This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 112 Business opportunities brought by Canaan

Chapter 112 Business opportunities brought by Canaan

"Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, what do you think of this picture!?"

"Uh... not bad!"

"What about this one?"

"... Is there a difference?"

"You are a straight girl... your face shape is different, and your hairstyle is also different, okay?"

"囧... I don't see any difference"

"is it nice?"


"That one looks better?"

"……the second one?"

"You think so too, right, but the designer said that my face shape is more suitable for the first picture... What's the matter, he has an oval face, and the design draft he gave is an oval face..."

"Wait, design draft!?"

"Ah, you don't know yet?"

"what do you know?"

"I really lost to you, you can't see it every day on the forum, come here, let me show you a very interesting software"

Du Shiyu was dragged to her room by Xia Miaomiao, and sat in front of the computer among the piles of dirty clothes in the room. As usual, Du Shiyu wanted to complain about her roommate's sloppiness, but the roommate didn't give him a chance.

"Look, clang clang..."

The buddy clicked on a software interface. Surprisingly, this interface is more than 90% similar to Canaan's character selection interface. The face pinching is a full simulation, but you can't use your mind, you have to use the mouse... …

"This software will record the operation of the mouse and form a "mantra", which requires you to memorize it, and then follow this "mantra" to pinch your face when you wait for the third test, and you will get a result that is not much different from the software design. It works, how is it, isn’t it convenient?”

It is indeed convenient.

Compared with this software, Du Shiyu admires the brain of the designer more. How did it grow so that such an opportunity can be found?
However, there are a total of 10000 players in the third test, can it earn back the opening cost?

"Why don't you say you are a straight girl? Do you think only gamers will pay? They have already sold more than [-] copies, okay?"

"More than 40? How much?"

"A monthly membership is 999, and a year is 9999"

"My God, it's more expensive than a gaming helmet? It can only be used for one year, isn't it too dark?"

"Our players only need one month..."

"What about the design draft?"

"Look at this..." The buddy pointed to a rescue button on the software interface, clicked on it, and an embedded forum page appeared, on which there were listed designers to help others design their own face pinching data. There are a lot of "design drafts" to share, and some players who got the design drafts show off their game image on the forum, euphemistically calling it "preheating in advance", "making a familiar face" and so on.

The game has not yet opened the server, and the game image of a large number of players has been determined, and many of them know people.

Seeing the popularity of the forum, Du Shiyu wrote a big convincing word in her heart. If this software develops, it might become a unicorn company again, and maybe it can develop a brand new industry.

Think about it, this is just a pinch.

How many opportunities are there in Canaan?

Under the instigation of his buddies, Du Shiyu didn't hold back, bought a one-month membership, actually tried it out, and found that it did have the 'feel' of Canaan, and the feel was real, and every tiny adjustment would be reflected in the The face of the character will also form corresponding data, which is the so-called design plan. After the player remembers it, it will be restored in the game in the future.

The first step in getting started with the software is to collect the real image and data of the human face, and make beautification adjustments on this basis. A small mistake, the mouse shakes, and Du Shiyu's game character becomes an asymmetrical ugly monster...

After failing in the nth attempt, she accepted the advice of her best friend in frustration, and found the cheapest designer. After some inquiries, "2000, why didn't he grab it?"

Du Shiyu stared angrily at his best friend, "How much did you spend?"

"Yes, yes, not much!"

"How much?"

"More than ten thousand..."

Du Shiyu was speechless, wouldn't it be good to exchange more than [-] yuan for real gold and silver in the game? If he insisted on tossing about this face, it would still make a sound when thrown into the water!

Even though it wasn't her own money, she patted her chest with heartache, and didn't want to talk to her best friend for a while.

"It's already very cheap, think about it, how much does plastic surgery cost..."

"But this is a game..." Du Shiyu was stunned in the middle of speaking.

"Is it just a game?" Xia Miaomiao asked back.

Yeah, is it just a game?
More than that, there has never been a game that makes people so serious, so devoted, so...

"This is another you, Xiao Yu, what are you earning money for? Why can't you treat yourself better?"

Du Shiyu suddenly understood that she had made a subconscious mistake.

It was easy for her to obtain the game qualification. From the first test to the present, it has been very smooth. Most of the time she contacts players, so she is out of touch with the majority of cloud players who want the game qualification and are waiting for the jackpot. No, without empathy, you subconsciously underestimate Canaan, yourself, and the interests contained in it.

With a change of mind, the 2000 fee standard is much more acceptable. How much does it cost to cut double eyelids? In comparison, what is this cost?
No, the standard of 2000 is too low.

Seeing that she had closed the consultation page, Xia Miaomiao thought that she still couldn't think about it, and then saw that she clicked on the most expensive designer on the forum to inquire about the price.

"Xiao Yu, what are you doing?"

"Choose an expensive one, this girl's face is worth 2000 yuan?"

"Don't be impulsive, Xiaoyu, there are still many places to spend money."

"What else?"

Xia Miaomiao rolled her eyes, grabbed the mouse to open the official website, and clicked on a beautiful secondary page.

"Game compartment!?"

Du Shiyu was a little dumbfounded when he saw the first-generation "health warehouse" combined with a game helmet launched by Canaan Company.

"...The ergonomic design allows you to relax your whole body with the best posture in the game, and the intelligent massage function allows you to play the game for a long time... The game time synchronization function allows you to go online and offline seamlessly Worry... the game warehouse cloud network technology intelligently recommends the best online time, and reasonably avoids the phenomenon of login congestion..."

Below is a discounted price of 99988.

"There's more down there," Xia Miaomiao said in a cool tone.

Scrolling down, there is also a pair of smart glasses. The function of these glasses is to reproduce part of the functions of Canaan offline. Combined with the game props copied one-to-one, it can not only allow players to interact offline, but also transfer the assets in Canaan Bring back reality in disguise.

Canaan's assets brought back to reality?

Du Shiyu found that her mind couldn't keep up.

Scroll down, there are more products or services based on Canaan...

"What's the matter, are your eyes blurry?" the buddy asked gloatingly.

It's really fancy, but Du Shiyu's strength is being pragmatic.

Anyway, these seemingly tall things are not needed at the first time, we will talk about them later, let’s talk about the game characters first.

So, Ten Thousand Days went out and got a design draft that she was very satisfied with.

Based on her real appearance design, some beautification and fine-tuning have been done on this basis, and a little blemish has been modified. At least it looks natural, not the kind of Internet celebrity face that makes people sick.

 The day after tomorrow, five chapters, ten thousand updates, less than 5000 favorites, streaking, please subscribe in advance...

(End of this chapter)

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