This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 134 Canaan's Poems and the Distance

Chapter 134 Canaan's Poems and the Distance

"Xuewu Feiyu, don't you remember me?"

"You are……"

"Vanilla pudding, you really forgot"


"The first enchanter, the first magician... Huh, you really look down on ordinary players like us"

Strange to say, when there are men and women in the team, everyone tends to be very harmonious and tolerant of each other. When the team is all women or all men, this situation often occurs.

A huge moth came out of the ovary, Du Shiyu reacted slowly, let the vanilla pudding get hit, the vanilla pudding quit, it must be said that she did it on purpose.

"Let's go, go, ignore her, she's crazy"

After only brushing one monster, they broke up unhappy, and everyone parted ways.

"I won't use it anymore, 88," Fan Chaoyue said.

"Don't you still have unused game time?" Du Shiyu asked.

"It's only ten minutes, forget it"

"Xiao Yu, such a rich girl is different from us, don't let her lead you into trouble."

As soon as Fan Chaoyue went offline, Xia Miaomiao began to speak ill of her. These days, her best friend got very close to her, and it was a bit tasteful.

"How come, she is a very nice person, and her mind is very simple."

"You mean my mind is very complicated, especially insidious?"

"Hee hee, you're jealous"

"I, jealous?" Xia Miaomiao looked as if her tail was stepped on, "I'm worried about you, they don't care about the level, the equipment, or the income in the game. They have the capital, how about you? Can you do it, can you be a scenery party like her, a casual player?"

Du Shiyu frowned, "What's wrong with you? Have you taken gunpowder?"

"I've wanted to tell you a long time ago, how well did you play in the first test and the second test, the first enchanter, the first magician, and now, at level 5, you can't change jobs and just pass by like this? I feel like you're a little clueless."

Du Shiyu had nothing to say, her buddies were right. After the third test, especially after the income in the game stabilized, she was a little relaxed, and she didn't have the tension of the first two tests.

After completing the online tasks every day, mining, collecting, and selling miscellaneous items to the black shop of the system, I sold part of the copper coins I got and kept some of them. In this way, I saved 1 gold and 45 silver.

The price of game currency on the forum has stabilized after several violent fluctuations. The exchange rate is 1:5, that is, a copper coin is five yuan, which is even more crazy than in the second test. Just doing missions to spawn monsters, and the extra money plus miscellaneous items can easily earn more than a thousand yuan.

Work harder, do collection, mining and so on. Although the third test has been changed, and you can only work in life and career after a turn, some popular materials are still hoarded by merchants in advance. Far more than a thousand soft sister coins.

If you're lucky and explode a piece of equipment, the income will be a fixed number. Someone once showed off on the forum that a piece of green equipment with top attributes sold for millions.

With more than [-] players, it's like sitting on a mountain of gold, which seems to never be exhausted. Just like this, there are rumors that the copper coins will continue to rise.

Coupled with the fact that there are more players, it will be very difficult to compete for the upper reaches as before. Du Shiyu knows this.

That being the case, the anger in her heart was vented, and she started to lean towards leisure and entertainment, and she fell in love with Fan Chaoyue.

Xia Miaomiao is different. The previous two tests were not as good as hers, but she has a more lively nature, high spirits, loves to fight and rob, and is impatient with her buddies. It was poked at the sore spot, and it all poured out at once.

"You make me think about..."

"Xiao Yu, don't fall behind, I won't wait for you"

Du Shiyu became confused, with no worries about food and clothing, stable income, it seems that both the first life and the second life can live a little easier, do you still have to force yourself?

"Canaan is not just about tasking monsters and leveling, Miao Miao, I've made up my mind."


After going offline, Du Shiyu talked to his best friend.

"Canaan is Second Life. I want to live it more excitingly. I can't just treat it as a game. I want to experience it as the real world and life."

"You really got poisoned by that Fan Chaoyue," Xia Miaomiao jumped up and shouted.

"Don't care about her, you know my character..."

"Forget it, whatever you want, if you regret it in the future, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Xia Miaomiao left angrily, Du Shiyu sat alone for a while, and felt that she was right, Canaan is not just a game...

In order to prove that she was right, she logged on to the official website forum and entered a brand new sub-forum: Life in Canaan.

The introduction of this section is: Canaan is not just swords and swords, but also poems and distant places. Here, we can share the efforts and gains in the second world, various brain-hole practices, DIY, etc.

The newly opened forum is not as popular as the main forum, but there are already many players, especially cloud players who love leisure and entertainment, and the atmosphere of posting and communicating is very harmonious.

"Kangkang, my new clothes, are they beautiful?"

"Beautiful Scenery by the Murloc River 5"

"You can be a life player without changing your career, recording the daily life of a brick-moving party"

"Sad reminder, I was miserably cheated by the black shop of the system"

"The failure of the Nth trial production of cement, on the difference between the magic environment and the real environment"

"How to get rid of the blood and tears contract of the system, wait online, very urgent"

"The most beautiful scenery record check-in, with coordinates and time inside, sisters post it"

"Using morning glory pollen and thorn vine juice as a foundation, the effect is surprisingly good"

Looking at it, Du Shiyu smiled from the bottom of her heart. Mission upgrades are important, but there are still many interesting things worth savoring carefully, aren't they?

Tie Jun doesn’t know if there are poems and distant places in Canaan. If some students dare to say these things, he will double the daily training subjects to see if they still have the energy to think about these useless things.

In the one-to-one replica of the kobold mine training ground, props who play monsters and bosses wear realistic 'costumes'. Under the judgment of smart glasses and artificial intelligence, a team of five students are meticulously replicating the copy of the strategy the whole process.

The other teams watched from behind the monitors, as if watching a real combat exercise.

"Partner No. 2 dies"

"Ah, I still have a little blood left!"

The No. 2 team member who was hit by the prop man and was judged to be instant killed bluffed and refused to leave the field, and Tie Jun went up and gave him a kick.

"The kobold chief casts the skill "Group Fear", with an angle of 60-180, covering a fan-shaped area of ​​15 meters, singing for 0.5 seconds, No. 1 and No. 4 team members dodge invalid, enter the state of [fear], and lose their autonomy"

"Partners No. 1 and No. 4 were killed by the Kobold Chief"

"The second team failed to clear the customs, the highest progress: the second floor kobold chieftain, the remaining blood volume is 2%."

"Exercise ended"

With a livid face, Tie Jun gathered all 20 players from the four teams together for a lecture.

The "National Team" led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences was disbanded a long time ago, and was replaced by a "Civil Service Team" selected and organized within each unit system. The most important thing is the "elite soldiers" selected systematically from various administrative units in Province Y. The highest level acquiesces in this behavior, and there are far-reaching considerations behind it.

Tie Jun didn't know about this kind of strategic issue. He retired from the special brigade quickly to support this important livelihood project in his hometown. It was Mr. Dong Guo who stuffed him with so many shams.

A Kobold dungeon, I heard from old comrades who stayed in the army that they had already simulated customs clearance many times, but for reasons that could not be said, they never put it into practice, but these people, the same training method, more The training time is still a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

(End of this chapter)

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