This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 113 Countdown to Server Opening

Chapter 113 Countdown to Server Opening

At 12 o'clock in the evening on November 4th.

There are still 16 hours before the Canaan online third test, which is attracting worldwide attention. On TV and the Internet, the grand new product launch conference of Canaan Company has just ended, and the next game carnival event will be live broadcast globally. Some well-known domestic and foreign singers, movie stars, Cultural and sports celebrities, etc., take turns on the stage, and together with the players invited to participate in the event, perform various programs.

The program is interspersed with some "short episodes" of games, presented in the form of skits and stage plays, and there is no shortage of hilarious and rewarding content... In short, it is very novel and exciting, compared to Double Eleven The B mark of wrist joint is much higher.

The degree of attention is not a level.

But offline, many people are dissatisfied.

Brother Ruoran complained: "Cars that sell for 14888 to [-] yuan will give you queuing qualifications, and game warehouses that sell for [-] yuan will also be given away, and even the fucking [-] mobile phone will be given away. This is obviously a way to cut leeks. gone."

Hu Xinmin said with a smile: "It's just for queuing qualifications, not for jumping in the queue. Besides, even cutting leeks is foreign leeks. Don't forget, game helmets are not sold abroad for the time being."

"But since this happened, wouldn't there be more people in line?" Someone interjected.

"Haha, what's the difference between queuing with [-] million people and queuing with [-] million people?"

"At least the Huawei mobile phone will be revived at once, and now even 3G is rushing to buy, just wait and see."

"That's true," Ruoran said with a smile, "Yeah, let you sanction, now it's up to you how to sanction"

"Even if it's smuggled, foreign players will buy it, right?"

"As long as there is money to be made, there are too many scalpers, just like the purchasing agent a few years ago."

After discussing for a while, everyone let go of this topic. No matter how anxious the outside world is, at least these people in the player's apartment are sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, and their mentality is very stable.

Whoever is missing, their game qualifications are also indispensable.

When it was 11 o'clock, the offline and online bell-ringing ceremonies were held simultaneously, even in the Magic City.

The grand light show lit up the night sky of the magic city. The theme was Canaan. The scenery in the game, the wonderful intercepted video, and the new opening animation of Canaan Company were played back and forth on the high-rise buildings.

Thousands of drones flew into the night sky, forming various dazzling patterns in the sky, and there was also a COSPLAY parade organized by Canaan Company on the ground, which was said to be attended by tens of thousands of people.

The people in the player's apartment were waiting on the roof early, watching the parade and celebrations passing through the street from a commanding height.

The parade was decorated with lights and festoons, mages, archers, warriors, and even the nickname IDs on their heads were vividly made with special lights. Zhang Miao and the others signed an authorization long ago, and there were characters representing them in the parade.

This is me, that is you, I didn't expect you to be so ugly... The sound of singing and laughing on the rooftop is like the most beautiful dream, everything is so beautiful, people can't believe it, and people are afraid that this dream will come true Woke up suddenly.

Zhang Miao fell into a similar trance again.

Feeling someone hit her on the shoulder, Zhang Miao looked back and saw that it was her cousin.

Hu Xinmin pointed to his eyes, Zhang Miao quickly wiped them off, and said with a forced smile, "The wind is too strong..."

Hu Xinmin pretended to believe it, and watched the parade go away with him, also in a daze.

"We were so lucky," he said when the song ended.

Yeah, great luck, didn't realize until recently.

The next day, everyone started to get nervous.

The time to wake up was 8 o'clock, and I couldn't sleep at night. I was too excited. Zhang Miao fell asleep after taking sleeping pills that Brother Ruoran got from somewhere. When he woke up, he felt flustered and short of breath.

Want to do something, but don't know what to do, distracted, fidgeting, and living like a year.

The Internet became more lively, someone made a countdown to server opening, and someone summed up the preparations that should be done before server opening.

Zhang Miao saw it as a treasure, so she went to take a bath first, then went to get a haircut, and then went to the supermarket to shop as mentioned above. She was afraid that she would need to go to the bathroom when the service was started, and she didn't even dare to eat water and lunch. Open the body, sweating all over again, and then go to take a bath...


The entire player's apartment fell into a rare silence, and the doors and windows of every room were closed. Zhang Miao wanted to talk to Hu Xinmin, but came to his door several times, then shrank back.

When passing by the stairwell, I saw brother Ruoran sitting in it smoking, so I went over and asked for one, and sat down to pay him to smoke together.

"Nervous?" Brother Ruoran asked.

Zhang Miao took a deep breath and nodded.

"If you don't log in, don't worry, wait 4 hours and then log in... In short, try your best."

Brother Ruoran's depression was not like him, but Zhang Miao didn't want to ask more questions, and he didn't have the energy to think about other things now.

"How can we, we have been rehearsing for so long"

"That's right," Zhang Miao laughed, "It's 40, it all depends on the staff in your hand."


"Then let's check it out, go online to scan the world, if you can't scan the ID, chat with your ID privately, and add friends"


"Look at the mission, if it is not mandatory, we will form a team to clear monsters, and go through the mission again when there are fewer people."


"Slime is not easy to spawn, toxins are too troublesome, goblins, if there are no goblins, who knows what the third test will be changed to?"

"it is good"

"If there's no problem, let's go to the next level to spawn monsters. With your staff, there should be no problem. Summon the water element to help fight..."

As she spoke, Zhang Miao became less nervous.

clang clang...

The bell rang at 13 o'clock on time. He and Ruoran separated and were about to go back to the house. Suddenly, they heard a commotion downstairs, and someone shouted something...

Zhang Miao and Brother Ruoran looked at each other, and Brother Ruoran shook his head, telling him not to worry about it, and not to join in the fun.

It feels like something is happening.

Zhang Miao went back to the house in fear, nervously locked all the doors and windows, even turned off the lights, and felt more at ease in the darkness.

When I woke up this morning, everyone was a little abnormal. Who knows what happened downstairs, anyway, the sky is falling, so don't expect him to walk out of this room.

The computer was not turned on, so as not to be distracted, he just counted the time on the wall, and felt that the time passed extremely slowly. Sometimes, he even suspected that the clock was broken.


With 15 minutes to go, there was silence inside and outside the room, even the background sound of the city outside disappeared.

The faucet in the toilet was not turned off tightly, tick, tick, like thunder, making Zhang Miao restless.

13 points.

He couldn't take it anymore, and felt that he would go crazy if he continued like this, so he picked up his helmet and rushed into the toilet, tightened the damn faucet, then rushed back to the bedroom as fast as he could, closed the door with a bang, and sat on the bed He gasped for breath.

13 points.

I didn't have time to wipe off my sweat, and felt that the time for a trance was up, so I hurriedly put the helmet on my head, but, but, it didn't feel right no matter how I put it on, I took it off and took a look to find out that I was wearing it backwards.



At the last moment, he put on his helmet and lay down on the bed, silently counting to 10.


[Ding, server detected, connecting...]

For a moment, Zhang Miao wanted to cry.

 Stuck in a plot, the last chapter before it goes on sale, please subscribe on 5th tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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