This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 127 Why Kneel?

Chapter 127 Why Kneel?
Canaan's night and day are simply two different worlds.

Lighting is needed for spawning monsters. The torch system black shop sells 10 copper each, which seems very cheap, but it is not so good after converting it into soft sister coins. Some merchants sell this kind of thing, and in the square of Chenxi Town, you can see several players who make money as their first priority yelling and selling them.

Most of the functions of the third test can only be activated after a turn, including online stalls, system malls, etc., but this is not difficult for players. With the degree of freedom, their trading methods are closer to reality.

There are many such stalls on the square, some selling torches, candles, various materials, ores and equipment. There are no living occupations, but it does not prevent people from planning ahead and making preparations in advance.

It’s really tricky to say, a job transfer task stopped everyone for several days, so the online at night is usually for the copy of the Kobold mine, after all, it is not so convenient to brush monsters and level up at night.

Qiao Shanca squeezed online and appeared in the safe area near the Kobold Mine ([-]). The heads of the bosses on the friend list were gray, so they must have not been online yet.

It's not his character to give up easily. If the boss can kick him out of the group, he has the ability to lick him back. It's not shameful to make money. He is such a practical person.

Anyway, it's all right, so I just wandered around the booth in the safe area.

"Let's take a look buddy, good things that need to be appraised, if you are lucky, you will miss them"

A player who set up a stall saw him coming, and picked up a black thing that looked like a shell and sold it to him.

Qiao Shan first checked with the identification technique, and what he got was a bunch of question marks, so he smiled and said, "I am the first tester"

The player who set up the stall held his mouth, threw the things back, and continued to wait for the next guy who seemed to be easy to deceive.

There are always some newbies who think that this bunch of question marks are good things. After buying them at a high price, they find the system NPC to appraise them. The result is often that they can only be sold to the system’s black shop. Therefore, this kind of business similar to opening "blind boxes" lasts for a long time.

The second booth had a small pile of ore, and two players squatted there to pick and choose. The iron-copper ore with the most was ignored, and a few looked special, especially one of them had a translucent gem-like skin. stones, attracting the attention of both players.

"Gem raw ore, 10 silver is the same price!"

The old god of the player who set up the stall knocked on Erlang's leg and said.

"Cheaper, boss"

"Yeah, 10 silver is 5000 yuan"

"It can't be you want to sell it or not, and if you don't sell it, you will give up the land"

The two players really wanted it. Seeing Qiao Shan behind him, they discussed with each other a few times, gritted their teeth, and sold it.

When they took the ore to find a blacksmith to grind it, Qiao Shan stepped forward and kicked the booth, and scolded with a smile: "Don't run away, waiting to be beaten?"

The player who set up the stall smiled, moved quickly to close the stall and prepared to leave, "Thank you", and thanked Qiao Shan before leaving.

This person, Qiao Shan, knew him. He was a weirdo who aspired to be a game businessman. He was not keen on quest upgrades. Instead, he had a soft spot for speculation, reselling materials, and hoarding goods. He aspired to be the first capitalist in Canaan.

I don't know what he does in reality, Qiao Shan sees him as a trash collector.

This person was about to leave, when a system announcement suddenly appeared, making him completely dumbfounded.

"Player Xiao Li polished the rough emerald stone with a flying knife, and his luck was overwhelming, which is really enviable!"

Qiao Shan also saw the news, and asked in surprise, "Is that the broken stone you just sold?"

The man nodded with a sad face.

Such a low-probability thing really happened.

Qiao Shan didn't know how to comfort him anymore, he looked like he had cut two catties of flesh, it was heartbreaking.

The third booth is the focus of Qiao Shan's attention.

There was only one piece of equipment on the booth, it was a rattan armor, and what was rare was a full body armor.

Looking at the attributes, although it is a blank board, it has both strength and body, and the physical defense is as high as 10-15 points. Even if it occupies two equipment slots, it is a very high value. The only shortcoming is that the load is a bit high and the strength is not enough. Wearing it, physical strength will drop quickly.

"How much?" Qiao Shan asked.

"1 gold and 50 silver"

"Hiss..." Qiao Shan took a deep breath, and after converting it into Ruanmei coins, it was even more toothache. It's just such a rag, but it's worth 10 less. It can be seen how much the price has been fired by local tyrants and bosses who are not bad at money. to the point.

"Can it be cheaper?"

The player rolled his eyes and ignored him.

Qiao Shan's face was sullen, and he wanted to count the money, but considering that he would have to pay the boss for the dungeon later, his confidence would be much greater with this equipment, so he began to hesitate.

"Here, here!"

The three dwarf players rushed over anxiously. One of them saw the equipment on the booth and said with a sigh of relief, "Fuck, I finally caught up."

The three players were dressed like beggars, and the novice outfits given by the system were worn out after losing their durability. Qiao Shan thought to himself, I don’t believe that you can afford it, and there’s no way to do it.

Unexpectedly, the three players proposed a deal to the stall owner without blinking an eye. 1 gold, 50 silver, and 10 soft sister coins were just handed over. In exchange for a top-quality whiteboard, they left happily.

Qiao Shan was a little dumbfounded.

Is it because I am too poor or someone else is too rich, how can I not understand?

When several bosses went online, they were a little dissatisfied when they saw that he still hadn't changed his equipment.

Qiao Shan could only apologize with a smile, last time it was a mistake, this time I promise it won't happen.

For the sake of the paralyzing ring, the blond-haired little plum still let him join the team, and threw him a set of red medicine in advance...

"Don't be so fucking reluctant to drink!" Ao Dakin said with a laugh.

Maybe they didn't have any malicious intentions, but Qiao Shan's ears were extremely harsh, and he felt insulted...

There was no time to think about it, everything went well after the dungeon, this time luck was better than last time, the paralysis effect was triggered unexpectedly high, the first layer was effortless, and the position where the group was destroyed last time on the second layer was also safe, Qiao Shan played played a very important role.

Now he has a lot more confidence, and he can look at several bosses at the same level.

Unexpectedly, when the second floor was about to be cleared, Qiao Shan, who went up to fight against the monster, couldn't bear the high damage of the Kobold captain, and the paralysis effect was not activated. He failed to dodge once and was given a KO.

Another group annihilation.

After going offline, the blond little Lizi called and yelled at him, saying that he was confused, and told him to buy some decent equipment, but he didn't listen, and insisted on messing around, messing around, killing my game time all wasted...

Qiao Shan listened like a grandson without saying a word.

After hanging up the phone, he fell into Du Shiyu's similar confusion, thinking why did he have to do this, he could earn money by standing up, why should he kneel!

Canaan is a gold mine. You can live comfortably with just a bowl of it. Why do you have to work so hard?

(End of this chapter)

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