This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 10 Fairy Sisters

Chapter 10 Fairy Sisters
Great start!
It has been several hours since the server was "opened", and a lot of problems have been exposed.

No way, the players are too capable of making trouble.

It was already late at night when Bei Gaoyang came out with sisters Alice and Jabella.

[Xiao Ai] reminded several times that the [Active Substance] reserve is running out.

There are also several players whose corpses were left in the red zone and could not be retrieved. I don't know how to solve them.

Some female players have been harassed again, and have developed from mouth addiction to hands and feet.

In fact, the character of the magic clone has no physical abilities at all, but this does not prevent some people from taking aphrodisiacs...

On the square outside the cave, the players lit torches and waited for him, an NPC, to come back and hand in the quest. Maybe they were in a hurry, and they all complained, and their mouths were not clean. When they saw him appear, they swarmed up.

"Fuck, what are you doing, making me wait so long!"

"Don't you know how to get a few more NPCs if you break the game?"

"Hand in the task, hand in the task, hurry up!"

"It's a waste of time, it's better to kill goblins."

"You can beat a goblin, who was shouting that it hurts just now?"

"Isn't there no equipment? Broken game doesn't even give you a blank weapon, it's too fucking picky!"

"The dog's plan, the brain is flooded."

"Broken server, only a few dozen people are online and still need to queue up!"

Seeing the players rushing towards him one by one, eager to nibble on him, Bei Gaoyang's good mood was ruined.

[System Announcement: Alice, the resurrection messenger, and Jabella, the guide messenger, are about to set foot on the job. 】

[System Announcement: In response to the problems exposed since the server was opened, the following online updates are now being made:

1. Adjust the resurrection mechanism, add the cooling time for resurrecting corpses, the maximum number of resurrections per day, and increase the relevant process of task retrieval in the case of broken or lost corpses.

2. For sexual harassment (including NPC) of players of the opposite sex, the system will impose some punishments, including but not limited to title ban, forced offline, imprisonment, negative status, experience deduction, etc.

Players are prohibited from PK before level 3 and level 6 transfer.

4. Add the priority of picking up dropped items.

5. Add system time reminder.

6. Join the maximum daily online time, please combine work and rest, and also give the players in the queue a chance to play the game.

7. Warn all players, the great magician Ramsfer Bei Gaoyang is the "main thread" NPC, who enjoys important game authority and plot proportion, in order to better play the game, and also for the timely follow-up of game content and functions Expand, all players must treat it with caution (special reminder, increasing the favorability of the great magician Ramsviel is extremely important to obtain a better game experience). 】

[More game content, more game functions and server resources are being prepared overtime. Players who are still waiting in line, please give the game team some patience. 】

The system announcement of "Full Server Broadcasting" stopped the noise. After reading the announcement, the players stopped arguing, and stopped making noise. They all carefully looked at Bei Gaoyang's face, and they were quite silent.

But to be honest, it only took a few seconds for the buzzing discussion to start.

"Chixian, this NPC has too much authority, is it played by a real person?"

"Whatever, how much game time do you have left?"

"Two hours, shit, I don't want to go offline!"

"Hush, NPC, NPC!"

"Damn it, the NPC has become a master!?"

"Do you dare speak louder?"

"You think I'm stupid??"

Bei Gaoyang didn't bother to pay attention to what they were saying, let out Alice behind him, and recited the lines loudly: "My dear people, there is good news, the forest goblin Alice and sister Jabela decided to join us The holy alliance... In order to resist the enslavement and oppression of the gods and the church, and for our common and noble cause, from now on, they will take on the tasks of induction and resurrection..."

"Forest demon, elf?"

"Okay, what a little one!"

"so cute!"

"so beautiful!"


"you're disgusting!"

"What did I say, I didn't say anything, I'm wronged!"

"Are their wings dragonflies?"

"It's a bit like the flower fairy in anime."

"They seem to be afraid of us?"

The poor Alice sisters were forced to work, surrounded by so many "dead souls" and commented, as if they were going to eat them alive. The two sisters hugged each other in fear. La buried her head in her sister's arms and trembled.

Seeing that both parties were not on the same channel, Bei Gaoyang was even more tired, his face darkened, and he sent Sister Alice a message of urging and warning through [Xiao Ai], and flung his sleeves away.

——Anyway, Xiao Ai is here again, let them get used to each other slowly.

Bei Gaoyang found that since he opened the server, he has been unable to control his emotions. This is not a good phenomenon. It seems that magic research is more suitable for him, but everything is created at the beginning, and it will be troublesome in the future. It is really worrying to say .

229 [Magic Network access devices] have been released, 47 players have logged in, and 84 people are still waiting in line. As far as the growth of the Magic Network is concerned, the results are gratifying, and it should be able to reach the first level of the Magic Network soon. theoretically perfect value.

If you keep 100 players online and "operate" for a period of time, you can try to invent the second layer of magic net.

By that time, I should have a general grasp of the operation status and real data of the first layer of magic net.

How much spiritual and soul energy can be "harvested" from the players, how much needs to be invested in the players' blessing and game experience, and what new functions and content can be realized by the second layer of the magic net based on this, those can be realized immediately, Those need to be deferred and so on.

[System prompt: Because of your words and deeds, Alice's dislike for you has increased. 】

[System prompt: Due to your words and deeds, Jabella's dislike for you has increased. 】

"What did I do!?"

"I've also been deducted favorability."

"Fuck, I have it too!"


"Civilians of the dead...rebel army, please get out of the way!"

Alice plucked up her courage, and reluctantly shouted out her lines under the prompt of the system [Xiao Ai].

There is a central translation of [Magic Net], and the players understand it.

"You are blocking his way, silly, haha!"

"Fuck, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Didn't people say that, haha!"

"The sound is so good!"

"So cute, so cute!"

"Goodwill, goodwill!"

Seeing that the "undead" obediently moved out of the way, Alice's fear lessened and she became much more courageous. Her younger sister, Jabela, was not so scared anymore. She carefully raised her head from her arms and peeked at the surroundings curiously. player.

"No, it's too cute, it's bleeding."

"Ah, so cute, I really want it."

Forest goblins are sensitive, especially when it comes to emotional perception and danger prediction. They perceive that the "undead" are not malicious, and their emotions... how should I put it, are strange, and gradually let go of their hands and feet.

It was a mess for ten minutes.

Alice sent her sister to the birth point, said goodbye with tears in her eyes, returned to the square outside the cave, raised her chin, and read the lines provided by Xiao Ai at the right time: "Civilians, the construction of the camp must be fast, and there will be More companions wake up from their slumber..."

"Hand in the mission, hand in the mission!"

"Yaoshou, there is not much game time left."

"I'm still level zero!"

"You upgraded?"

"Oh, I'm just getting excited, wasting too much time."

(End of this chapter)

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