This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 129 1 Ground Chicken Feather

Chapter 129

Yu Qingdong doubted that he would not be able to get out of this office building.

When he appeared in the spotlight, he was quite disheartened.

The reporter pointed the microphone directly at his face, and the questions he asked became sharper and sharper, making it difficult for him to resist.

Covered by bodyguards, he got into the car and headed for the company headquarters building. When he got there, there were a group of reporters waiting there. In addition, there were cloud players spontaneously gathering around. If there were not policemen on the scene Maintain order, they can all rush in.

"I've checked everything, and I haven't found any problems for the time being. You can leave later."

"That's it, that's it, my reputation, my..."

"Repay your reputation, do you know how big a disaster you almost got into? You thought it was just game equipment and hundreds of millions of stolen money. Let me tell you. It’s still tenable, let’s see if you can walk out of this gate today.”

"Aside from reselling game equipment, what else is the problem?"

"It's a big problem. Besides, it's beyond your control. Pack it up and let's go."

"Look, look, here it is again. I can't ask about this, and that is confidential. There are a lot of such uncles in the company. What do you want me to do? Those equipment are what they want, and the reason for using them is tenable. Feet, can I refuse, they are major shareholders, and I am a senior wage earner"

"Stop complaining to me, don't forget how you got into Canaan Company and what you signed."

"I feel like I'm a scapegoat for you..."

Sitting in the conference room on the top floor, Yu Qingdong was still thinking about the conversation when he walked out of that office. Looking at the two sides of the conference table, many familiar faces disappeared and were replaced by unfamiliar poker faces.

This family is not easy to manage, they are all mothers-in-law, alas!

But he had already boarded the pirate ship, and he had nothing to say, so he could only pretend that nothing happened, and go through the various procedures of the meeting mechanically.

There is no need to do crisis public relations. The invisible gunpowder smoke occurs in every invisible corner, and the news of the scales and claws is enough to make people shudder.

"I heard... Lao Yu committed suicide"

After the meeting, the CFO who joined him from Warwick came to his office, chatted for a while, and then suddenly whispered.


"Older than..."

"How could he have a problem!", Yu Qingdong was really shocked, Lao Yu was completely irrelevant, and his position was not enough, how could a senior technician be involved in such a corruption case?

"...I heard that she is a beautiful woman from Japan...Old Yu got into a deep trap and revealed a lot of secrets"


"So, we people should also be careful, don't just go in in a daze."

Everyone in the company was panicked, rumors spread, and the company's management was not focused on work.

Yu Qingdong had to stand up and clean up the situation.

The first thing is to get the 1000-man draft...ah, no, the lottery done.

"This Yu Dazui, didn't he go in, why did he come out alive and kicking?"

In the player's apartment, Zhang Miao and the others were having dinner while discussing job transfer tasks. The TV was on, and the vigorous "draft" was at a critical stage. A middle-aged man with glasses who had passed the "audition" was buying Miserable, how difficult it is to talk about yourself, how much you love the Canaan world, how will you repay the society if you are drawn, and repay the people who voted for him...

After this person went down, Yu Dazui used to make sensational comments, and the judges also had various opinions, and the debate was quite fierce.

Damn, it's hard for them to think of this trick to divert public attention.

Then a middle-aged housewife came up, she was very ordinary, but she had a good eloquence. When she introduced herself, she talked about how she was when she was young, how she is now, how she is to Canaan, and how she will be in the future. how how...

Listening to this, Brother Ruoran laughed, "Can't you tell that this guy was a non-mainstream StarCraft e-sports player before?"

After 00, Hsieh Chang-ting didn't know the non-mainstream stalks, so he asked what he meant, but Ruoran didn't bother to explain, so he interrupted.

"It's almost done. Catch and close. Throw out 1000 dog bones to calm people's hearts. It's time to finish." Er Niu looked disillusioned.

"That's it? What about Fan Chaoyue, and those guys who bought helmets and don't do it? These are all stolen goods", Brother Ruoran yelled very dissatisfied.

Hu Xinmin said: "It has nothing to do with Fan Chaoyue. The helmet was given by someone, and the giver bought it at a high price. All these have been investigated. Besides, the game qualification cannot be deprived..."

"That's why they have great powers and a profound background. Another person would have gone in long ago."

"... For such a serious matter, we must talk about facts and evidence."

"Are you a Fan Chaoyue fan?"

"I like her quite a lot, she's not pretentious, she doesn't have any scheming"

"Come on, all you see are human designs, do you understand human designs?"

"I said you two are almost done. Eat salty radish and don't worry about it. Xiaoer turned off the TV." Er Niu stopped the argument between Hu Xinmin and Ruoran with a full face, and ordered Zhang Miao, who had been eating melons, to turn off the TV.

Only then did a few people turn their minds to business.

There is no way, time is tight, and the time to go online twice a day is stuck. If you are not lucky, you will not be able to log in.

After dinner, before the game time came, a few people spread out the dungeon map of the Kobold Mine ([-]) downloaded from the Internet and the monster illustrated book, and carefully studied and analyzed it.

"No matter what you do, you won't have a chance if you don't change jobs."

After discussing and discussing, but couldn't find a way to clear the customs, Xie Changting threw away the pen and sat down dejectedly.

"There is little hope, and the price of dying is too high," Hu Xinmin also said.

"Then...give up?" Brother Ruoran was still unwilling.

"Let's upgrade first, upgrade to level 8 and get a suit of equipment and try again. No one can pass at this stage." Er Niu also recognized the reality with a full face.

"It seems like this is the only way to go." Zhang Miao was full of apprehension and entanglement when he remembered that the top-quality magic staff worth 200 million was still lying in the NPC warehouse.

If this is dropped in the hand, it will be a big loss.

No one expected that the job transfer task in the third test is more difficult than the first and second tests, and it is impossible to pass the level by opportunistic tricks.

At the same time, Bei Gaoyang, who was surfing the Internet on Earth, suddenly received a friend request from a stranger.

But he didn't realize at all how difficult it was for the other party to achieve this step, what price he had paid, and what kind of risk he was taking, so he turned off this message prompt casually.

The daily routine shutdown and maintenance time is a rare relaxation. The busiest period has finally passed. New and old players are on the right track. The peak number of online users has exceeded 2800, and the theoretical perfect value is close at hand.

Next, it's time to go to the Alpha demiplane to take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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