Chapter 122
As the first batch of players went offline, the second batch of players went online, and the real time was already 6 o'clock in the evening.

It's getting dark outside, and a storm is brewing on the forums.

"What's the matter, I lined up more than two hours early, and I haven't lined up yet?"

"It's only been more than two hours for you. I've been queuing for the highlights in the afternoon until now, but I still can't log in, what should I say?"

"It shows that there are more than 9000 people in line? The first batch of people who went offline must be at least one or two thousand. Why are there still more than 9000 people?"

"That's right, isn't there only 10000 game qualifications in total?"

"Operation in the dark, there must be operation in the dark!"

"The Canaan Company is guarding against itself?"

"People develop and operate by themselves, is it useful?"

"But that's not what they advertised, who knows how many game helmets they released"

"9494, I knew there was something tricky about the new product launch the day before yesterday. They wouldn't quietly send the gaming helmets abroad, would they?"

"It's illegal"

"@余庆东, boss, come out and give me an explanation!"

A large number of similar posts appeared on the official forum, and after being locked by the administrator and prohibited from replying, they quickly spread to other online communication platforms.

Coupled with the fact that the three-test Mengxin, who has completed the first game, came out to speak out and blew Canaan off, which aggravated this emotion and anxiety.

Cloud players will not let go of any hot news about Canaan, and related entries have been listed in the top 50 hot searches.

It was enough to come here.

Conspiracy theories exist all the time, and players have to queue up to log in, so there is no time to find out the truth. However, a talk show launched by a certain satellite TV at night confirmed the conspiracy theories that many people had speculated about.

This hit a hornet's nest, and it just hit the pain point of many people. The majority of people who have not qualified for the game, are still queuing up, and dream of winning every day-are angry.

The talk show was broadcast live, and the theme of this episode was - Fan Chaoyue's star life.

Maybe the show crew wanted to take advantage of Canaan's popularity. In the middle of the conversation, the host suddenly asked a question other than the script.

"I heard that you are also playing Canaan, right?"

During the show, Fan Chaoyue was stunned for a moment, then smiled obediently and nodded in admission.

"How about it, is it fun in the game?"

"Well, it's very fun, indescribable... very interesting"

"second Life?"

"Yes, it's like having a second life, a brand new life."

Then the host asked some questions about the game. Fan Chaoyue didn't have any intentions, and talked about the embarrassment of his first login to the game with great interest.

I couldn’t believe it at first, I was really scared and scary, I screamed with other people, I didn’t know how to play, I asked someone to ask, I was counted down, I met a kind person to help me go through the task process, and then I went outside the safe area to kill monsters...

The audience at the scene listened with great interest, and the live broadcast room was full of laughter. The host was also attracted by her experience in the game. He said enviously, if only he could win the helmet, and then asked a natural question, "How did you win the helmet? You are so lucky."

Fan Chaoyue was well protected.

She comes from a wealthy family with a strong background in politics and business. Those messy things in the entertainment industry will never find her. In addition, she has become famous too fast, and she hasn't learned how to smooth accidents, and she lacks a string that is always tense... …

She said, "Ah, do I still need to be drawn? I don't know..."

When the host heard it, his heart skipped a beat, thinking it was bad, but this was a live broadcast, the director didn't cut it off, and maybe he didn't react, so he had to bite the bullet and ask, "The lottery means queuing up, Canaan is so popular Yes, there are too many people who want to enter the game, so the only way to do it is to draw lots."

"That's it." Fan Chaoyue is actually not stupid. She quickly read from the atmosphere of the scene and the host's eyes that she might have said something wrong. After hearing the explanation, she hurriedly tried to remedy it. "Actually, we have to wait in line, but Someone arranged for me, I'm too busy every day"

The host quickly took over the topic of "too busy", put aside the topic, and chatted about her experience before and after becoming famous.

But it's too late.

What is the situation now?
One Canaan, one Metaverse, has undertaken too much imagination, beauty, responsibility and glory. It is not a game, but the ideals, dreams and pursuits of many people. The queuing qualification of 1999 yuan, Canaan Company received The advance payment is an astronomical figure, which is worth the deposit of a large bank.

Under such circumstances, you dare to play tricks, engage in black-box operations, and dare to tease our vast middle and low-level people?
It doesn't matter what star you are, what idol you are, what kind of persona you are... at this time, nothing works.

Soon, the tsunami detonated by the program fermented online and offline.

When the intercepted program video spread wildly on the Internet, the team behind Fan Chaoyue realized that something was wrong and wanted to deal with the aftermath, but at this time, it could be calmed down with ordinary public relations methods.

"Shocking, Fan Chaoyue broke the news himself, revealing the shady secret of Canaan's game qualifications"

"Fan Chaoyue said that the game helmet still needs to be drawn?This is naked contempt and ridicule"

"The history of Fan Chaoyue's rise to fame, the nobleman behind it is so powerful that he can buy Canaan Company?" "

"Godfather?A mysterious big man surfaced, and the insider said: "The background is deep, don't dare to mess with it"

"Fan Chaoyue is of Mi nationality, Mi nationality, Mi nationality, important things must be said three times"

"Youth Girl?National sister?You guys think too much, start Fan Chaoyue's ugly true face"


After a whole night of fermenting, the tsunami of public opinion set off in the early morning of the next day detonated the entire network. The livers of those players who were still unable to go online after queuing several times were so angry that their livers ached. up.

It turned out that it was because of the spam of game helmets that we couldn't get online!
Not to mention cloud players who have no game qualifications.

How many of these people are there? Canaan Company has an approximate number inside, and it is scary to say it.

Coupled with the slander and slander from abroad, the newly established Canaan Company was described as a stinking cesspool.

Facing the turbulent tsunami of public opinion, the proud CEO Yu Qingdong received a blow to the head, which really knocked him dizzy.

No way, no matter how difficult it is, we must find a way to remedy it.

First of all, the parties came out to clarify.

Fan Chaoyue's Weibo homepage soon posted a video, first sincerely apologizing, and then claiming that the helmet was a birthday gift from the elders, and he did not queue up because he has never cared much about this matter.

Then, Canaan Company issued a statement, saying that there were indeed a batch of 'motorized' game helmets used as feedback between business partners, the number did not exceed 1000, and it was by no means the ones circulated on the Internet...

But at this time, no one intends to believe such a truth.

Quite simply, emotions are no longer on the side of truth, but only on the opposite side of what they would like to believe.

 Everyone is fattening up and opening automatic subscriptions, and the results have steadily improved. The enthusiasm and inspiration for codewords are too important, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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