This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 111 Face pinching is a technical job

Chapter 111 Face pinching is a technical job
"Let me tell you, don't pinch your face, don't, whoever pinches will regret it, unless you know the bones, muscles, textures and expressions of the human body well, otherwise... don't say much, look at the picture "

【Snake Face.jpg】

【Shoehorn Face.jpg】

【Pork kidney face.jpg】

【Face at the scene of the car accident.jpg】

【Four different faces.jpg】

Got it, face pinching in Canaan is a technical job, you think it’s like those garbage online games, it doesn’t exist, and the results of daring to do it are mostly horrible.”

"Ah, why is this, I still want to pinch a hot dog"

"It's impossible to be hot, but there is a high probability of mud"

"What is mud?"

"Men are not men, women are not women, people are not people, ghosts are not ghosts... so soft."

"So miserable?"

"@余庆东, boss, optimize it!"

Du Shiyu looked at this post and almost vomited. This player is too funny. He has collected so many "plastic surgery" failed car accident scenes, scaring the eyes of those cute new bloggers in the third test, which is really too much.

The truth is not as exaggerated as he said, but Canaan’s face pinching is indeed a pitfall. At the beginning, players used the previous habit of pinching their faces on Canaan, and the results were often disastrous.

This is because the previous online game face pinching was supported by embedded template data, which is convenient and easy to use, and it can be watched even if it is exaggerated.

Canaan is different, these "routines" do not exist, and every small change is reflected in the character's face, so that some handicapped people will be sad.

In fact, it can also reflect the real appearance. On this basis, local fine-tuning is often effective. As long as the body is not too ugly, it can beautify by [-] to [-]%. , to find out the truth, that's what Du Shiyu did.

A 6-point beauty, being able to be an 8-point beauty in the game is also one of the attractions of the game, especially Xia Miaomiao, who loves this feature to death, no, tomorrow is the third test server, this will be He also locked himself in the room and designed his own face in the game.

Continue browsing the trending threads on the forum.

"...The player's initial attributes are closely related to the character's height, shortness, fatness, and thinness. Newbies must pay attention. If there is a plan, such as a warrior, it is necessary to adjust as much as possible to make the character taller and burlier, because this is related to the two most important values ​​in the initial attributes, strength and constitution, and dwarves have a 10% bonus in this regard. It is recommended that players who are going to play warriors choose the dwarf race, although it is a bit ugly."

"Similarly, an archer is agility, and a mage is intelligence. The adjustment of agility should make the character as strong and capable as possible, without fat or too much muscle. For a mage, compared with metaphysics, the simplest and most effective way is to put The bigger the head, the bigger the head and the larger the capacity, the higher the intelligence will naturally be..."

"What, the mage wants to be a big-headed doll?"

"Liar, I've watched so many mage videos, but I haven't seen anyone with a big head on their head"

"I mean keep improving and understand. In order to pursue higher initial intelligence attributes, what's wrong with having a bigger head?"

"Don't listen to him. If the head is too big, the center of gravity will definitely be unstable, which will affect agility and balance."

This player is even more extreme. He said some specious things. At first glance, it really makes sense. In fact, these are just guesses. His purpose of doing this is to encourage the newcomers of the third test to do experiments, which is too bad up.

Du Shiyu watched it very happily. As the date of the third test is approaching, many interesting things happen on the forum every day.

But after playing and playing, there are still some serious exchanges and sharing of experience and insights from the previous two tests.

"... 421 points are the most reasonable, common to all professions, fighter 4 strength 2 constitution 1 agility, mage 4 intelligence 2 spirit 1 constitution, archer 4 agility 2 strength 1 intelligence, note that this is the attribute after adding all attributes to 5 Point allocation method. As for skills, I don’t know if the third test will be adjusted. Using attribute points to add skills is too boring. It should be the same as life occupations. Use proficiency to upgrade skill books and breakthroughs to upgrade skill levels. Hope Officials see this suggestion"

The way of adding 421 points has been recognized by players, one main attribute, one main attribute, one secondary attribute, this distribution is the most reasonable and of course the most balanced.

It is not ruled out that there are still players who go to extremes, but they are no longer in the mainstream. The end of the top iron is often that the account is scrapped. Canaan did not delete the account and start again.

There are many similar experience guide posts, each of which has a high popularity. Among them, the analysis of task summary and process, monster distribution and treasure drop guide, and novice boss's certificate of bravery is the most. They need to distinguish the really useful ones from many reliable and unreliable strategies, which really tests everyone's judgment.

In view of this, some old players and guild organizations have taken the opportunity to recruit people. The forums are the most active in accepting apprentices and apprentices. After being defrauded of money and sex, he complained on the forum, etc., and the number of cloud players was hundreds or thousands of times. Without the posting authority, he could only pray, complain, curse, and make fun of Kong Yiji in each post... How lively it is.

Click on the homepage of the official website, the most eye-catching is the update description of the third test and the announcement of the server opening.

"Canaan Online" version 1.03 update content:

1. Added two new professions: Priest and Thief.

2. Added some game maps.

3. Added copies of Kobold Mine, Night Camp and Baldwin Family Cemetery.

4. Added a new player stall system, a new system online mall, and a new online consignment and auction system.

5. Added a map of Buck City Lord, a new high-level NPC Buck City Lord Bob Baldwin, a new common NPC Buck City resident, and a number of new main lines, branch lines, adventures, and plot tasks.

6. Add life profession jewelry and scroll maker.

7. Added family resident, military rank, title, legion and rich reputation system.

8. Added a level cap to level 20.


1. Optimize the combat experience.

2. Optimize racial differences and talents.

3. Optimize equipment creation, attributes, grades and acquisition.

4. Optimize the acquisition and transfer of hidden races and hidden special occupations.

5. Optimize the economic system.

6. Optimize the response mechanism when encountering emergencies.

It is expected that the three closed betas will start on time at 12:5 pm on December 10000th. This time, a total of 3000 game equipment and qualifications will be distributed. The theoretical peak is 5 people online. After turning to level [-], they will go to Buck City to start a new journey. I wish you all the best! Happy adventures in Canaan.

Yours sincerely.

The chief planner of Canaan Company: Wandering Traveler.

I have read the update and server opening announcement many times, and I am still so excited every time I read it. How exciting will the new profession, new gameplay, and new map be.

(End of this chapter)

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