chapter 124
December 12th, 7 am in reality.

"Ah, ah, I finally climbed up!"

"It's not easy. I waited in line for 3 days, huh..."

"Whoever pinches me, pinches me..."

"Yeah, where am I? Am I dreaming?"

"Mom, I have traveled through time..."

"False, this is absolutely false, this is the fourth natural disaster, I'm just messing around, I've seen too much..."

In the center of the square in Chenxi Town, passing players detoured one after another. A group of cute new ones came online. As usual, the new and old players all looked familiar. This was also a scene in the square. Most people are used to it.

On the third day after the server was opened, those who had game experience once had already found their rhythm. The square was chaotic and orderly. Among the newborns, there was one person who seemed very weird.

He didn't bluff, he seemed very quiet, a little timid and quiet.

Wang Debiao walked out of the birth point cautiously and fearfully, fearing that he would be struck to death by lightning falling from the sky in the next second.

Changing the ID and pinching his face can't give him too much sense of security. He offended the Canaan official, and he is still the main thread NPC played by a real person, so he has to be like him, be careful and keep a low profile.

Originally, he had already given up on this game, but it was too popular, it was a mess, and there was an online and offline quarrel over a gaming helmet. Canaan Company was in a state of desperation. What six ministries and commissions took the lead in the investigation, several national prefixes The giants of the company are suspected of being involved in helmet corruption, benefit transfer, etc...

He could only pick up the dusty helmet thrown in the corner, and log in to the game honestly.

After all, no one will have trouble with money.

Speaking of it makes people angry, he is the first person to contact this game, and after serious consideration, he even participated in the initial promotion and operation... There is no credit but hard work, right?
Just because of an unsuccessful business cooperation negotiation, the Canaan official hated him, and he did not hesitate to retaliate in the game. Such a LOW, such a bad thing, thanks to the Canaan official.

It's not that Wang Debiao has never thought about appealing. He couldn't find anyone to appeal to before, but now that he has a Canaan company, he should find them.But when he recalled the first time he came into contact with this game, he suspected that the Canaan company was just a cover. The person who asked him to promote the game didn't know anything. Besides, if it was really a secret development project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he would have to ask him to do it. promotion?

Any fool knows it's impossible.

So the water here is very deep, it's useless for him to think too much at this level, let's find a way to revitalize this helmet!
—I hope that narrow-minded person has forgotten him.

"'s you!", the main thread NPC said with a smile when he saw him.

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it...

Wang Debiao's face was ashen, and he just waited for the thunder to strike him to death.

"Not bad, not bad, it's good to change the name, good, it's good to know the mistake"

The game ID is Wang Debiao, who has changed his past. His eyes lit up, giving birth to hope...

"Welcome to wake up, recruit, you have arrived in a cruel world..."

Follow the process, follow the process...

Wang Debiao's eyes were full of tears, he didn't dare to say anything more like a quail, others didn't know, he went online twice quietly during the first test, and wanted to negotiate with this main thread NPC, but he was hacked to death as soon as he went online , He felt ashamed, and kept hiding it from anyone without telling it. This time he was really convinced, thoroughly, so he took such an ID and knelt and licked it, and it really saw a miraculous effect.

"...Visit the messenger Jabella for me..."

"Yes Yes!"

"Go ahead and do it well"

The players coming up from behind looked at Wang Debiao strangely, thinking that he had triggered some hidden mission.

As soon as Wang Debiao's mind was alive, he wanted to get close. After all, the main thread NPC was the first one for him. Black and red are also red. It can be seen that Bei Gaoyang has returned to his businesslike appearance, so he dared not make mistakes and walked away with his neck raised .

"What's the matter, child?"

"Master Legion, this is what I succeeded in refining after a lot of hard work and many failures... a treasure. With it, I don't have to work so hard to cut wood and pick stones."

"Oh... this is!?"

Isn't this just a brick?
"You say this is your invention?"

Inventing these two words made this player excited, "Yes, yes, it is invention, invention"

"Where is your laboratory?" Bei Gaoyang said with a smile, "Take me to see it."

The player danced excitedly, and brought Bei Gaoyang to the hillside outside the city. The monsters here have been cleaned up, and some people who are planning to establish a family plan to build a family residence here. In this way, the expensive construction cost will be reduced Across the front, no one can go around.

If you want system resources, you have to pay double or even triple the price. Bei Gaoyang will never do business at a loss.

Some people thought of DIY, not relying on black-hearted systems.

If this is not possible during the first and second tests, there is not such a high degree of freedom, and for the sake of concealing that the Canaan world is just a game, it is impossible to make such a big opening.

It is different now.

Bei Gaoyang visited the adobe brick kiln built by this player with great interest, and kept nodding his head as he looked at the fired bricks.

Hidden missions, special rewards?
The player's eyes lit up with excitement.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed.

"That's right, it's a very useful invention. I can buy your... treasure... How about it... I'll give you 1 copper for so much and sign a long-term supply contract, how about it?"

This player was very surprised. It's just that there are no hidden missions and special rewards, so the purchase price is too low, right?
But he was also worried about whether there would be any follow-up. It would be a pity if he made a wrong choice.

"Very well, you are an honest and enthusiastic boy"

With a wave of his hand, Bei Gaoyang put all the fired bricks into the system warehouse, then gave the player a long-term supply contract, and patted him on the shoulder vigorously.

The player's bones were two catties lighter. Looking at the prompt that popped up by the system, he chose to agree in a daze.

Waiting for the system to launch a brand new building materials store, which sells all the bricks he fired, and the price is ten times what he sold to the system. It's a pity that he burned the bricks for several days in a row, and he got this result.

Moreover, the follow-up that has been waiting for did not appear. This player realized the reality of being exploited by NPC. He couldn't accept it for a while, and criticized and condemned tearfully on the official website forum.

Canaan Company is still battered by the storm of public opinion, so it doesn't have the energy to worry about these things, so it just gave a reply without pain.

Any behavior of the player in the game is guided by the AI ​​brain core and the main thread NPC, and there is no way to intervene too much offline.

At this time, many players have already embarked on the broad road of DIY, and many of them have jumped into the same pit and signed the contract of blood and tears.

Of course Bei Gaoyang had a reason for doing this.

Players should not be allowed to develop the habit of plucking the system's wool. Instead of banning this or that, it is better to be profit-oriented and regulate their words and deeds in the game to the direction they want.

DIY is very good and can reduce the burden on the system. This is also the reason for the degree of freedom, but don’t expect to take advantage of it. Let the majority of players realize that finding the system is the last and bottom-line choice, and encourage them to interact with each other. To enrich and improve Canaan's economic system.

(End of this chapter)

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