This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 130 Expansion?

Chapter 130 Expansion?
The Rock Fortress of the Duchy of Delsa.

The centaur tents are boundless, stretching all the way to the end of the world. Countless armours, reflecting the red sunlight, form a sea of ​​silver light in the field of vision, densely packed black dots floating above the army, which are centaur shamans, wizards and A ritual bathed in divine light.

And on the wall of the fortress, the army of the Principality of Delsa occupied every wall. The thick magic gun with the muzzle extended the black muzzle, pointing in the direction of the army outside the city. Above the fortress, the powerful The Griffon Knight acts as a defensive force in the air, preventing all flying creatures from approaching.

Inside the city, towering spiers shone with dazzling aura. It was the mages who took refuge in the church who were crazily extracting the surrounding magic power, brewing powerful spells.

The magic pattern on the city wall has been illuminated, the fortifications are fully opened, and the inside and outside of the city are suffocated. Putting in a small stone can break the balance like an abyss.

In this case, Bei Gaoyang slowly protruded from the void outside the battlefield where no one noticed, first a faint shadow, and then a great magician with a full set of magic equipment.

Even though they were far away, he could still smell the dignified atmosphere of the battlefield. This place was no longer covered by the magic net. Even he had to be careful to avoid being found out.

What is certain is that at least the Church of Evernight does not have the energy to hunt him down. A small Duchy of Delsa will definitely not be able to resist the current situation. resist.

The centaur is really crazy this time, it is desperate, and it uses all its strength to fight against the front of the human kingdoms.

Even if they were allowed to capture the fortress, or even occupy the Principality of Delsa, so what? Barbarism can be powerful for a while, but it cannot be fierce forever. Moreover, the key to victory is not in the battlefield of the material world, but in...

Bei Gaoyang looked up at the sky full of burning clouds. Could it be that the gods took advantage of the opportunity of the civil war in the abyss to attack the centaur pantheon?

If so, that would be bad. It is rare in this world to have the power to balance the Twilight Conference. One less person would be a huge deterioration in the security situation for a person like him.

If only I could help.

It's a pity that the magic net and players are far from enough to blend in a battle of this scale. If 3000 players are thrown in, it really won't make any waves. It still needs time and timing, he said to himself in his heart.

He won't be able to fight for a while, and after watching the situation inside and outside the fortress for a while, he teleported away.

In Buck City, the young city lord Bob has been promoted to level 15, and his stature has grown a lot. It seems that he already has the aura of a professional.

He led a group of NPC "players" to farm monsters outside the city day and night. Now a small piece of farmland has been cleared and part of the production has resumed, so they don't have to rely entirely on the food that Bei Gaoyang brought back from the earth.

Bei Gaoyang's arrival made the young city lord overjoyed, and rushed to see him immediately.

"Not bad, not bad, it looks like an elite fighter."

Bei Gaoyang patted the young city lord's broadened shoulder, and smiled in relief.

"It's all a gift from an adult. This...player mode is too powerful. Every effort is rewarded, and every bit of growth can be clearly felt. I have never heard of any professional inheritance that can be so subtle." To some extent, I feel that I can grow up to be a Juggernaut..."

Bob was very excited, and his immature face was flushed, and the little friends behind him were also full of reverence.

Juggernaut is impossible, that is a level 9 profession, and the magic net is only level 3, maybe in the future, it depends on Bob's own efforts and luck.

This time I came here mainly to see the preparations in the city. The large army is about to be transferred here, and the hundreds of people in the city don't know how the rehearsal is going.

"It's all arranged, my lord"

"Then let's practice it again!"


The bell in the city rang, and hundreds of residents of Buck City soon appeared in their performance positions. Bob asked a little friend to act as the player who just walked out of the teleportation array, and Bei Gaoyang followed behind, watching How does he interact with NPCs in the city, how to trigger missions, and how to explore the various clues left by the system.

"Hey, little flower is gone, can you help me find it?"

Even three-year-old children are included in the "script". The main line, branch lines, and adventure tasks are divided into dozens of branch lines, which go hand in hand, and a little bit of the world view is mixed in, allowing players to explore, discover and gain at the same time, Uncover the secrets of Buck City step by step, as well as the origin of the family cemetery, and then understand the secrets of this world and the nature of the gods and the church.

Bei Gaoyang's private goods are also mixed in, as well as the so-called hidden missions, hidden occupations and hidden races...

The entire Buck City is a stage. In addition to the performances and scripts in the script, many resident NPCs also have the authority to issue some simple tasks, such as cleaning up the farmland outside the city, helping to repair houses, helping to take care of livestock, and treating illnesses, etc., which are very rich.

Bei Gaoyang was very satisfied with the overall effect.

Bob is also looking forward to the arrival of the players. He already knows what the system, the magic net, and the players are all about. While leveling up and becoming stronger every day, he is also familiar with and mastering the roles he needs to take on, which is far better than that played by Bei Gaoyang. The main thread NPC needs to invest more.

At the same time, he is also very curious and can't wait to meet his "clan" who are also players. He feels that he is no longer alone, and he is full of confidence and imagination for the future.

It's nice to be young!
Like the rising sun, full of vitality.

After the inspection, the next step is the business of this trip.

Bei Gaoyang was going to build a teleportation array in Buck City, and the target was the decoy thrown by the demon Baan, the demiplane named Alpha-0-157.

With the permission of the demiplane of the teleportation path, there are still plenty of materials and warehouses for constructing the teleportation circle. With the help of the magic net, the stone slabs engraved with the magic circle are inlaid on the flat stone platform step by step.

The teleportation array was activated, and with a buzzing sound, the void on the stone platform trembled, and the light was greatly refracted, outlining an outline that collapsed inward.

Finally stabilized, a portal leading to the outside of the material world is like a mirror that is constantly in the void. The surface of the mirror is bright and brilliant, and the sky and the earth of another plane are reflected in full.

"Get ready, follow me to explore tomorrow."

"Another world, my lord?"

"It should be a lost country, I don't know how it has been ruined."

If the situation permits, Bei Gaoyang is going to let the magic net extend over, through this constant teleportation array that holds the highest authority, thereby opening up a brand new game scene, which will be used as the plot scene of the national war.

It's time to launch the first piece of expansion.

What kind of name should I give?

The Lost Kingdom of Canaan?
Prelude to the bloody battle of Canaan?
Or the first one.

(End of this chapter)

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