This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 135 Emerging Industries

Chapter 135 Emerging Industries
Outside the door of Modu, a company that provides full simulation game scene replication and training, Zhang Miao and his party of five got off the cable car, and entered the venue under the warm reception of the reception staff.

"We not only provide full-simulation training services for Kobold mine dungeons, but also provide one-to-one restoration of known game scenes and monsters. Look over there..."

The worker pointed to a hill under construction in the distance and said, "What do you think it looks like?"

Zhang Miao answered uncertainly: "Chenxi Town?"

"Yes, it's Chenxi Town!" The staff slapped their thighs and said excitedly, "Our company's main business is to serve players like you well. It doesn't matter if you can't clear the online missions. We will copy the mission scenes and processes. Team analysis and design, no matter how difficult the task is, no matter how difficult it is to pass the level, with our help, they can all walk on the, here"

Zhang Miao and the others looked at each other and followed silently.

It didn't take long for someone to seize such a business opportunity and come up with such a service project. It has to be said that as long as they can make money, some people have a better sense of smell than dogs.

And it’s not just this one, as far as Zhang Miao and the others have received the list, there are more than a dozen companies in the whole magic that are ready to start similar businesses. The pseudo-metaverse access devices such as smart glasses originally received mediocre response. After the business opportunities in Canaan World appeared, He came back from the dead, and similar orders were received softly.

Vigorous related industries have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, gradually radiating to high-end manufacturing, and even artificial intelligence, robotics, 5G, Internet of Everything, etc., high-tech industries have benefited a lot.

The influx of a large amount of hot money has caused Canaan's prices to soar. The price of copper coins has broken through to a high of 1:7, and there is still room for growth.

In this fanatical atmosphere, the player group is undoubtedly the one that benefits the most. A game helmet has been sold at a sky-high price of tens of millions of coins in the black market. Foreign countries are even more exaggerated. Calculated in meters and euros, the price is more than ten times that of the domestic market. , and there is no price.

Interests make people crazy, and when profits reach a certain level, it is enough to make people despise all rules and laws.

This kind of business is still under the sun. I don’t know how many invisible things are hidden in the dark. The most obvious example is the corruption case of Canaan Company. Only a small part of it is exposed above the water. There may also be an iceberg hidden underneath.

In this case, the group of players cherishes their own identity very much, especially people like Zhang Miao and Hu Xinmin who have nothing at all, they value it more than anything else.

Such a high-standard service is indeed free. Zhang Miao and the others are here to experience it, and the business is also to build a reputation. After all, players are only a very small group.

Making money from players is secondary, and getting a ticket to squeeze into the vigorous tide of the new era is the essence.

At the entrance of a huge factory building, experts from the technical team shook hands with Zhang Miao and the others, and the tool men played by real people were busy wearing 'costumes' and putting on serious and strict makeup. Serving for 5 of them.

Next, Zhang Miao and the others also visited the control room, director's room, computer room, IoT center and so on.

"Everyone on your marks..."

The entrance of the kobold mine simulated in the factory, and the props who played the role of NPC are meticulous, which is really similar to 9 points in the game. Zhang Miao and the others put their ears back, listened to the director's prompt inside, took a deep breath nervously, and talked with the NPC. After a similar conversation, walk into the entrance of the 'Copy of the Kobold Mine'.

It is a one-to-one restoration, the dark and depressing environment, the cramped and dark corridor, even the candle in the game is the same as in the game, but considering the environment difference (magic power) between reality and the game, the candle will not be extinguished easily, built-in The chip of the battery will control the flame generated by the battery, extinguish it when it is time to extinguish, and then send the data to the analysis center, and then a group of experts will point out the points that several people need to pay attention to and make mistakes...

"They stole our candles"

"Kill the Penetrator"

"Mao Ke is the Greatest"

Kobold miners appear, played by real people, all of them are very dedicated, imitating the movements of monsters is also decent, attack, retreat, slogan, scream, death... The artificial intelligence with the control center endows each attack and defense with attributes and effects , as if playing a sandbox game in reality.

The first layer has cooperated countless times. Online and offline, Zhang Miao and the others are familiar with every detail here, and the cooperation is also very skillful. Gradually, everyone finds the rhythm in the game, and plays all kinds of cooperation in a similar manner. .

It is no secret that the game improves the physical fitness of the players. This is also a key evidence for foreign countries to question the "major technological breakthrough". Zhang Miao is no longer an otaku who does not work hard.

With a 360-degree backflip in the air, Zhang Miao dodged the tool man's attack, and ended the aggressive tool man with a sword. The remaining three actors quickly resented the five people on the spot. After the evaluation of B+, the director and technical experts began to analyze each of their actions and steps, and proposed areas that could be improved and made better.

After experiencing it for a while, Brother Ruoran licked his lips and whispered, "How do you feel?"

"Looking at it again, I always feel that it is almost meaningless," Hu Xinmin said.

"It's impossible to simulate completely," Zhang Miao said.

"Second floor bar"

The scene on the second floor started quickly, and the heavy stone door was slowly opened by the action of the motor. The oncoming darkness and coldness made Zhang Miao think in a trance that he was really in Canaan.

The second layer is not so easy.

This is when the differences from the real copy of the game become more apparent.

The monsters in the dungeon are very intelligent, have attributes and skills, and even each one has a history and story behind it. It is reflected in every battle, what kind of attack is used, what rhythm is used, whether to use a sneak attack or a strong attack, all are different, and here Actors can only act according to the script, lacking real and random changes, which is a bit rigid.


Training goes into the night.

Zhang Miao and the others have already run out of game time, so they can work overtime offline without distraction. The difficulty of the dungeon has been lowered, and every player is holding their breath, determined to pass the level in the shortest time.

In this way, both offline and online exploded together, and they were getting closer and closer to Bei Gaoyang's minimum requirements for fighters and professionals.

After returning home, Changting Hsieh asked how this model was. Brother Ruoran said, let’s make it so-so, whether it works or not, you will only know after you try it.

That's right, no matter how good you practice offline, it's useless if you can't pass the level online.

"Helps a little bit, but not much, I think"

"Then let's have a look again, go online and try again tomorrow, and try to get through the second floor."


(End of this chapter)

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