This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 109 War Golem

Chapter 109 War Golem
It's a pity that Hongmeng doesn't know Hongmeng's stalk, which is a bit of a fly in the ointment.

But it doesn't matter.

After the completion of Magic Net [-], Bain's order could not be delayed any longer. Bei Gaoyang went to another laboratory, meditated first, recovered his mental strength, and then devoted himself to the tedious and intensive work.

The parts ordered from the earth are the most untechnical vulnerable parts in the war golem, such as the torso, limbs, "barrel" of the magic cannon and so on.

It looks like a Gundam, and it looks like that when connected together, but it's just a dead thing.

To make this 4-meter-tall, 5-ton-heavy war machine, which walks on all fours and has high magic resistance and physical attack defense, come to life, the work that needs to be done is cumbersome.

Looking at the recipe, first check whether the magic pattern array on the parts is complete, and then roughly connect them together to see if each hair-thin magic pattern fits perfectly.

For integrity and precision, Bei Gaoyang is not worried, the technical level of the earth in this area is far higher than that of Canaan.

After checking that there was no problem, I took out the core components of the dwarves' overtime big move.

Magic core container, magic device, high magic resistance dragon scale extraction lens, etc.

This cannot be made with the earth's technical means, it must be handcrafted, and in the process of making it, more than a hundred kinds of magic materials are added strictly according to the formula ratio, and each addition requires craftsmen, spirit and even soul to go deep into it... In short, it is very complicated, and it cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

Maybe it was because the time was too tight, or maybe the dwarves in Buck City had been neglecting their skills for too long. Of the four sets of core components sent, only one was barely usable.

This is the set, under Bei Gaoyang's violent inspection, some vulnerable parts also have tiny cracks.

Even if this quality is finished, it probably won't take long.

Forget it, it's cannon fodder anyway, it's not bad if it can survive a charge, so do you expect it to last three to five years?

Seeing that more than a hundred parts of different sizes and shapes filled the entire laboratory, Bei Gaoyang began to start the work he was responsible for.

——Magic Core!
The engine of the war golem continuously extracts the magic power of the outside world, supplies the golem with huge kinetic energy, and supplies energy for the array of magic configurations up to 5 rings around its body, making it a machine that rampages on the battlefield, invincible and capable of Withstand spell strikes below the fifth ring.

The main material of the magic core is dragon crystal. Of course, it cannot be the dragon crystal of a real dragon, and some sub-dragons in large numbers can also be used.

But the one in Bei Gaoyang's hand came from an adult green dragon. Naturally, this wasn't Baan's generosity, but one of the premium rewards.

In fact, high-level demons like War Golem, which has heavy firepower, such as Bane, can't be used. They must be possessed by demon lords who have territories in the abyss and rule many high-level demons and countless low-level demons.

Speaking of demon lords, if they have business relationships in the material world, they are usually called demon kings.

No one knows how many demon lords there are in the abyss. Since the bottomless abyss is bottomless, there must be as many as a cow's hair.

Far away.

Carefully put away the dragon crystal of the green dragon, and then took out a dragon crystal of the fire-attributed sub-dragon, walked to the cleared test stand, and picked up the magic core container made by the dwarf craftsman - a seemingly ordinary The hexagon started the intense production process.

After a while, the strong magic power caused a lot of mist to appear in the void near the workbench, and a clear dragon chant came from the mist. In an instant, if there was any real dragon's power, it spread out, making the surrounding air stagnate.

Yalong is also a dragon, with the blood of a real dragon, there is a real dragon gene passed down to ancient times.

Creatures such as giant dragons are rare in the material world. Only in some remote planes and half-planes, there are one or two giant dragons hiding from the sight of the gods. It is said that tens of thousands of years ago, the giant dragon was Canaan The rulers of the world, the earliest batch of gods, all came from the dragon clan. It was only later that the dragon clan split and started a bloody civil war, which led to the rise of other races.

It can be seen that a strong fortress begins with the collapse of the inside.

After the Dragon Yin appeared, the dissolution of the dragon crystal had already begun. It was as if a large piece of highly concentrated magma had been put into the transparent beaker. The violent shaking began, and even the workbench and the ground began to shake, but Bei Gaoyang's hand Steady as a rock, the mysterious and whispering mantras kept on adding various precious materials to the beaker, and the powerful spiritual power completely controlled all the sounds and reactions.

The last ingredient—the brainstem of the Gorgon was added and melted. A struggling and howling banshee phantom was swallowed by the opening dragon's mouth, and then expanded into a ball of mist that shrank back, and the hexahedron burst into intense light. , the magic lines engraved on it all lit up and floated up.

The moment the magic core was formed, a huge amount of magic power was sucked up by the whale, and finally landed firmly in Bei Gaoyang's palm. After a while, he calmed down like a dragon chant.

When the reaction stopped, a magic core up to ring 5 was declared to be formed. Bei Gaoyang let out a long sigh of relief, with a trace of pain appearing on his pale face, he murmured: "Although there is a wave of magic, I feel that the control of magic power has improved." Some"

Then he looked at the finished product in his hand, and the more he looked at it, the more he was satisfied, so he laughed.

Good workmanship!
With a snap of the fingers, two stone puppets were summoned to act as coolies, and the parts weighing a thousand catties were moved to start assembly.

Two hours later, a war golem shaped like a magic wolf stood in the square of Chenxi Town, and senior NPCs such as Yaris and Edward watched from the sidelines.

Carefully put the magic core into the open abdomen of the golem, and securely fix it with the base. With a sound of "hum!", thousands of parts began to interact, and the magic lines lit up one after another, and the two balls were like magma. A scorching light appeared in the metallic eyes.

The moment the war golem moves, professionals as strong as Yaris also feel a huge sense of oppression, as if people are in the high temperature of a furnace, and the built-in [flame halo] spreads, and the glass-like flame ignites blazingly .

"Evaluate Xiaoai"

[Fire War Golem, LV99, attribute:? ? ,Skill:? ? , Producer: Ramsfer Bei Gaoyang]

Obviously, the golem created by the five rings exceeds the level of the magic net itself, so it cannot be evaluated.

"My lord, is this... powerful magic artifact your latest creation? I have to say, you are so powerful and incredible, are you going to use it to capture the Odeb Fortress? Your loyal servant Edward intends to serve you." Edward, the vampire, took pictures of him very comfortably, but Yaris gave the vampire a contemptuous look, and said, "This is a war golem, use it in the material world, do you want to attract the punishment angel of the Inquisition?"

"What is a war golem...?", the vampire who was an orphan revealed his ignorant side.

Yashili didn't pay attention to him anymore.

It's a pity that no matter how good things are, they are not their own.

Delivering to Bahn, this high-ranking demon who was a bit nervous after the cruelty of the bloody battle was finally relieved, but before he left, he warned him that Lord Colondo was very dissatisfied with his delivery speed, and let him weigh it himself. do it.

This kind of threat, before the bloody battle, Bei Gaoyang thought it was fart, separated by a material world, if you have the guts, come, who is afraid of WHO?

After dealing with the red-eyed Bahn, he can devote himself to his own work again.

The first thing to solve is the design of the new occupation.

(End of this chapter)

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