This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 131 Half Plane

Chapter 131 Half Plane

The demiplane of Alpha-0-157 is shrouded in a thick fog all year round.

It is like a small island, repulsed by magic power to form a small protective cover. Outside the protective cover is the boundless chaotic sea. The occasional turbulence of time and space makes the chaotic sea full of unknown risks. A city plus a farm, the farm is very large, occupying 90% of the island.

All kinds of strange-shaped plants grow in the farm, full of abyss style, among which screaming vines and ghost plants are the most common.

Different from farms in the usual sense, the birth and evolution of species here has a certain degree of randomness, because of the characteristics of abyss worms, this kind of randomness is deliberately pursued by demon farmers. After all, the purpose of farm existence is to please [Abyss Consciousness ], the secondary purpose is to trade, to obtain more souls and wealth.

As we all know, demons are masters of the soul. In the realm of souls, even the gods may not be able to compare with senior demon lords, but there is one thing that few people know, that is, demons also have deep research in "gene editing". Bei Gaoyang's 'Biological magic', a large part of technology and inspiration, comes from the devil's flesh and blood magic.

Well, let's get down to business.

When Bei Gaoyang walked out of the portal and appeared in the profane square in the center of the city, what he saw was almost an empty city.

The devil farmer has already withdrawn, and the plane merchants will naturally not stay in this right and wrong place. There are only some poor adventurers, plane wanderers, etc., wandering like beggars in the deserted streets, castles and shops .

It can be seen that this demiplane was quite prosperous before. A cross street across the entire city divides it into four parts. In the center is the square with a giant statue of the abyss lord of Kalondo, and behind him is the castle of the farmer. Its dozens of steps half a person's height are not so friendly to a small creature like Bei Gaoyang.

Climb up the steps and get a bird's-eye view from a high place. The city's buildings are all made of rocks from the abyss. They are rust-colored and look dirty.

Looking beyond the low city wall, you can see the towering giant trees outside, as well as the steep and towering peaks similar to those in the movie Avatar.

Generally speaking, he is satisfied, the size does not matter, the demiplane can grow, as long as there is enough population.

Obviously, the demons will not really manage this place, and some only use its characteristics and special environmental climate to breed some weird species here.

While watching in a daze, Bob and the others suddenly found an intruder coming out of the castle behind them...

This is a lame little devil, old and out of shape, he limped up to the Archmage, rolled his eyeballs, and said with a smile: "You must be Rumsfeld, the famous The Massacre of Thousand Faces..."

When Bei Gaoyang raised his hand, he snapped his fingers, and with a "click", a lightning bolt the size of chopsticks hit the little devil, causing him to scream and struggle, and fell to the ground, crying continuously.

"Where are the plane crystals?"

Bei Gaoyang said lightly.

"Hiss... there are no crystals, this demiplane is too small and too broken... Jie Jie Jie..." Thick black flames appeared all over the little devil's body, and cracks appeared on the dry skin, which was the result of being under the tremendous pressure. He didn't mean to pray for the softness of the kimono, but instead smiled strangely, hoping to see Bei Gaoyang's disappointed expression.

"It's not just right!" Bei Gaoyang was even more satisfied. There is no plane crystal, which means that its supreme control has not yet been produced. Once he guards this place, he can wait for the "key" to control it to be born slowly.

Speaking of plane crystals, they can only be produced on some half-planes or very small planes. The [Castle Heart], which is similar to a dungeon, is a rare treasure. The control authority of the plane.

This is the biggest charm of this demiplane!

Thinking of this, Bei Gaoyang was a little excited, turned around and walked into the castle, and ordered while walking: "Lead the way."

The little devil struggled to get up, and followed behind tremblingly, his small eyes stared viciously at the archmage's back, maybe thinking of some fun, he suddenly burst into a sinister smile.

Bob and his little friends had never touched the creatures of the abyss. They were both curious and nervous. The little devil turned to look at them with a red light in his eyes, "There is no savior, and there is no heroic king, the hero Os Tediman, you will always exist in the depths of our souls, Jie Jie Jie..."

Bob was horrified by his slang-like ballads, and felt his heart was penetrated by the red light. Bei Gaoyang, who was walking in front, said, "No matter how lowly a demon is, he has the talent to deceive people. Don't listen to him playing tricks. You are serious." , fell into his trap."

"It's no wonder that Mr. Rumsfeld, who is well-known in the material world, knows the abyss like the back of his hand. Children, you should be deeply honored to follow such a big man? Jie Jie Jie, I can't even remember the last time someone cursed him. Who is the unlucky guy, it seems to be a mage, uh... let me think..."

"Demons of the same class have a talent for 'resource and information sharing', as if their souls are one. Don't look at this old thing as a little devil. In terms of deceiving people, there is an ethnic group standing behind him."

In fact, there is nothing to see in this castle. The valuable things were taken away by the demon farmer. Bei Gaoyang found a worn-out desk lamp in a place full of rags and sundries——Made in China.
The layout of the castle is similar to that of human nobles.

It is worth mentioning that there is actually a complete magic pool and auxiliary facilities in the basement. Bei Gaoyang tried it, and it is still operating normally, continuously extracting and transforming magic power from chaos.

It is like a water source, which is necessary for the existence of the half-plane, otherwise the chaotic sea outside will erode in, flood the city, destroy the island, and turn the half-plane into nothingness.

"Not bad"

Bei Gaoyang saw the potential to upgrade the demiplane, and his determination to keep it became firmer.

"Greed, arrogance, you can always blind people's eyes, let you see what it wants you to see, Jie Jie Jie..."

The little devil was making sarcastic remarks again. This is the nature of devils. Only a high-level devil like Bahn can restrain this nature and behave politely, even more elegantly than those big nobles.

But this is also a disguise. Whether a demon is inclined to chaos or order, it is a creature full of malice towards the material world and all living beings.

"Little Love!?"

"I, I, I am"

"Is the signal bad?"

"The passage is too narrow, too much interference..."

"Take your time, try to build a 'signal receiving tower' first"

Half an hour later, the accompanying dwarf craftsman erected an all-metal probe on the highest point of the castle tower, and below it was a special device designed by Xiao Ai, which was full of the style of combining technology and magic. After it was activated, the "signal" really stabilized a bit.

"Network coverage, 1%..."

Bei Gaoyang heaved a sigh of relief, as long as it works, it's time to go to the farm outside to have a look.

Hope there are surprises waiting for you.

(End of this chapter)

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