Chapter 114 Opening of the Three Tests
"Xiao Ai, how many people are lining up?"

"10876 people"

Bei Gaoyang frowned, but he soon relaxed.

He gave Canaan Company 10% of the game qualifications for flexible scheduling. After all, the company's operations are also human-friendly, but he didn't expect them to use up the quota so quickly.

"Why are there no players?"

"Stuck in the character selection lobby"

"Pinch face?"


Well, this test is different from the past, and it is understandable that players treat game characters with caution.

"When my mother goes offline, I must sue them for bankruptcy!"

In the character selection hall, Xia Miaomiao looked at the game character she "pinched" and felt like crying.

This is exactly according to the design draft. How did you get such an ugly thing?

No, try again.

She reset the character, read the design draft silently, carefully replaced the mouse with her thoughts, and moved the "knife" on the character.

This is much more difficult than plastic surgery. Just one touch, and the nose is crooked again. Offline and online are completely different things. No matter how realistic the software is, it won't work once you get started.

so annoying!
She didn't know what other people were like, so she could only give up dejectedly after failing again.

On the basis of mapping the real appearance, several small fine-tunings were carried out.

She didn't dare anymore, the current characters can still be seen, and she can't guarantee what kind of crooked melons and cracked dates she will get if she does it a few more times.

Tearfully chose to confirm, ID is still a small sapling.

Consciousness and soul flew towards the game character who opened his eyes, and with a flash of bright light, he was in a completely strange world.

The white beam of light at the birth point was almost constant, and the continuous white light made the small stone platform as bright as day. Before she had time to adapt, she was squeezed out of the birth point. Looking around, it was crowded with people.

Crowded and crowded, the square in Chenxi Town was full of people, just like a supermarket with crazy discounts.

Everyone is talking, the sound waves are gathered together, no one can hear what the people nearby are saying, the news on the world channel is swiping, and in the blink of an eye, the information has been pushed to nowhere.

At this time, the new players and the old players can be distinguished at a glance. The guy who is screaming and doesn't care where his body is squeezed must be a newcomer to the third test, who is squeezed up and down and is still operating the game interface. It must be an old player, and they shouted on the world channel.

So-and-so ++...

Someone's coordinates...

Someone's exclamation...

Someone's complaint...

A certain person is afraid that the world will not be chaotic...

In the past, there were a maximum of 300 people who went online in rotation, but this time there may be one or two thousand people, so it's not crowded?

It took a while before she saw the task prompt flashing on the game interface: Welcome, recruit, please report to the main thread NPC Ramsfier Bei Gaoyang.

But where is the main thread NPC!
The field of vision is full of human heads, Chenxi Town has become a lot stranger, there are many more buildings, even an unknown altar appeared on the square, and a statue of a female figure stood on the altar, under the statue... is it floating... Main thread NPC!
Xia Miaomiao tried her best to squeeze over there. In this situation, there were still people coming online one after another. She was pushed to the periphery almost without touching the ground, just in time for the main thread NPC.

"You are welcome, child. After a long sleep, the Rebel Army has grown stronger because of your joining..."

This time, Bei Gaoyang played in real life, but it turned out that it was completely confusing. Let Xiao Ai's thread NPC come, and he can talk to all the players in contact at the same time, but he can only come one by one, which will undoubtedly increase the crowding of the scene.

But he was very excited, with high spirits, " have arrived in a dark and cruel world, where gods and their minions control everything, including people's minds and souls."

"Confinement is everywhere. The creatures have long been numb and lost in the long and hopeless suppression. You must become stronger as soon as possible and take on the important task of liberating the whole world!"

"You are the glorious rebels!"

"Please familiarize yourself with Dawn Town as soon as possible. Please visit the messenger: Jabella. I heard that she is suffering from the forest being invaded by the demon tide. If you can, greet her for me and see if she needs help. "

[Reception Mission: Visit the Reception Messenger Jabella]

"Where's Jabella!?"

There are fewer people here, and those newbies in the third test are still frantic and screaming, and it may take a while to get used to it. The NPCs near the main thread are full of old players. Just as Xia Miaomiao shouted out, an old player called me I know, come with me.

So the crowd followed in a dense crowd.

Xia Miaomiao looked for the figure of her buddy Du Shiyu in the crowd, but at a glance, she was a little face-blind. She didn't know the situation of other people's face pinching. Everyone hid their IDs, and it was really hard to tell who was who.

But there is a guy who looks familiar... Isn't this the fat man of the big cousin?
"Are you big cousin?"

"You are... a sapling!?"


"Wow, Sapling, are you using your real appearance?"

"Tell me, why did you pinch it successfully, it's actually the same as the picture you sent me, eh!?"

"Hey, what about the mission, add friends and talk about it later"

The mountains that went up were included in the scope of Chenxi Town. The stairs that went up were twisted and twisted. There were strangely growing trees and clumps of wildly growing shrubs. The sky was gloomy and frightening.

At first I thought it was night, but I realized it was afternoon when I saw the game time.

The dark clouds are overwhelming, and there is a sense of sight that is about to rain heavily, and the air you breathe seems to contain a different meaning. Even the game field of view is not as bright as before, but rather dark and depressing.

The envoy Jabela is in a forest on the top of the mountain, a nest of small forest goblins are flying around, the small ones are only as big as a palm, and the big ones are no longer than the length of a small arm, red ones, green ones, and special ones. Young, very cute, almost bleeding...

Dying, dying!
Many female players screamed.

The biggest one was Jabella, and the players rushed over in a swarm, and all the frightened goblins hid behind her.

"Please be polite, recruit!" Jabella was gentle with a little impatient worry.

If this was played in the past, the players would not be so obedient. Now, they have become quieter honestly. A few players who are particularly involved in the play or have other experiences, salute and greet politely. It's like acting.

"As you can see the recruits, the tide of demons has broken out, and the abandoned wasteland has become a terrifying and strange place. Many animals and plants have been demonized. My children had to leave the forest and take refuge in the army of the legion commander. Under the wings...can you gather some honey for me, the children are starving"

"Thank you, but you have to be careful of those terrible poisonous bees, go visit the potion master, he will give you some medicine, as if I sponsored you."

(End of this chapter)

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