Chapter 121
After the surprise, worry came to my mind again.

Since he gave up, it must be that this demiplane has been exposed. Can the players resist the ensuing attack?

What is coming is the demon army of the chaotic camp, so just give up, even if you add him, it is impossible to defeat.

But if it's just servants, or mercenaries like him, you can take a risk.

Bei Gaoyang wanted to swallow this sweet bait in one gulp, but was also afraid of falling into the pit.

Bahn was sure that he could not refuse, and before leaving, he complained about the quality of the war golem, reminding him not to forget the follow-up orders.

This reminded him that if the War Golem could be manufactured on a large scale, it would not only be delivered to Bahn, but also help defend this demiplane.

With the materials provided by Bahn, the technical power of the earth, the dwarf craftsmen, and the fully automatic magic circle engraving machine, the only restriction of this industrial chain is the power device, that is, the magic core.

In this regard, Bei Gaoyang has no good solution.

The manufacture of magic cores is an extremely delicate work, and mages with a spell level below 5 cannot handle it at all, let alone mass production and assembly.

But with the "Book of Canaan", Bei Gaoyang can invent a spell to solve this problem in a targeted manner.

Just immersed in the thinking of the magical world, the first batch of players who logged in went offline neatly. The continuous flashing white light on the square seemed to open a flood. A large number of online players made Chenxi Town noisy again.

Ah... there is a lot of noise!
Bei Gaoyang rubbed his eyebrows, sighed, and went to receive these gentlemen from the earth.

Xia Miaomiao went offline and took off her helmet, and saw Du Shiyu sitting by the bed, staring at herself with eyes with serious dark circles.

"Yeah, it's scary"

"...You won't have to go up the second time?"

Du Shiyu nodded blankly.

"Have you lined up in advance?"

Du Shiyu raised two fingers, "Line up two hours in advance"

Xia Miaomiao didn't know how to comfort her.

But this situation is normal. With so many people queuing up, the probability of being able to line up is only one in seven or eight. The terrible thing is that if you miss it today, everyone will start again tomorrow. wasted.

"Why don't you continue to queue, there are many who have been kicked off the assembly line."

"I rank above 2000... I have no chance"

Xia Miaomiao: ...

She was in a good mood, and it was not easy for her best friend to show it like this.

Du Shiyu said weakly, "How about the third test? Whether the changes are big or not, tell me about it?"

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay, it's all like this anyway, there's no need to worry anymore"

Only then did Xia Miaomiao feel relieved, and when she talked about her experience in the game, she became elated...

Du Shiyu listened carefully, took out a pen to take notes carefully, and interrupted questions from time to time. What she cared about was very different from Xia Miaomiao. The most frequently asked questions were game changes, map distribution, monster characteristics, task flow, etc. .

After filling a large sheet of paper, Du Shiyu returned to the house, and Xia Miaomiao happily sat in front of the computer, logged in to the official website, and downloaded her game screen recordings and screenshots.

"Wow, it's not ugly!"

I don't think so in the game, but when I look at it offline, although the image she created didn't restore the design draft, it is unexpectedly very...characteristic, beautiful with a bit of coquettishness, and seven points of her original appearance, which looks special Naturally, it was as if no face pinching had been done.

In another city, a particularly wretched-looking man in glasses sneezed and did the same thing.

The first recording and broadcasting of the cloud play experience, the material recording is very good, the first to propose this mode, the bald director who dreamed of punching Rebs and kicking Hangzhou horses excitedly dragged the playback progress bar, "Okay, okay, good , It’s perfect, we hurry up and strive to make the show tomorrow.”

Brother Chun yawned, "As long as you are satisfied, then what, I'll go to bed first."

"Let's go, let's go," the director watched attentively as he went out.

The man with glasses came to the living room, saw Qiao Shan drinking in front of the refrigerator, went up and punched him, and asked, "Are you online?"

Qiao Shan nodded.

"Why don't you come back, old man M?"

"I turned off all the messages"

"Fuck, what level is it?"

Qiao Shan grinned, "I'm ready to do the job change task."

"Fuck! I'm only level 3, how did you get promoted?"

"I have inherited a piece of powerful equipment... Let's not talk about it, I'm tired, I'll go to bed first."

"Change jobs and take me..."

Qiao Shan waved his hand without looking back.

The paralysis ring can only be equipped at level 5. Qiao Shan’s experience that can be upgraded to almost level 8 within 5 hours is naturally not the reason. The truth is that he holds a secret that no one knows about the high-level NPC forest fairy sisters. , hehe, the forest goblin sisters can no longer recognize him, and fortunately, the tricks they worked out before gave him a chance to take advantage of the loopholes.

He didn't know if it was a bug, but he wouldn't tell it even if he was killed.

At the same time, in a luxury apartment, the doorbell rang for a long time before Fan Chaoyue yawned and opened the door.

As soon as the assistant came in, he complained: "...I've been calling you for more than half an hour, and I'll call the police if you make any noise. Oh...why do you look so bad?"

"Uh, I'm so sleepy, wait a minute, I'll catch up on sleep"

"Why did you go? I don't know if there is a program to be recorded tonight?"

"I'll talk about it when I wake up, I'm so sleepy."

The assistant followed Fan Chao into the bedroom, and saw the game helmet on the bedside at a glance.

The assistant's eyes lit up, and he walked over to pick up the helmet and asked, "Is this Canaan's game helmet?"

Fan Chaoyue had fallen asleep on the bed.

The assistant sat down and took out his mobile phone to search, and carefully compared the photos on the Internet to make sure.

Just then the phone call came.

"Hey, Director Wang, I'm sorry, we may be late for a while, we haven't left the house yet... Ah, no, it's not playing big cards, it's because we've got something delayed... Do you know Canaan? Yes, today is not three Well, we’ve been playing the game for hours, and now we’re so sleepy that we can’t keep our eyes open… um, um, that game is particularly exhausting”

"Ah, add a game unit to the show? What about the script... Hehe, how can I be the master of a small assistant, why don't you ask Sister Hong?"

"Okay, that's it, let's try our best not to delay the recording of the show"

After hanging up the phone, the assistant touched the helmet fondly, and looked at Fan Chaoyue's sleeping face, feeling jealous.

I heard that this helmet is very difficult to win, and the probability is similar to winning the lottery.

It's so good to have someone's life. She had everything when she was born, and now even luck is on her side.

What the little assistant didn't know was what kind of disturbance would be caused just because of her outspokenness this time.

(End of this chapter)

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