This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 9 The rivers and lakes are sinister

Chapter 9 The rivers and lakes are sinister

Before you know it, the first batch of players have been online for three hours, but only one and a half hours have passed on Earth.

In the "Canaan Online" first test player discussion group, the long silence was broken.

A student of the Nautical Academy: "[@All personnel, have you all boarded yet?]"

Dynasty* Ruoran brother: "[No, I've been queuing for over an hour]"

Eray Qingxia: "[What game?]"

Student of Nautical Academy: "[This is the game, I can't read the group name? How did you join the group?]"

Eray Qingxia: "[Oh, I forgot, there are too many groups added, who dragged me in yesterday?]"

Xue Wu Feiyu: "【Ah...... I'm on board, I'm on board!】"

Xuewu Feiyu: "[This game is blown up, blown up!]"

Xuewu Feiyu: "[True, true, true VR hologram, true, true virtual reality, ah...]"

Eray Qingxia: "[What the hell?]"

A student of the Nautical Academy: “[(question mark face)]”

Xuewu Feiyu: "【I accidentally left the green zone, and the red zone got disconnected, ah, ah, I can't log in, I'm going crazy, crazy!]"

Xia Jue: "[It's been recharged, and it's also VR holographic virtual reality, who would make games with this kind of technology?]"

Student of Nautical Academy: "[??? Is it really a VR hologram?]"

Xia Jue: "[@雪五飞语, it turns out to be a girl (waving), I'm playing games and I'll take you (smirk).]"

In a certain university dormitory, a girl in very kawaii pajamas closed the computer anxiously, picked up the game helmet and put it on her head.

"Ah, I'm going crazy, I still can't climb up!"

A few minutes later, Du Shiyu took off his helmet, pressed down on the teddy bear doll and grabbed it for a while.

Another roommate who skipped class and was in the dormitory was annoyed by her torment, took off the earphones, frowned and said to her: "As for it, isn't it just a game!?"

"You, you, you don't know, you don't know, I'm so anxious!" Du Shiyu scratched her hair in grief and anger, and wanted to hit the wall with regret, "Why did I enter the red zone, why, I'm so stupid, Stupid!"

"What game, how is it better than League of Legends?"

"You won't believe it, you won't believe it. There is no comparison at all!"

"Nervous!", the roommate rolled his eyes, put on the earphones, and went to practice listening again.

Du Shiyu was incompetent and furious for a while, then turned on the computer again, and was about to vent her depression in the group, when she found someone chatting with her in private.

The only serious person in the group has something to do with the treasure chest: "[Are you there? Tell you something important (smiley face)]"

The only serious person in the group has something to do with the treasure chest: "[There is a small amount of money to take (smirk)]"

The only serious person in the group has something to do with the treasure chest: "[See the reply.]"

Du Shiyu rolled her eyes, opened the game's official homepage, and found that the game helmet really couldn't be bought.

Xuewu Feiyu: "[You want to take the game helmet, you want me to shut up?]"

The only serious person in the group has something to do with the treasure chest: "【 thought of it too?】"

Xue Wu Feiyu: "How did you get disconnected?"

The only serious person in the group has something to do with the treasure chest: "【, is it important?】"

Xue Wu Fei Yu: "You can't be the one who lifts the NPC's skirt, are you? The name of the game is Young Tits Killer?"

The only serious person in the group has something to do with the treasure chest: "【...Stop talking nonsense, let's make a price!】"

Du Shiyu's eyeballs rolled again, and she typed back: "[I just need a game helmet, one, one!]"

The only serious person in the group has something to do with the treasure chest: "[……]"

Xue Wufeiyu: "[If you don't agree, I will post the announcement and keep posting. I don't know how many people in the group have helmets. You don't need them to believe it. As long as you doubt it, you won't receive it.]"

The only serious person in the group has something to do with the treasure chest: "[(angry) Deal!]"

"Yeah!", Du Shiyu waved his fist, turned around and shouted to his roommate: "Miao Miao, I got you a helmet", regardless of whether his roommate heard it, he turned around and started typing again.

Ten minutes later, the details were settled without fear of the other party cheating.

Du Shiyu opened the group chat interface, and saw that the group was still arguing about who was recharged, and it was just a routine that he couldn't log in all the time. The 98 yuan was in vain, and there was Yunyun who wanted to report, so he looked at the screen with pity. It seems to see countless unlucky ghosts beating their chests and feet in the future.

Sure enough, whistleblowers like her soon died down, and there were still people in the group who were rhythmic, probing who had the helmet in their hands.

"The world is really dangerous!" Du Shiyu sighed, "Fortunately, this girl is smart, hee hee!"

The anxiety and depression of not being able to log in have been diluted a lot.

At this time, Bei Gaoyang was about to "recruit" the "NPC" he wanted.

In the depths of the cold forest, two forest goblins are bound by shadow energy, looking at the powerful and evil human wizard in horror.

"Sign this contract, you will be free, how about it!?"

Bei Gaoyang unfolded two soul contracts, and said to the two goblins in a seductive tone.

"Devil, don't think about it!", a forest goblin shouted unyieldingly.

The other forest elf shed tears in fear, unable to speak, but nodded desperately.

"That would be a pity!" said the evil and powerful human wizard.

At this time, Bei Gaoyang was in a bit of a mess, with some remaining traces of ice crystals and flames. This was the price for catching two goblins. He also temporarily controlled a powerful monster with a trap. Thunderous roar.

The forest goblin is a purely magical species, and it will only be born in the depths of the magical jungle. It is shy, timid, enthusiastic and kind. It is a forest firefighter and a famous beast master. It is also a kind of treasure. of endangered species.

Under the capture of a human mage.

Bei Gaoyang had discovered this brood of forest goblins a long time ago, and they had marked them to capture them when they were useful.

He was not surprised to see the two adult goblins swearing to the death. With just a snap of their fingers, several young forest goblins, only the size of a thumb, were bound by shadow energy and moved towards the raging fire.

"No!", a grown goblin screamed!
"You're going to hell!", another adult leprechaun cursed angrily.

Bei Gaoyang didn't care, and asked with a smile: "So... you have changed your mind, two beautiful and noble ladies!?"

"Bring it, bring it, devil!", one goblin screamed helplessly, and the other broke down and cried: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."


Time was running out, Bei Gaoyang asked the two goblins to sign a soul contract, and before a powerful unicorn arrived, he teleported away with two soul servants.

Back in the area covered by the magic net, he took two goblins into the laboratory, and then drew "evil" magic patterns on the bodies of the two trembling goblins.

An hour later, the NPC that can enter the [Magic Net] is freshly released, and the rest can be handed over to [Xiao Ai].

In order to keep his own secrets, when [Magic Net] is still immature and cannot restrain powerful magical creatures like forest goblins, using the soul master-servant contract is the only choice.

Caution is the second important quality of a mage besides calmness.

(End of this chapter)

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