This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 123 Downtime Maintenance

Chapter 123 Downtime Maintenance
[System Announcement: Dear players, due to the line congestion caused by the continuous popularity since the opening of the server, the server will be shut down for maintenance in 10 minutes. The estimated maintenance time is 90 minutes. Please go offline in time to avoid unnecessary losses]

Asking Xiao Ai to send a system announcement, Bei Gaoyang heaved a sigh of relief, and finally dealt with this day.

The magic network has been close to the 'red line' several times and has been operating at full capacity. Coupled with loopholes, power consumption, resource shortage and congestion, etc., it has almost 'downtime' several times.

Yes, the magic net will also go down. When the load exceeds the red line all the time, it will cause the magic circuit to be overloaded and collapse.

Bei Gaoyang was so busy that he didn't have time to take care of other things. He went around to wipe the butts of the old players. The power consumption of the system was like a roller coaster. Chenxi Town was like a vegetable market. What is order?funny!

If the system does not explicitly prohibit it, the players will not let it go, they will always try it, and if there is an opportunity to take advantage of it, they are afraid that others will find out, and sometimes it is forbidden to gain a lot of benefits by one person. Give it a try, unless the person in front of you has paid a terrible price.

But generally speaking, although many problems have been exposed, the game is full of popularity and vitality. It is this kind of popularity and vitality that makes the growth rate of Mowang continue to increase. It has been raised to 2100 people.

This kind of progress is far beyond his expectations. According to this trend, it may take two or three days in reality and four or five days in the game to reach the theoretical perfect value.

Forget it, just get tired when you get tired, and it will be fine when you get used to it.

Bei Gaoyang originally wanted to visit the Alpha-0-157 demiplane, but he had to postpone it for a few days.

A total of four batches of players went online on the server opening day, and the game time for the fourth batch was not full.

Each batch ranges from one to two thousand people. According to Xiao Ai's statistics, a total of 6279 players have landed in Canaan.

In other words, there are still nearly half of the players who missed the opening day.

This contradiction cannot be alleviated, which is determined by the scarcity of Canaan.

This is also caused by him on purpose. To ensure the scarcity of Canaan, the player's identity can always be deepened.

It was precisely because of this consideration that when Canaan Company contacted him and asked to add some more helmets, he agreed after a little consideration.

Adding 1000 game helmets is a trivial matter to Bei Gaoyang. At this time, the earth is on the eve of a public opinion storm. Canaan Company's request for these game qualifications is also for crisis public relations. After understanding the cause and effect, he can't help but smile. , I thought to make trouble, the bigger the trouble, the better, the bigger the trouble, the better for myself.

The unexpected growth of the magic net and the expansion of the game area gradually extended to those powerful monsters.

In the early morning of December 12th, it was already the second late night in Canaan. Use the period of "downtime maintenance" to let Xiaoai fill in all the loopholes found. Don't care about the degree of freedom in the early stage, let the players follow the steps Follow the main and branch plots.

He came to the edge of the game area by himself, ready to solve the new troubles brought about by the expansion of the game area.

Due west to the outskirts of the original centaur camp, demonized cows and horses are mighty. These centaurs domesticate a large number of livestock, and they are still being demonized. They hunt and devour each other, and have 'evolved' into stronger individuals , becoming a veritable monster.

This kind of "evolution" is approaching the abyss, and the way of hunting and devouring each other is also similar, and the huge base also provides such conditions.

Therefore, there appeared two types of monsters comparable to monsters, one was the harpies, some of which resembled the demigods of the abyss, and the other were bat monsters, some of which resembled the blasphemy of the abyss.

The harpy has a pair of wings, the lower body of a human, and the upper body of an eagle. It can fly, but it cannot fly too high. The bat monster is like a combination of a bat and a horse. It is huge and has completely lost the ability to fly.

Xiao Ai's evaluation level for them is 20+, and some of the more demonized individuals have evolved talent skills, with a level of 25+, marked as elites.

The boss-level lord has not yet evolved, but it will soon. .

Now he wants to surround them with a 'fence' to ensure that he will not cause trouble for himself in the early stage. When the players' job transfer levels have risen, these monsters are good training objects.

It has to be said that the help of the [Automatic Array Engraving Machine] is really great. Originally, this kind of work was impossible to complete in a short time, but now it can be solved quickly and perfectly.

The "magic pressure" brought by the arrival of the great magician made the monsters evade like a tide, and surrounded the hillsides, valley bottoms, stone forests and swamps where they lived, and successively laid down the forbidden magic circle stone slabs.

With the magic net, there is no need for continuous energy supply, saving most of the consumables.

After everything was done, it took only about half an hour. After activating the central hub, the aura visible to the naked eye touched the ground and connected the stone slabs, forming dozens of circles of different sizes, like fences.

This location is 48 kilometers from Chenxi Town and 69 kilometers from Buck City.

Further to the west is the first fortress of the Principality of Delsa to defend against centaurs and demon disasters.

Bei Gaoyang built two teleportation points here, preparing to serve as a new leveling area in the future, and asked Xiao Ai to monitor the progress of demonization in the game area, and notify himself once a lord-level boss appeared.

Afterwards, he looked at the west for a while, recalling his experiences of studying and living in the civilized world.

His mentor, his first love, his...

Finally, he smiled coldly and looked away.

The magic net is about to extend to the fortress of the Principality of Delsa, which is less than a hundred kilometers away.

The true north is the direction in the depths of the abandoned wasteland, where the demonic tide erupts and strikes.

To the northeast is Buck City, which is blocked and defended by Buck City, and there is no need to make too many arrangements.

In the south, across the Kobold Mine and the Murloc Lake, is the original Fairy Forest. Now the entire forest has been demonized, with tall tree demons and monsters emerging endlessly everywhere.

The activity area of ​​these monsters is too large, and the magic net only covers a small part. Bei Gaoyang plans to build a new city here. In the future, when players conquer the Fairy Forest, they can try to go south. It is said that there is a place called Shadow in that direction. In the place of the canyon, there is an entrance to the underground world, where the dark elf Drow lives.

After everything is done, the fence is tied up, and the fish can be released.

On December 12, the Canaan game on the second day of the third test was launched on time after a short maintenance.

Du Shiyu, who queued up all night, finally squeezed online, and Fan Chaoyue, who hid in the game to avoid the limelight, went online together.

"Hey, mission, shall we go together?"

"Okay, but I have to go through the process first"

"It's okay, I'll wait for you"


The two hit it off right away, they hit it off surprisingly, and after chatting for a few words, they became friends. Fan Chaoyue, who had a bad experience once, asked, "You're a girl, right?"

Du Shiyu had a question mark on his face, why, can't you see the men and women you pinched?

(End of this chapter)

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