This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 128 The road ahead is still long

Chapter 128 The road ahead is still long
"Thank you for the carnival of 'Canaan, I will always drop God'. There is nothing wrong with the old iron 666. Next is the easter egg of the previous issue, a copy of the Kobold Mine"

"I have to say, this game is too hardcore. Look at these miserable miners. What do you see in their eyes? Despair, grief, powerlessness, fear? Fuck, it's just a look, Lao Tzu I've come up with a TV series in my brain..."

"Entrance NPC road goods, mine dungeon ([-]) is the simplest, how can I say, Tiezi, when Brother Chun and I went in, I was almost scared to pee my pants... Haha, of course it is an exaggeration..."

The roommate's room was still live broadcasting all night. Qiao Shan listened at his door for a while, shook his head, and went to wash up alone.

There is no game time today, and it is rare to go offline so early. He is going to tidy himself up, wash his clothes, change into a clean bedding, and go to the hospital again to see that the newly hired nurse is not doing his job well.

Everything in the refrigerator was broken, and there was a musty smell after opening it. There were his and his roommate’s, and the two opened them separately. Qiao Shan threw his own into the trash, and looked at his roommate’s closed one. The door, and all his belongings were also thrown away.

I went out to throw out the garbage, bought a lot of things in large and small bags at the supermarket downstairs, refilled the refrigerator, and sat down in a daze.

I really don’t know what to do. Well, apart from games, there are very few things that can attract his attention in reality. The deposit on the bank card exceeds 6 figures, but he still maintains the previous inertia, even the house. shared with others.

Money, after solving basic survival problems, does not seem to be as important as imagined.

At this time, the roommate went out to go to the bathroom, saw him sitting alone in the living room without turning on the light, and said with a smile: "Did you hang up?"

Qiao Shan nodded.

"I told you a long time ago that level 5 is impossible. At least level 10 and above must be equipped with not-so-bad equipment to be sure. Going for dungeons now is a waste of time and experience, isn't it?"

Qiao Shan didn't bother to argue with him, so he hummed for a while and ignored it.

The roommate came back from the water, wiped two wet fingers on the dirty pajamas, opened the refrigerator, and took out a can of beer that Qiao Shan bought newly, "By the way, I'm moving next week, Let me tell you in advance."

Qiao Shan was disgusted by his two fingers, rolled his eyes at him and said, "Have you earned enough money?"

"It's renting, not buying. How can I earn enough money? Where can I go? My goal is a big house in the city center. The grade can't be lower than Tangju Yipin. How about you?"


Qiao Shan was a little dazed.

"Are you stimulated in the game? Hey, how are your bosses doing?"

"...don't mention it"

"Haha, why don't you come and hang out with me? Instead of pleasing the boss, it's better to manage the fan group well. Fans are good. Those who have money will give rewards, and those who don't have money will contribute popularity and influence. Dude has more than four million fans. The live broadcast has been watched by more than [-] people... At that time, if you just pick up a few endorsements and promotions, the money will not roll in, and you can also live broadcast and bring goods at the last time, isn't it more promising than pleasing a few bosses who are difficult to serve?"

"... Tell me, what are you earning so much money for?"

The roommate was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "Old Tie, don't you have a fever?"

"Fuck off"

"It seems that the excitement is not light." The roommate took a sip of beer, and said in a self-deprecating or sarcasm: "This kind of problem is not something that people like you and I can think about, it is reserved for those who have everything. Going to be hurt and sad. You are earning money now, your income is guaranteed, and a good standard of living can be guaranteed. The goal you worked hard for and struggled for has been realized, as if you have climbed to the top of the mountain. That’s right, I don’t want to work hard when I see the mountains farther and higher, I’m rich and I want to eat and die, right?”

Qiao Shan opened his mouth...

"I am different. I have higher and stronger goals. I want to stand up and succeed. I want others to envy and envy me. I want those who look down on me to regret. I want to buy a villa, drive a luxury car, and live in a There are parties on luxury yachts, and the most beautiful young models are only allowed to wear bikinis. I want to marry the most beautiful wife and have the cutest children. Born with a golden key, don't envy anyone else..."

Saying that, the roommate turned his back and quickly wiped the corners of his eyes, "Old Tie, the road ahead is still long, where are you now, if you don't work hard now, you will regret it in the future."

After the roommate left, Qiao Shan thought for a while by herself, then suddenly slapped herself, stood up energetically, and went to the hospital.

The nurse hired was really not so conscientious. At night, he lay alone on the escort bed and slept like a dead pig, snoring.

"Don't blame others. There is no man. She is a mother of three children. It's not easy. I didn't wake her up. It's only a few steps away."

"...the next time I will definitely fire you!"

"Thank you boss, thank you boss, I won't do it next time, I won't do it again"

After losing his temper, the patients in the next ward woke up.

"Binbin, is that game of yours really making so much money? I saw a corruption case on the TV news. A helmet sold for millions. How much did your helmet cost?"

Sitting next to the hospital bed, Qiao Shan was peeling an apple when his mother suddenly asked him such a question.

"Well... mine is 98 yuan"

"...9, 98? Don't lie to me"

"believe it or not"

"Well... Binbin, how much money do you earn a month?"

Qiao Shan knew his wife too well, and said, "Want to send money to that gambler again? Don't even think about it!"

"But... but, if they say that if they don't pay back the money, they will chop off his hands. After all, he is your father..."

A burst of anger hit Qiao Shan's forehead, he stood up with a bang, and the half-cut apple hit the ground and fell into pieces, "I told you to call the police, but you didn't listen... I relied on myself when I was 9 years old. , who ever took care of me... no money, let him die!"

On the way back, he calmed down, and pulled down the brim of his hat weakly to cover his tired face.

"Old Tie, the road ahead is still long. Where are you now? If you don't work hard now, you will regret it in the future."

The roommate's words echoed in his ears again, and he said to himself in his heart, Qiao Shan, Qiao Shan, are you drifting away or are you drifting away?What does this setback mean to you?
Sui cheered up, and after returning, immediately privately chatted with the boss who kicked him out of the group.

The boss is the blond little plum. After he knelt and licked carefully, the other party who finally licked returned his message.

"...I've been in some trouble recently. It's easy to talk about things in the game. Get some good equipment and find a way to pass the level later... Anyway, please keep in touch."

trouble, what trouble?
The incomplete meaning of the boss's words made him a little uncertain.

"Let's watch the news"

Qiao Shan quickly turned on the computer, and the headline on the front page pushed by Penguin was: "A senior executive of Canaan Company was criminally detained at 9:15 tonight. The executive was suspected of reselling Canaan game helmets and made hundreds of millions of illegal profits."

Why is this matter related to the boss?

Didn't you say nothing was found?

The Canaan company released 1000 new helmets. The lottery ceremony was very lively. It claimed to be under the supervision of the entire network, and the media broadcast the whole process live. It was like a talent show.
(End of this chapter)

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