This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 136 Are you still going to sell it?

Chapter 136 Are you still going to sell it?

"Xiaoer, you fucking hold on!"

On the third floor of the Kobold Mine, the last level of the Boss Kobold Sacrifice, Zhang Miao was chased by the boss and ran around the hall. Several other teammates drank red medicine, and their health was going from a dangerous layer of blood to Rising, he led the boss to carefully bypass the direction of his teammates. It was very difficult to deal with the agility at 6 points, and he might be hit by a skill at any time, which would lead to the destruction of the group.

Beforehand, no one expected to be able to hit so far this time. The first floor was calm, the second floor was full of surprises and joy, and the third floor was a little panicked.

The mobs on the third floor are still kobold warriors, but they are all replaced by big-bodied ones. The elites are totem warriors with magic patterns all over their bodies. The five of them have been walking a tightrope, and it is also due to luck that they passed all the way to the final boss body. forward.

"Despicable intruder, bear the wrath of God Moltke!"

The iconic chanting before the big move, Zhang Miao stopped immediately, and looked back to see that the boss really raised his dog-headed scepter.

With only 1 second to react, he looked nervously at the sky, and a few clusters of fiery red colors formed in the blink of an eye. At this time, his brain turned quickly, his body reacted quickly, and his brain took one step. He rolled to the ground, and the lazy donkey rolled out A distance of two or three meters.

Boom boom boom...

Carpet bombing, fireball bursts, falling like a meteorite, no hint of the landing point, no skills to dodge, being hit by the front is guaranteed to kill instantly, even if you dodge the front, hit by the embers of the explosion, that is the same. -4-5-2-1-7-9-3... Lost all the way, Zhang Miao's nearly full 100 points of life lost only a layer of blood in the blink of an eye. In the state of serious injury, the attributes are crazy.

He lost his combat power, the boss was still alive and well, and as soon as the scepter was withdrawn, in the desperate eyes of everyone, there was another stinky line, and the group damage ray hit everyone, turning them into white light.

I thought I would be kicked off the assembly line, but I didn't.

The five people were resurrected in the safe area, walked out of the resurrection point, and saw the system prompt saying that from now on, those who died in the kobold mine would not be kicked offline.

This is to encourage players to overcome difficulties as soon as possible!
No wonder there are so many people tonight. The small square in the safe zone is full of players. New and old players can no longer tell. Standing out, a few players with outstanding operations, awareness, and soft sister coins were born, and they are very popular on the forum.

The light of the players in the first test and the second test is much dimmer, and the people who were called the famous ones before are lost to everyone.

The excitement was lively, but those who didn't call out to form a team knew that the wild team would definitely not pass. The player who was determined to pass the level and even the first kill was known offline, and they cooperated and worked together for a long time.

"Come, come, take a look, the top-quality whiteboard dagger, with double strength and sensitivity, and a poison effect, only 3 gold, 3 gold is the same price"

"Red potion and stamina potion are [-]% cheaper than the system's black shop, don't miss it when you pass by"

"Rough ruby, giving it to a high-level NPC may trigger a hidden mission. It only costs 50 silver, and it's a big sale!"

"The growler's two-handed axe, only increases strength, increases attack 9-15, pervert with high attributes, only 2 gold, 2 gold is sold!"

"Receive offline training, professional team guidance, restore the game scene one by one, chat with the interested boss privately and add friends..."

"Selling materials, all kinds of materials, the boss who is going to turn around, don't miss it, the price will definitely increase in the future..."

"Prepare to transfer to blacksmith, accept equipment customization, first test old players, just want to add a strong team, you can go offline, you can cooperate with training, you can pay for it yourself, chat privately if you want to, don't bother if you don't have enough strength, Please!"


The five of Zhang Miao lined up at the blacksmith shop of the system, and went up to repair the equipment in turn. Seeing that the equipment bought at a huge price was about to wear off, they were very anxious.

Several people have been 'recharging' into the game recently, instead of earning money, they started to post money.

The fuck has been stuck on the task of changing jobs. Until now, I dare not open that top-quality staff worth 200 million for fear of falling into my hand.

The bustling scene in the square gave enough stimulation to the five people, and they were all doing their best to race against time.

Brother Ruoran said, "Whether that item is useful or not, what idea is needed today, whether to sell it or use it for job transfer tasks, let's talk about it."

As long as the equipment magic box is not opened, it will not be soul bound, and it can still be used for trading.

This test is very different from the previous two tests. In the early stage, it can be mixed without that superb wand, so it has not been opened.

This is also just in case, after all, this is 200 million!

Seeing that there is little hope of changing jobs based on the current strength, and then upgrading, one is that the experience will be multiplied and multiplied, but most of the mobs above level 6 are concentrated in Buck City, and it is difficult to farm. If so, one person can't deal with one, so it's not easy to use levels to pile up.

The other four did not speak, 40, and now it is more than 40.

"Actually... we don't need to worry," Hsieh Changting tended to be conservative, "Do you still want to get the first kill?"

"The first kill is impossible..." Hu Xinmin shook his head.

"Since you can't get the first kill, what's the rush, let's see again," Er Niu said with a full face.

Zhang Miao was a little disappointed. If he unsealed it, he must use it. If he can summon water elements and rejuvenate stunts, he will be more confident in the job transfer task.

"A boss just happened to contact me. Since I don't want to use it myself, I might as well sell it now." Brother Ruoran then revealed his real intention. It turned out that he wanted to sell it instead of unsealing it.

Hu Xinmin subconsciously glanced at Zhang Miao, bowed his head and said nothing.

Zhang Miao pursed her lips vigorously. What qualifications and positions do she have to persuade others to give up this considerable profit in order to fulfill herself?

Thinking differently, did he mean it?

"What boss?" Hsieh Changting asked.

"You don't need to worry about this, it's not one boss, but many bosses, including the previous boss"

"Wang Chaoyang?"

"Well, he approached me before, and he was very sincere. I thought there must be someone competing to get a higher price, so I found someone on the forum..."

"You're still clever, how to sell it, have you thought about it?"

"If you don't sell it online, you won't be able to sell it at a price. Go to the auction house offline. I have inquired clearly. If there are people who accept this kind of business, we will be exempted from our commission."

"Fuck, the auction house!"

You speak to me, as if the matter has been settled.

After going offline, Hu Xinmin went to Zhang Miao alone and said, "...they are scared."

"afraid of what?"

"I'm afraid that you will take it privately, I am afraid that you will disappear from the world, I am afraid that you..."

"I never thought of it that way..."

"So you are a kind person. If you change someone else, think about it, who can guarantee such a huge sum of money?"

Zhang Miao's mouth opened, unable to speak.

"Let's sell it," Hu Xinmin sighed, and said, "If you don't sell it, you won't sleep well. Didn't you realize that they have always been careful with you? Alas, people's hearts are separated by belly."

(End of this chapter)

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