory after both sides are exhausted. .

Even if Bei Gaoyang knew about this, there was nothing he could do. That kind of level of struggle was beyond his reach. Before the magic net caught up with his magic level, he could fight as long as he could, and if he could coax him, he should never be with a villain. He jumped out like a fool, as if he was afraid of death not early enough.

Opening the "Book of Canaan", Bei Gaoyang's face was a little complicated. Before returning to Earth, he deliberately "recorded" his state to compare with this time.

This comparison really found something strange.

He found that there seemed to be something more in his "soul", maybe it was some mark left when he crossed the crystal wall system, maybe there was some "curse" in the "Book of Canaan", every time he cast a high-level self-defense Creating spells, he was paying for something, what made him uneasy and even frightened was that he didn't feel any "discomfort".

Compared with the former great mage Bei Gaoyang, the current Bei Gaoyang has undergone great changes. The former Bei Gaoyang has long belonged to Canaan. People gradually "awaken" their memories, preferences and emotions as a person on earth.

This Earth-inspired bedroom is the perfect example.

He has become more and more concerned about "external objects" other than magic. He hasn't studied magic for a long time, but he is quite contented. He regards the magic net and players as his only hope, like a gambler on a gambling table. The gangster invested all the chips at once.

Although he realized it, he wasn't ready to change, and he didn't feel any discomfort, which was the scariest thing.

Well, putting aside these worries, [Magic Web: Three] started to create.

The quill pen was writing on the "Book of Canaan", the lights powered by the battery pack became cold, an indescribable atmosphere enveloped the left and right, and a kind of power that Bei Gaoyang could not perceive surrounded the surroundings.

There is already a plan in mind, and the invention of [Magic Net: Three] will come naturally, and the magic net of the third ring will undergo a qualitative change, leaving most of the vacant "Magic Road" for Xiao Ai to fill in the corresponding game content.

It was the third time that it was the first time it was born, and the second time it was acquainted. When it was completed, it was still a little unfinished, and there was even a hazy idea of ​​[Magic Web: Four] in its consciousness.

After the last stroke, the room returned to normal. He came to an adjacent laboratory and stood in front of the magic net control center.

Two computer workstations full of cyberpunk style are lined up in front of you. What flows in the battery pack is not electricity, but magic power. It is the spiritual power and soul power of the players, and there is also a power called "belief". Like lubricating oil, it continuously reduces the power consumption of the magic net, making it gradually lose its icy earth color and become full of strong Canaan wind.

The magic net can breathe.

As a magical creation, in essence, it is not much different from ordinary magical creations, the difference lies in its function.

It was neither born for fighting and assisting in fighting, nor for researching and prying into the mysterious internal knowledge and structure, but just for a group of souls from another crystal wall system.

In terms of function, it is both single and complex. When Bei Gaoyang looks at it, it is like looking at his own child, and the feeling of love arises spontaneously.

Release the mainframe in the space ring, the spell-casting materials float automatically, the magic circle engraved long ago lights up, Xiao Ai also moves, and the control center flickers like a star-like light spot, which complements the aura of the magic circle.

The mysterious and long incantation is chanted, surrounded by the spiritual light of stars, the magic configuration of [Magic Net: Three] emerges on the surface of the soul, and the huge spiritual power comes out through the body...

An hour later, the third layer of magic net was laid.

Xiao Ai has an extra partner, a kindred spirit——Hongmeng.

——The cloud will travel eastward, pass the swaying branches, and meet Hongmeng!

Bei Gaoyang likes this name very much, and thinks it represents an extraordinary meaning, and also predicts something.

"You are Hongmeng, I am Pangu!", he said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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