This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 125 Enjoy the game

Chapter 125 Enjoy the game

The bright red sun rises from the horizon, and the faint golden sunlight bathes Chenxi Town. This is the first rare good weather since the outbreak of the demon tide. Added a light gold filter and everything is sparkling.

The day before was still windy and ghostly, but today it was sunny and beautiful. Many players were stunned by such a wonder of heaven and earth. They called up the system cameras one by one to look at the rising sun. , taking pictures of the barren land bathed in golden sunlight.

At this time, no one has said that the graphics card is burning. This kind of scene construction and engine rendering are beyond imagination, more real than reality, and many dreams and imaginations are added on the basis of reality. .

Living in the steel jungle of a big city, one yearns for the idyllic and picturesque scenery. It is human nature to expect something, but in Canaan, it is far more than idyllic.

Just imagine, in such a world, it would be a beautiful thing to take on the missions, put on a whole body of equipment, and go to the vast and beautiful wilderness to spawn monsters.

The game is not a game, and the liver is not the liver, that is life, that is the ultimate leisure and entertainment.

After watching the beautiful scenery for a while, the players took over the task in groups of three or five, and rushed out of Chenxi Town in a mess to farm monsters and level up.

At the golden leveling points that have been explored, there are not only harmonious scenes of spawning monsters, but also scenes of disputes such as grabbing monsters, quarreling, and cursing. The closer to Chenxi Town, the more players there are, accounting for the vast majority of the three tests. They haven't been promoted to level 5 yet, so they really care about a copper plate and a bandage. Most of them wear tattered clothes. One by one, they are like rich people.

Old players look down on them, and most of them practice leveling far away from Chenxi Town. What Bei Gaoyang did not expect beforehand was that most of the teleportation arrays and other infrastructure prepared in advance were useless. The players were too frugal. Even this I can't bear to pay the fee.

There are detailed strategies offline, first walk to a leveling point, record the birthplace in the nearby teleportation array, and then a period of explosive liver, once the level is reached, change positions, and then walk again, let Bei Gaoyang The conceived transmission and exchange fell into the empty space.

Of course, this is in the early stage. As the players turn around and enter Buck City, this extreme way of saving money will definitely be broken.

Veteran players have generally been promoted to level 5, and all of them are stuck on the job transfer task - the certificate of the brave.

The Boss of Novice Village is still the same, but what makes most players complain is that Bei Gaoyang transferred him to the copy of the Kobold Mine, and appeared as a town monster in the last scene of normal difficulty, which limits the number of players, a maximum of 5 people in a team , It is no longer possible to rely on the number of people to pile up like the first test and the second test.

Without a job change, it would be quite difficult for five people to defeat it. This is because Bei Gaoyang treated them as truly usable fighters.

The Kobold Mine ([-]) was bustling with people around the teleportation array, and most of the old players gathered in the safe area. During the new round of online time, Qiao Shan hurriedly walked out of the birth point and went straight to the system blacksmith shop.

The NPCs in the blacksmith's shop never change where to forge iron, and Xiao Ai can take over some low-tech and repetitive work of the war golem. These thread NPCs are doing such work all the time.

Of course, doing this requires paying a certain amount of resources, which is far larger than the amount of going to the earth, free (in Bei Gaoyang’s view, it is free) and high quality, but returning to the earth only needs to pay a price, and you can’t go back anytime and anywhere Under such circumstances, letting Xiaoai use some threads to do these low-level and tedious tasks is also an attempt to optimize the supply chain.

Qiao Shan, an NPC in the blacksmith's shop, didn't care about what he was building all day long. He carefully took out a small silver box, and nervously handed it to the dwarf blacksmith standing behind the counter.

This NPC is a resident of Buck City, and was temporarily mobilized by Bei Gaoyang, that is, a tool man who does not have the name of a high-level NPC, but has the reality of a high-level NPC. Players call them smart NPCs.

"Are you sure you want to break the seal?" asked the dwarf blacksmith.

Qiao Shan nodded quickly.

"Once unblocked, it will be bound to your current character, and there will be no second chance."

Qiao Shan struggled when he heard the words, but in the end he gritted his teeth and nodded.

The dwarf blacksmith touched the silver box with a flash of inspiration, and the box opened, revealing a simple ring inside.

"Cost 10 Silver"

Damn, why don't you grab it?
Qiao Shan delivered the 10 silver to the system with great pain, took the paralysis ring inherited from the second test, and couldn't wait to equip it on his body.

Suddenly, a strange warm current surged through his body.

Qiao Shan immediately felt a difference in himself. He swung his fist with greater strength, shook his head, and became more awake and sharp.

"Old Joe, are you alright? Everyone is waiting for you?"


Qiao Shan quickly agreed to the urging voice from the team channel, and left the system blacksmith shop, letting a group of players walk in laughing and finding his teammates in front of the altar statue in the center of the safe area.

Teammates are still chatting.

"It is said on the idol forum that it should be a preparation for a job-changing priest, but I don't know what god it is, and the system doesn't give an explanation."

"It's easy to fight if you have a priest"

"Yeah, this time I have to clear the customs no matter what"

"Old Joe, where's your ring that exploded, show it to us"

The blond hair of the talking boy is quite similar to Xiao Lizi's appearance, but it's a pity that he looks domineering and arrogant.

Qiao Shan laughed along and showed off the ring.

The teammates of the four RMB fighters clicked their tongues after seeing the attributes of the ring, and the blond boy said jealously: "Fuck...such an awesome ring, it's really a waste to wear it on your hand...Sell it or not, it's up to you Offer"

Qiao Shan: "The soul is bound, alas, I want to sell it, but unfortunately you were not there during the second test..."

Brother Hua: "Damn it, I couldn't get a helmet at that time... Forget it, if you have this ring, you will be counted as one."

These four people are real RMB fighters, each of them is equipped with whiteboard top-grade equipment, including several pieces of green equipment, and each of them has spent more than one million on it, which is really an attribute that was spent with money.

Although they are all newcomers to the third test, they are also hardcore players. They get started very quickly. They have already caught up with the progress of old players, and they are stuck on the door frame of job transfer.

Qiao Shan also needed to get acquainted with such bosses because of moving bricks, so he had an intersection with them. For the purpose of making friends and showing his strength, he mixed with them in a team, ready to challenge the Kobold dungeon, and try his luck.

But it doesn't matter, the most important thing is to build a good relationship.

Qiao Shan had such a plan in mind.

At this time, it was already the fifth day of server opening.

(End of this chapter)

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