This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 120 Players go to be mercenaries

Chapter 120 Players go to be mercenaries

"It's not real CP, it's female CP, best friend, yes, best friend"


"Being my best friend can increase my...credibility and facilitate future business development"

"But your voice..."

"It's simple, do you want to listen to loli sounds or Yujie sounds? I'm best at cute girl sounds. Listen...Little brother, take me with you...Little brother, give me your third-level head Can you do it, how about it, woohaha..."

Fan Chaoyue snorted and was amused by him.

"Enthusiastic big sister" said very proudly: "I have practiced for a long time before I brought the real skills into the game. This is a 'business opportunity' I discovered. It can also be called a BUG. The system does not allow girls to play. No, no one else will be on guard.”

"Oh, oh," Fan Chaoyue nodded with a suppressed smile.

"I also think you are innocent, especially like my first love girlfriend, so I want to take you with me. You will be my wingman, and we will go fishing together as a pair of male and female. Let me tell you, you are especially rich, seriously. Think about it."

"Yeah, yeah, sure, sure"

"Then it's settled?"


"Enthusiastic Big Sister" was satisfied with this, took her to brush the monsters for a while, and barely finished the side task of 'cleaning up the surroundings of Chenxi Town'.

"How much game time do you have left?"

"Half an hour"

"Then go back. Let me tell you, don't worry about levels, tasks, and equipment. You'll have everything when you catch Kaizi. The key is to find a good target. Don't miss it."


"Do you think I'm ridiculous?"

"No, no, I think it's interesting."

"There is a future. As the saying goes, flies don't stare at seamless eggs. Men are perverts. I know too well what they like. Listen to me, and you can make money while lying down. Why work so hard? "


"Don't take the game seriously. If you think like this, you should teach them a lesson. Their wives and girlfriends should also thank us."


"Anyway, listen to me right"

The two returned to the safe area, handed in the task, and rose to level 2.

This efficiency is the normal progress of the third test of Mengxin. It is different for old players. Level 4 and Level 5 are about to appear. This is the huge effect of the first-mover advantage. far away.

Of course, although 'Enthusiastic Big Sister' is an old player, she is an exception among the exceptions.

At this time, the peak number of online users has exceeded 1900, and the power consumption of the system began to drop after reaching a peak value.

But the time for the first players to go offline is fast approaching.

After a new round of players go online, I have to repeat it again. High-level NPCs can still arrange idle positions. As the person in charge of the overall situation, he has to keep an eye on him all the time, which is really tiring.

How can these players be so fickle?
Are those offline strategies and tutorials all in vain?
It seems that the live broadcast function still has to find a way to solve it.

The benefits of the live broadcast function are huge. First, it can continue to expand the influence of Canaan games, and second, it can allow a large number of potential players to adapt in advance, saving them from having to go through such a situation every time they open the server, and not being able to enter the situation for a long time.

While preparing for the first batch of players to go offline, the demon Bane came to add to the chaos.

Bei Gaoyang thought that the delivered War Golem had a quality problem, and he was a little guilty, but Bane's intention for coming surprised him, even...surprised.

"Are you training a brand-new undead army? Are you interested in accepting employment?" Bane looked very tired. The last time I saw him, he was like a mass of suppressed magma. This time the magma was extinguished.

Of course, you can't completely believe this, the devil is very cunning, maybe he is paralyzing himself.


"Our manpower is tight," Bain said, shaking his huge goat's head. "The 107th floor of the fort guarded by Lord Colondo is already the front line... Don't worry about the reward, you will be satisfied."

"My army hasn't grown up yet, even if I go to the abyss, it won't be of much help. I am happy to serve Lord Colondo..."

"Come on, I know what you are doing, you can't hide it from me, your army is not ordinary undead, is it summoning souls from outside the territory, right? The Book of Canaan? What a good plan, your idea is good, hehe... "

"Are you threatening me?"

"I just want to say that our positions and interests are the same. Do you want to see those lunatics win? They won't trade with you. They are only interested in your flesh and soul."


"The early stage can be some simple tasks..."

"How easy?"

"Such as defending some secondary battlefields?"

"No, they can't enter the abyss yet, they can't even resist the erosion of [Abyss Consciousness], are they going to die?"

"Summon after death."

"Summoning also costs money, I don't do business that loses money"

"What if it's a territory of the abyss?"

Bei Gaoyang froze for a moment.

"The legal territory, the endorsement of Lord Kolondo, the territory recognized by the lords, your independent kingdom, suddenly became the landlord of the abyss, think about it, this is a good opportunity that hasn't appeared in many years."

Bei Gaoyang laughed, "It seems that your situation is not good."

"They are lunatics, lunatics, they can be unscrupulous, they can destroy, they can...we are different, we have to consider this, we have to worry about that, we can't let everything that has been managed with great difficulty be reduced to ruins."

"Well, in principle, I agree to accept the employment of Lord Colondo, but it must not be the abyss. I need time to let my children grow up."

" much time do you need?"

"Two years?"

"Uh...", Barn looked at his client seriously, two years?

He also thought it was a very long number. For a high-ranking demon like him, the concept of two years is similar to two days for ordinary people, which surprised him and was very strange.

But now is not the time to think about such minutiae.

Bahn nodded, stretched out a huge palm, and spread out, "This is the coordinates of the Alpha-0-157 demiplane and the authority of the teleportation array. We are going to abandon this grazing farm, and take your army to defend it."

Huge surprise flooded Bei Gaoyang's heart.

A demiplane! ?
During the thousands of years when the "twilight council" of the gods ruled Canaan, all the planes and demi-planes outside the material world were stripped away. The huge material world is actually a sheepfold, and the people inside are all gods Few of the grazing lambs can jump out of this sheepfold.

It is precisely because of the mastery of a demiplane with ever-changing coordinates—Little Demon Abyss that the Mage Union has continued to this day.

The preciousness of the demiplane can be seen.

This is something that no mage can refuse.

 The handicapped party, the code word is extremely slow, and I often get stuck. From now on, I will guarantee 2 updates every day. Watch rewards, subscriptions, and monthly tickets to add updates as appropriate. Thank you, and happy new year.

(End of this chapter)

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