This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 132 Oh, the abyss

Chapter 132 Oh, the abyss

Bei Gaoyang seems to be in a Jurassic Park. In this extremely primitive, lush, weird and frightening demon farm, there are all kinds of unimaginable...stitch monsters everywhere.

To say that demons are notorious for their bad taste, this is obvious from their own origin and bloodlines.

The origin of all demons is the abyss worm, a kind of slug-like, harmless, transformed from soul fragments that fell into the abyss.

The White Walkers are the greatest source of Abyss Worms.

The worms at the beginning were like single-celled organisms. They devoured each other, evolved and grew up in the unique environment of the abyss, evolved from single-celled to multi-cellular, and from multi-cellular to mature and complete individual life.

The first individual beings are imps.

All the little devils look the same, like dwarves, with dark skin and ugly faces, staring at a huge head with a big jagged mouth like a shark, looking viciously and sinister at all creatures other than themselves, including their kind.

Above the little devil is the big devil, with the height of an adult, the iconic devil wings growing on the back, and horns on the head. This image is widely circulated in the material world and has become the iconic symbol of the devil.

Starting from the big demons, they began to have very powerful innate skills, they were born to use magic, and they could recognize magic lines like breathing.

The big devil is the beginning of the connection between the past and the next. Compared with the little devil, the two can still see the genetic inheritance of the same species, but this will not be the case at all in the future.

The big demon evolves again, and it is completely different from the lower demons. Among them, the faceless demon is the most famous. It is like an octopus without tentacles. It is completely transparent and immune to most magic barriers and protections. It is almost indistinguishable to the naked eye. They are the most frightening But there is a talent - parasitism.

Silently, the Faceless Demon can unfold its body to cover the face of intelligent creatures, and silently inject the 'Mental Demon Seed', and then grow stronger with the help of the host's negative emotions, desires, fears and greed. Gradually change the host's mind, and then change his character, and finally complete the dove occupying the magpie's nest.

Even if the Faceless Demon is a powerful spellcaster, he will still get hit if he is careless. Bei Gaoyang always has a kind of spell on his body, which is specially used to defend against this kind of sneak attack.

In addition to the Faceless Demon, there are tens of thousands of low-level demons of which no one knows all kinds, such as the Blasphemer, Puppet Demon, Plague Demon, Baktobe Demon, etc. The smallest Blasphemer has only one mouth, It only appears in a specific environment, and it sends out this kind of nephew broadcast all the time, tempting every soul who listens to it to fall.

The largest Baktobi is a mountain of meat, which claims to be able to eat any substance and has a stomach like a bottomless pit. It is also a meat factory. The devil's food can be harvested at any time, which is convenient and fast.

The lower demons go up to the middle demons, and they are also the de facto backbone class. The more famous ones are succubus, balrog, coward, beholder, hard demon, disease demon, erotic demon, etc. From this period, disorder The way of evolution of the succubi became orderly again, all the succubi are similar in length, the difference is very small, and it is also from this period that the demons began to have high intelligence, enough to overcome instinctive impulses, and began to have their own personalities, preferences, pursuit and ideal.

The median demons can no longer evolve through simple and rude methods, and must please [Abyss Consciousness] to gain a chance to advance. They will try their best to infiltrate the material world, and use every means to communicate with everyone who can touch them. Intelligent creatures achieve 'cooperation', but this kind of cooperation is often malicious. With their superb IQ and profound mystic knowledge, they can often achieve their goals without coercion. They are good at planning, and planning is by no means temporary. Very far-sighted.

High-level demons are the masters of the abyss, the top of demon evolution, high-level demons do not have classifications such as succubus and balrog, and all high-level demons do not have a fixed racial image, and the way of evolution turns to disorder, image, body shape, ability, There are thousands of different temperaments, and there are no two identical high-ranking demons, just as it is impossible to have two identical leaves.

As for the higher-level demon lords and demon lords, they are all held by high-level demons, the difference lies in the domain of authority and virtual godhead endowed by [Abyss Consciousness].

Look, the little devils and big devils are orderly, the low-level devils are chaotic, and the middle-level devils turn into order again, until the high-level devils complete a cycle.

Order and chaos, construction and destruction, always run through the entire abyss. The abyss is a combination of contradictions, and it is also the sharpest spear and the most stubborn shield.

From this point of view, the bloody battle is inevitable, and the root of the disaster was planted long ago when the [Abyss Consciousness] was formed.

Responding to the present, this devil's farm embodies this contradiction everywhere.

The upper body of a person, the lower body of a plant, the upper body of a beautiful woman, the lower body like a ghost vine, the naked and beautiful upper body, the ugly, hideous and huge lower body... The suture monsters are planted on a hillside.

The beautiful heads had dull eyes, and their long straight black hair fluttered in the wind. As soon as Bei Gaoyang came, they began to sing, changing their tunes until they found the soft place in Bei Gaoyang's heart.

They began to laugh, and like affectionate lovers welcoming him back, they murmured, hoped, and urged any intruding creature into their arms.

As for the end...

Just look at the piles of white bones hanging from the ghostly vine-like roots.

"This is a ghost girl vine, a new variety cultivated by Master Keyer. Jie Jie Jie, their milk is a treasure that many noble ladies dream of. It can retain youth and emit a body fragrance that the opposite sex cannot refuse..." Xiao The devil was explaining at the side, and suddenly there was an earthquake, and then saw a giant coming rumblingly, trampling many ghost girl vines to pieces, red, white, thin, thick... all sputtered out at once. ...

At first glance, this is a miracle species that has been extinct for a long time - Titan, but it is actually a stitched monster, which is stitched together by countless human, animal, monster, and plant bodies, with a chest and four arms. Eyes full of dull, gray-white eyes, full of strong resentment that makes people dizzy and blind...

"Master Koyer had a whim one day and wanted to copy the Titan that existed in ancient times. Unfortunately, it was a failure and was used as a hunting dog... Look, he is wagging his tail to flatter you, jie jie jie... "

Bei Gaoyang was speechless. After looking at hundreds of such stitch monsters, he didn't see a single thing that could be accepted and used. Demon merchants are famous for their large number of slave warriors, pets, mounts, and soul crystals. Bane is One of them, why can't I see these here?

"Those commodities... When Master Koyer left, he took most of them with him, and there are still some left over, which he said was a meeting gift for you"

"take me"

"Don't look at it anymore, there are many interesting little things."

When Bei Gaoyang raised his hand, there was a flash of lightning.

The little devil slashed by the electric light wailed endlessly.

Oh, the abyss!
(End of this chapter)

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