This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 110 Just Waiting for the Server to Open

Chapter 110 Just Waiting for the Server to Open
In order to launch the profession of priest in the third test, it is necessary to consider some relatively "late" issues ahead of time. The addition of an "artificial intelligence magic creature"-Hongmeng is out of such considerations.

Considering the degree of authenticity, where does the priest's magic come from?
from the system?
Love since childhood?
Both are of course possible, but this can only solve the present, and plant hidden worries for the future.

This worry is that the overall structure of the magic net is "compatible" with the Canaan world.

The more it conforms to the underlying rules of the world, the higher the compatibility of the magic net. Now it is only a reduction in power consumption. In the future, considering the battle at the level of the gods, a "compatibility" that can be ignored now may be related to the success or failure of life and death. careful.

Therefore, 50% of truth and 50% of the magic net should also be reflected in the priest profession. Then the magic cannot be completely magic net, at least part of it must be real and reasonable.

Then it is necessary to create a "god" designed for this profession, a false god, to respond to the priest's prayers, and to bestow magic and skills on the priest, and any god, even a false god, has a distinct "personality" With "stance and tendency", it is not appropriate for Xiao Ai to work part-time. We can only re-introduce a Hongmeng specially designed for this purpose.

Extending from the profession of priest, future fighters, thieves, archers, druids, etc., and even second-rank advanced professions have the same needs, which must be taken into consideration.

The launch of Hongmeng is not to "create gods", and "creating gods" is not an end, but a means.

Players have already identified themselves, and have "quasi-beliefs" in Canaan games. These "quasi-faiths" that are different from spiritual power and soul power must have a place to go, and they all belong to [Magic Net], which may be modified by the underlying rules. Leading to the activation of [Magic Net], and the birth of pan-consciousness aggregates similar to [Abyss Consciousness], this is absolutely unacceptable to Bei Gaoyang.

"Just treat it as a magic experiment!"

Bei Gaoyang said this to the newborn Hongmeng.

Hong Meng was more silent than when Xiao Ai was born, and it took a while for the blinking cursor to reply: "I intend to serve you."

To be honest, there is no definition of what kind of life Xiaoai and Hongmeng are, or even whether they are lives, because there has never been one before, but Bei Gaoyang is not worried, because the final result of [Magic Net] The control authority is always in his hands. Besides, it is the third layer of the magic net, which is equivalent to the upper limit of the third-ring spells. It is too early to worry about these.

The initial deployment of the third layer of magic net has reached a diameter of 50 kilometers. After reaching the theoretical perfect value, it is estimated to be more than 100 kilometers. This is already a huge range. It takes two or three days for a normal person to travel on foot, so the map transmission has is a must.

There are many such "extended applications" left in Mowang 3, and the next job is to build the infrastructure of these games.

With Chenxi Town as the center, the original monster-spawning area no longer exists. The map is vast, so there is no need to squeeze together as rigidly as before. Of course, the spawn points for skeletons and zombies still remain.

According to the player's footsteps, a teleportation circle is placed with 5 kilometers as a node. Each teleportation circle has a safety zone that prohibits PK and monsters from entering, and several thread NPCs of Xiaoai are set in the safety zone to provide Some basic shops and functions of the game...

Under the control of the third layer of magic net, there is no need for spellcasting and spellcasting materials, and there is no need for strict magic circles to build these infrastructures. Choose a spot where monsters "refresh" relatively densely, drive them away, and free a place of suitable size. Open space, the rest can be handed over to the magic net.

[Fossil into Mud], [Turn Mud into Stone], [Stone Puppet Creation], etc., the spells of the third ring and below can be cast arbitrarily, and the spell effects born out of thin air will be displayed in turn at the selected address, as if a group of people watching The missing mage was performing in front of him. What Bei Gaoyang needed to do was to inlay the stone slab engraved with [Teleportation] on the designated position. The process was extremely simple.

Thanks to such high efficiency, he built these infrastructures in less than a day, and pointed the anchor points of players' logouts, births, and resurrections to these teleportation points, and Xiao Ai recorded and archived them. A very tedious job.

If the name is incompetent, it will continue the simple style before, naming it according to the rules of A1, B2, and C5. Only at the transmission node of the copy, it will be marked with the name of the copy.

Replicas are the next big thing.

The inopportuneness of [Monster Art] was perfectly solved in the third layer of the magic net. [Monster Art] was integrated into the magic net, so that it no longer needed to consume a large amount of precious materials, but paid for it through the surplus of the system.

In the case of a significant reduction in power consumption and a huge increase in surplus, such expenditures are huge, but they are acceptable. After all, they are necessary infrastructure and game content that cannot be saved.

Go to the Kobold Mine first, and lock the Kobold who has completed the transformation of [Monster Art] into the game scene that has been created earlier, forming a game environment isolated from the outside world, so that it can be archived and read.

Xiao Ai masters the "script", determines their appearance, performance, climax, and curtain call. The relevant rules and materials have mature templates that can be applied, and then archived to freeze this completely closed game scene in the "rehearsed" place. After a moment, release them all and rush to the next location.

The magic wave led to the emergence of new mine veins, so naturally there are more than one kobold mines, also in consideration of reducing power consumption and diversion of players, a total of seven identical dungeons were established, just to separate different difficulties, and serve multiple purposes.

The Night Camp is relatively complicated, and there are still many professionals of the Church of the Night surviving inside. These religious fanatics have amazing vitality, and they are still alive and well until now.

Especially the priest of the Goddess of the Night is very troublesome. It is easy to kill her, but she cannot keep her soul.

The souls of believers, especially the souls of clergy, will return to the kingdom of God after death. This is the core content of the belief. If it is forcibly interrupted, it may attract the attention of the gods, even if one ten thousandth of the divine sense bets on it, Bei Gaoyang couldn't bear it.

You can't kill them, you can only shut them down, and use "demonic energy" to defile and induce their souls to degenerate, and they cannot return to the kingdom of God.

Bei Gaoyang viciously set up a special system function, allowing the magic net to introduce the surrounding magic energy into this imprisoned camp, and give them time to "degenerate and rot". Before leaving, he heard the desperate cry of the priest MM and vicious curses.

Faith cannot tolerate mercy. If one day he falls into the hands of these religious fanatics, his end will be ten thousand times more miserable than this.

And finally Buck City.

The cemetery of the Baldwin family does not need much adjustment. All the creatures in it have been converted to [White Walkers]. Due to the characteristics of [White Walkers], the difficulty of this dungeon is higher than that of [Dark Night Camp]. There is no hope of clearing the customs here.


After 3 days of Canaan time, all the work is completed, and the rest is only waiting for the moment of server opening.

Seeing the unrecognizable Canaan game, Bei Gaoyang was full of confidence and expectation.

"The great cause has reached a new level!"

A certain conspirator who is determined to subvert the rule of the gods said proudly.

 It will be on the shelves on January 1 next year, ask for a subscription in advance
(End of this chapter)

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