This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 126 The gap with the RMB fighters

Chapter 126 The gap with the RMB fighters

After the third test, the pick-up distribution method of the team has been adjusted, and now there are three methods for players to choose from.

The first one is free picking, that is to see who is quick and whoever touches it first.

The second is to roll the dice, and the system will pop up a virtual dice, whoever is more lucky, and whoever loses his face.

The third option is the choice of most people, which is to take turns, but this method also has a disadvantage, that is, it cannot be truly fair, and therefore the most disputes arise.

On the World Channel, it is often torn about the uneven distribution caused by pick rotation and weight distribution. There is a voice on the forum saying that it is proposed to develop a method of distribution according to actual value, and Bei Gaoyang has also seen it. But there is no such gameplay in the template brought from the earth, so I don't pay much attention to it.

Some people complained that Canaan is just a virtual reality lining, covered with layers of bad street online game material templates, and some people argue that this is better, it is easier to use, and it is more realistic.

Both statements are good. Canaan is new enough. The gameplay and routines are closer to reality, and the combination of old and new is better than all innovations.

The reason why the Mengxin of the third test can adapt to the game so quickly is that the gameplay is down-to-earth.

Besides, if you ask Bei Gaoyang to do [-]% innovation, he can't do it, and he doesn't know what kind of game to make without the earth's template routine.

Back to the topic now.

Qiao Shan and his team did not take turns to pick up the mediocre way, but rolled the dice to compare their faces.

On the first floor of the dungeon of the Kobold Mine, the dark corridors echoed the voices of "They stole our candles", "Molke the Great", and "Kill the intruders". The pupae came and fell one after another under the cooperation of the team.

With a bang, the last kobold warrior (elite) exploded, and among the gray, white, and green things, two dice appeared that were spinning around.

Qiao Shan was the first to go forward and press the virtual button. The two dice spun wildly for a while, and finally got six and one, a total of seven points.

He clicked his lips, stepped back a little depressed, and four RMB fighters stepped forward one by one.

The golden retriever Li Zi cast 11 points, and the beggar version Wu Yanzu voted 6 points. He didn't care, and gave up his position to the two teammates behind him with a smile.

The other two big brothers are both dwarves, and they can't tell what they look like, and they both cast more than 10 points.

In the end, everything belonged to a black-skinned dwarf whose ID was short big tight.

Short and tight: "Hey, good luck!"

Except for things that shone with green light, the little golden-haired little plum looked down on all of them. He poured the red potion into his mouth without any expense, while urging his companions.

[Dwarf mining shovel, quality green, mining efficiency +2, stamina recovery speed +5%, load 8, durability 20/20]

"It's useless." A short, big and tight RMB fighter naturally wouldn't do the hard work of mining. This piece of life professional equipment is indeed useless to him.

Qiao Shan hurriedly said, "Brother, I want it, I want it, how much is it..."

Short and tight, he didn't even look at it, and threw it to him casually.

A piece of life and professional equipment with the lowest price of one gold coin is given, and the arrogant Qiao Shan is a little dazed.

"Second floor, hurry up!"

The normal rhythm should be to take a break to recover some physical strength and health. Qiao Shanbai put on a green outfit, and said embarrassedly, "There is no potion."

Golden Retriever Lizi threw another set (five bottles) of red medicine and a bottle of expensive stamina potion...

Got it!
Money is awesome.

Qiao Shan was ecstatic, that's it, this rhythm, if you take good care of these four masters, you won't have to worry about it for the rest of your life.

Under the opening of the potion, the team made rapid progress. At the entrance of the mine on the second floor, Qiao Shan went up to find the keyhole on the cave wall, and opened the door that was integrated with the rock wall with the key that the elite broke out.

The mine on the second floor is even darker, you can't see your fingers. It must be that all five people are holding candles, otherwise they will all be blind.

The first task of clearing this dungeon is to protect the candles in your hands. You must always ensure that at least one of the five candles is lit, otherwise it will be destroyed.

The five of them cautiously descended more than a dozen steps, and landed on the wet ground. They heard the sound of running water and rustling footsteps. Soon, floodlighted eyes appeared in the surrounding darkness, looking They surround.

"Give back our candles!"

From the second floor, it was full of kobold warriors, and the weak miners were all on the first floor. From then on, it was very difficult for the five of them to cooperate.

Kobold fighters are generally at level 4-6, and there are five or six at a time. Without a job change, it depends on equipment and basic attributes, and it is impossible to pass without some combat skills.

In terms of skills, none of the four bosses is much weaker than Qiao Shan. It's really ashamed to say that he has RMB to clear the way, and his operational awareness and combat skills are better than that of the old player who is the first tester. How the hell is this reasonable?
Fortunately, Qiao Shan has a paralysis ring.

Also relying on this powerful equipment, every time he attacks, there is a lot of uncertainty. If he is lucky, he will have a paralyzing effect after a few hits. If he is not lucky, he will not be activated even once after a battle. very dangerous.


Qiao Shan didn't dodge once, and was hit by the kobold warrior's attack from behind on the back of the heart. There was a critical blow, and only a quarter of the blood was left. It cost his life, and what was even more fatal was that he became stiff for 0.5 seconds after the serious injury, and he couldn't escape it.


At the critical moment, Ao Dashen swung his shield to block the fatal blow for him, and he himself was hit sideways, a big -14 swing.

The team's situation was in jeopardy. Not a single kobold warrior was brought down, and all five of them were defeated.

"Drink the medicine!"

Little Golden Retriever Li Zi shouted.

Qiao Shan was stunned for a moment before realizing that he was yelling at himself. He made a low-level mistake unknowingly. He didn't drink the red medicine to restore his health at the first time, wasting the breathing opportunity of his teammates in exchange for injuries.

In fact, I don't blame him, who would drink a 10 silver bottle of red medicine as water?One fucking sip is 1000 soft sister coins, which can be called liquid gold, who can take it?
The price of negligence is turning into a white light, being kicked off the assembly line and depressed.

If there is one less person in the team, the team will naturally be wiped out.

In reality, Qiao Shan took off his helmet and lay on the bed depressed for a while without moving.

I was educated by reality again.

Among the five, his equipment is rubbish. Although he has a paralysis ring, it is not as good as the attributes that other people have spent money on. He has high HP, high defense, and powerful equipment. no.

He began to doubt whether the decision to keep the paralyzing ring until now was right. If he sold it before the end of the second test, there would always be tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, unlike now, where there are signs of dropping it in his hands.

This ring is also very powerful in PK. The best attribute is not the 5% chance of paralysis, but clearing the cooldown time of a skill, but there is no fucking use for not changing jobs! ?
Getting up depressed, he took out his phone and was about to apologize to the bosses, when he was surprised to see that he had been kicked out of the group chat.

Got it!
People don't play with him anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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