This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 11 What can we get?

Chapter 11 What can we get?
A group of players ran past them shouting 'kill monsters, upgrade, wait for me'.

Zhang Miao complained: "These guys only know how to be anxious now, why did they go so early!?"

There were three players sitting next to him, recovering their strength. They were Big Cousin with the prefix Dynasty, Brother Ruoran and Brother Xiaosa.

These four brothers have been leveling up for a while, and everyone has been promoted to level 1.

"Don't talk about them, didn't we waste a lot of time!?" Brother Ruoran said, "How much game time do you have left?"

Zhang Miao looked at the upper right corner of the window interface and said, "I still have an hour and a half."

"me too."


The eldest cousin thumped his sore thigh, "This game is good, but the stamina setting is too disgusting."

"It'll be fine if you level up." Brother Ruoran said.

"Do you still have [Bandages]!?" Brother Xiaosa had a wound on his head, and the wound was still bleeding, and he was in a state of blood loss.

"It's gone!" Zhang Miao said.

The eldest cousin hummed weakly: "The explosion rate is too low."

"It's because it's too difficult to fight."

"It's not hard to play!", Zhang Miao has completely "convinced" the game, and can't tolerate others saying that it is not good. "In the past, I used to use the keyboard and mouse, but now it is, now it is..."

"Really fight!" Brother Xiaosa said.

"Yes, it's a real fight. I don't even remember the last time I fought. Tell me, can it be easy?"

"That's right!" Brother Ruoran said with a smile: "But it's not a real fight, I don't dare in reality."

"I dare not"

"Hey, I haven't even killed a chicken."

"Killing chickens? I haven't seen anyone kill them before, and they've all been dealt with."

"This game..." Zhang Miao wanted to express her enthusiasm for the game, but she couldn't find the right words after searching her brain. After holding back for a long time, her face turned red before she let out a long sigh, "...that's awesome. "

"Ha ha……"

"I thought you were going to fart!"

"Uneducated guy!"

The four of them laughed and made a fuss, and their strength returned to full.

"No, I want to add 2 free attributes to the upgrade." The big cousin really can't bear such low efficiency.

"Let's add it, it's the first test anyway, so we must delete the files." Ruoran said.

"We'd better add an attribute to each of us to try the effect." Zhang Miao suggested.

"Then I will increase my strength, my eldest cousin will increase my physical strength, if my elder brother will increase my agility, and my younger brother will increase my intelligence."

Everyone mainly added an attribute with the highest initial value. After adding points, Zhang Miao only felt a coolness flow into his brain, which made him shiver.

The intelligence value on the attribute panel changed from 4 to 6. I didn't feel any obvious changes, but I felt that my brain became more flexible, and I could see things more clearly.

"My stamina is 6."

"Look at my muscles, the strength is 7, haha, I feel that my whole body is full of strength."

"The effect is too abnormal, my see..." Brother Xiao Sa did a backflip on the spot and landed steadily.

The feeling of becoming stronger is immediate, and this kind of "real feeling" cannot be provided by any game.

"Let's do it, let's do it!" Brother Ruoran yelled.

Under the hazy moonlight, the four of them cautiously approached a hole under a big rock. Brother Ruoran, who was the most agile, signaled his companions to get ready, picked up a stone and threw it into the hole half as high as a person.

Throwing three stones in, there was a chirping and croaking sound in the hole, and a goblin got out. Seeing that it was a weak human being, he rushed over with a stick.

[Strong goblin, level 2]

"It's level 2!" Brother Ruoran reminded his companion loudly.

"Pull the monster over, be careful!"

Brother Xiaosa carefully teased the goblin, carefully controlled the distance, and led the "monster" to the predetermined encirclement.

Only when the opponent is weak and can be defeated by the goblin will it not call its companions, or turn around and run away.

After the four failed several times, they slowly found some tricks.

It must be pulled by one person, and the strength cannot be greater than 5. Don't ask why, if you do this job of pulling monsters, you will definitely fail, even if your agility is too low, you will be overtaken by goblins.

Pulling the goblin into the predetermined battlefield without any risk, Zhang Miao and the big cousin cut off the goblin's retreat, Ruoran jumped out and rushed towards the goblin with Xiaosa!


"Stop screaming!"

"I can't bear it!"

Seeing the trap, the goblin really wanted to escape, but was interrupted by Ruoran and Xiaosha, each with a stick. It screamed in panic, and simply knelt down to beg for mercy.

How can the players be soft?
Brother Xiao Sa was hitting the monster with one stick after another, his facial expression twisted uncontrollably, and he screamed uncontrollably while smashing.


A series of damage values ​​rose, and the goblin didn't know how to resist. When Zhang Miao and his big cousin caught up, they were already severely injured and lay on the ground, waiting to make up the knife.

"Who is it this time!?" asked the eldest cousin.

If you can't form a team, you can't share experience. Several people discuss and take turns to "eat" experience.

Brother Ruoran, who contributed the most, gasped and did not speak, Zhang Miao said cheekily, "It's my turn!"

"Why are you standing still, hurry up!", the eldest cousin pushed him angrily.

Zhang Miao stepped forward and killed the goblin with a stick, gaining experience +8. He was delighted to see that the experience bar moved forward a little.

"It exploded, exploded!"

A faint halo appeared on the goblin's corpse, and the eyes of the four lit up, and they grinned.

"I'll come!" Brother Ruoran said without hesitation.

"Grass, it's [Bandage] again!"

Brother Ruoran put the things he touched into his arms and put them into the system backpack.

Brother Xiaosa said dissatisfiedly, "Show us!?"

Brother Ruoran replied impatiently: "What's so good about wearing a bandage?"

Brother Xiao Sa didn't speak, Zhang Miao pouted secretly, the eldest cousin coughed and said, "Go on, don't waste time!"

The atmosphere in the four people's room was a bit weird, but no one said anything.

This was repeated three more times, and the game time was almost up.

This goblin is also strange, say they are smart, the same tricks have been tried time and again, call them stupid, not only will judge the situation, but also beg for mercy.

"You said, is this really a game!?"

Seeing that the final game time was approaching, when he sat down to rest, Brother Xiao Sa asked this question that was crossing his mind and becoming more and more confused.

"It's not a game, what is it!?" Brother Ruoran panted and asked back.

The eldest cousin stretched his waist, breathed in the cool night breeze in the game, looked at the monstrous moon in the night sky, and said, "Whatever it is, I just think it's a game anyway."

"Brothers, we are developed, do you know if we are developed?" Zhang Miao drew a circle with his arm, and said excitedly: "This... this is the second world, and we are its first batch of players , there are dozens of lucky people like us in the whole world, the probability of winning the lottery jackpot is lower than that, think about it, think about it, what can we do in the future?"

Yes, who doesn't know?

What can we do in the future, what can we get from this game in the future?

When the game time came, Zhang Miao woke up on the bed, took off the slightly hot gaming helmet, looked at the cramped and messy room, and felt confused for a moment, like a long, tiring and beautiful dream.

(End of this chapter)

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