This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 133 Magic Smart Workshop

Chapter 133 Magic Smart Workshop
After returning from the Alpha demiplane, I am generally satisfied.

Although it is not big, it is still relatively dilapidated, but it has the potential to upgrade. The upgrade of the demiplane lies in the stability of the law of space, in the population, and in the soul.

In the idealistic world, the underlying rules are written in this way. The soul and consciousness are the key to everything. Whether it is the gods or the abyss, they are all built on the basis of a huge soul. Throughout the ages, there is nothing like this.

Bei Gaoyang also invented the magic net, so he had some hazy awareness of the essence of the soul and the underlying rules of the world.

After returning, Xiao Ai immediately reported a surprise to him.

The magic net finally reached the theoretical perfect value, the peak number of online users reached 3000, the congestion situation was fundamentally alleviated, and the online and offline time and order area were stable.

The system surplus has steadily increased. Compared with the spirit and soul power provided by 3000 people, the current game functions and content are too thin. The income is high but the initial low, and the surplus will naturally increase steadily.

Speaking of which, the main update content of the third test has not yet been released, and the players are all stuck on the level of the first mission, wasting a lot of time.

Bei Gaoyang retrieved Xiao Ai's records, which showed the highest level of the players at this time, that is, the level of the third floor of the Kobold Mine ([-]).

It can be seen that there is still a lot of gap between the players and his minimum requirements.

Originally, this kind of progress was not a problem, it was nothing more than a longer period of operation, but with the dog bone of the Alpha demiplane hanging in front, this kind of progress was somewhat unacceptable.

For professionals who meet the minimum requirements, the job transfer task is a touchstone. When he urgently needs military support, none of them has reached the qualification standard, which makes people a little anxious.

Bei Gaoyang hesitated for a moment. There was no hope of the player clearing the level in a short period of time, and there was another half-plane to defend, so he could only make a compromise.

"Xiao Ai, lower the difficulty of the dungeon by 5%"

In the end, he was still ready to compromise with reality.

Anyway, the growth of players doesn't happen overnight, there is still a long time to temper them, let's eat the dog bones first.

As soon as the system announcement was sent out, it caused a huge commotion both online and offline, and the World Channel became lively, calling for people to form a team to clear the Kobold dungeon.

Bei Gaoyang checked the operation of the magic net during the time he was away, and focused on the bugs and loopholes marked by Xiao Ai, and there are still some areas that need to be improved. For what [Magic Net: Four] should be like, there is a Rough idea.

The Alpha demiplane can solve the pet and mount system, can be used as a legion battlefield, can provide military rank, military merit, and noble titles, and can be used as a source of family, guild quests, and materials...

However, this matter is not in a hurry, Baan sent another message, one urging him to deliver the goods as soon as possible, and the other asking him why he has not taken over the Alpha plane, and what he is dawdling about.

Hey, Lord Demon is in a hurry!
It is rare to take the initiative in dealing with demons, and now he is the active party, so let Bahn worry.

It took an afternoon to assemble the second war golem. In the process of making the magic core, he had a new idea on how to produce the magic core in an "automated assembly line".

Inspiration was hard-won, and he quickly immersed himself in my work...

The new self-created spell will be [Magic Smart Workshop], which will not be lower than the fifth ring, and it will be more complicated than the current magic net.

The specific principle is to divide the production process of the magic core into relatively independent units, use the "modular" and "standardized" methods to produce its various components, and use To pass through the way of [Prayer] to the source quality, just like his [Prayer Travel].

Imitating the idea of ​​the earth's smart factory, the spell configuration of this self-created spell will be completely different from any known structure, and the magic array will be three-dimensional.

It should be like a factory, and it should also be a magic smart workshop...

If realized, it can also be applied to other aspects. The effect is much stronger than the "automatic magic engraving machine". In the future, the player's equipment, props, etc., the magic net can be weakened, and the percentage of real aspects will be greatly increased. It is like Just like real magic artifacts.

In this way, there will be a huge adjustment in Magic Web IV, and the fourth test will be closer to reality.

Once she got to work, she forgot the time, and Xiao Ai had a new situation to report to him, so she didn't tell him immediately when she saw him like this.

As the manager of the magic net, when another artificial intelligence magic life defined as [Goddess of Life and Harvest Tias] has not been put into work, the magic net and the players can't hide the big and small things from him.

Xiao Ai discovered that a new way of playing games is becoming popular.

Not every player likes to fight and kill.

These players are not so keen on task upgrades, and instead regard Canaan as a new way of life and a new life.



"It's so beautiful, Xuewu"

"Yeah yeah"

The red sunset almost falls on the calm lake, and the dim light is dazzling in the sparkling water waves. The world is like a beautiful CG picture, so beautiful and so quiet.

Du Shiyu and Fan Chaoyue, who were already very familiar, sat and rested by the river. Fan Chaoyue wove a wreath with branches and an unknown yellow flower and put it on his head.

"is it nice?"


"Wear it for you too"


The two talked, laughed and played, enjoying a rare warm time.

It's a pity that the spoiler came soon.

"I'm pissed off, I'm pissed off"

"Xuewu, Zhiqiu, the two of you, the land has been robbed, and you are still here as if nothing happened."

Xia Miaomiao came over angrily, sat down beside the two of them, turned a blind eye to the picturesque scenery, grabbed a weed and threw it into the water, "Aren't you two still leveling up?"

"Zhiqiu, have you rested yet?"

"Well, I don't want to move"

"Me too, just want to lie still"

"Get up, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it cannot be upgraded"

The three of them got up and went to the place where monsters were originally spawned, and saw that someone had already occupied the place. A total of seven or eight teams were farming monsters on a small hillside. Very many, from time to time emerge from the underground ovary.

Moths are at level 3-4 and move slowly. They are the most suitable objects for leveling, and they are not too disgusting in appearance, so they are very popular with some female players.

"Shall we change places?" Du Shiyu said.

"There are so many of them, we can't snatch them away. Let's go, go there." Fan Chaoyue pulled Xia Miaomiao, who was still a little bit aggrieved, to walk in another direction. He passed by several monster-spawning teams and looked at them vigilantly. I'm afraid they will come and rob me.

One monster spawn point corresponds to one ovary, moths are stupid, only two or three moths come out at a time, and the spawning is also very safe, generally there will be no danger.

The known ovaries were all occupied by people, and the three of them searched around but couldn't find a place. They happened to see three people in a team go offline, so they walked over and wanted to form a team with them.

(End of this chapter)

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