Chapter 137

The offensive and defensive battle of Rock Fortress has entered the most brutal stage from the very beginning.

After a long period of preparation, the centaur successfully cut off the fortress' efforts to extract magic power from three directions, leaving only the side facing the Principality of Delsa.

The magic power drawn crazily from one direction caused a magic tide in a range, which was caused by an abnormal pressure difference in the concentration of magic power in a short period of time.

The air convection caused by the tides and the gust of wind blowing from the side of the Principality of Delsa, rolled up all the dust, covered the sky, confused the line of sight, and made the battlefield even more chilling and fierce.

The main formation of my horse remained motionless, and surrounded the fortress from three directions. The servant army and slave troops charged towards the fortress.

Orcs, ogres, trolls, gnolls, and all kinds of monsters domesticated and raised by centaurs, etc., there are thousands of them, and the tide is rushing towards the city wall.

The magic cannon on the fortress was the first to speak, pushing out solid metal projectiles. During the high-speed flight of the projectiles, the magic lines engraved on the surface lit up, each of them became red and hot, and the moment they touched the ground and the flesh ,explode.

Boom boom boom...

The flames of more than a dozen explosions were inconspicuous on the wide battlefield. The area affected by the explosion turned people on their backs. Without supernatural strength to protect the body, physical strength alone could not resist such damage. It rained in a small area.

But these servants are still advancing one after another, their eyes are shining red, as if they have an unshakable hatred for this fortress, the regeneration ability of the troll is amazing, and some scattered stumps and pieces of flesh are squirming together.

The magic cannon bombarded a total of six rounds, and the huge casualties turned this charging road into a veritable bloody road. The ground was full of potholes, filled with blood and flesh foam spontaneously, and the struggling, twisted, and howling soul was guided by the mysterious and boundless sound of incantations. , attached to these shallow pits of flesh and blood, and after a while, blood-red figures stood up unsteadily from them.

The witchcraft of centaurs has always been well-known, and the inheritance of shamans was earlier than the appearance of centaur gods. In the ancient barbaric period, when dragons still ruled the material world, centaurs relied on shaman witchcraft to become It was able to extend the race in a difficult environment, and it has prospered to this day.

As for the difference between witchcraft and magic, the latter comes from the abyss, while the former comes from nature. Before magic became popular, witchcraft had already become the main means for the survival and development of weak and intelligent races.

The witchcraft in the barbaric period communicated with nature, the hazy consciousness born from the sages of countless races enjoying the long-term priesthood—the Great Spirit.

Now the great spirit and witchcraft have been reduced to heresy, even within the centaur, the shaman is also the party that is suppressed, and they are replaced by sacrifices, mastering the divine magic bestowed by the gods, naturally rejecting this kind of worship of nature and ancestors. The technique of blasphemy, even if this is the inheritance and history of the tribal race that has lasted for thousands of years.

Well, let's get down to business.

The purpose of the servant army is not to capture the fortress, but to consume the mana reserves of the fortress. With the 'water sources' blocked on three sides, it is impossible to maintain this level of consumption by relying on only one side. The servant army is going to be exhausted. Fort 'ammunition', use their lives.

Finally, more than a thousand servants approached the city wall and hit the protective shield with all weapons. The spiritual light was hit by ripples, and the magic pattern on the city wall began to run unstable and dim.

"On your marks, let go!"

The secular guarding force began to show its power, and countless arrowheads, shovels, and catapults began to tilt the rainstorm outside the city. A strong orc warrior was pierced by a thick arrowhead. He roared to the sky and pulled out the arrowhead as thick as a small arm , leaving a terrifying blood hole in his body, and then fell down unwillingly.

Under such a blow, these brave and fearless servant soldiers will soon be exhausted.

On the battlefield, there are corpses everywhere, the smell of blood is pungent, and the vultures circling in the sky are croaking, and they can't wait to fly down to enjoy this gluttonous feast.

And that's just the beginning.

A small temptation, a warm-up, has already caused the mage tower in the fortress to appear 'insufficient in supply', and the power of the centaur has not yet been exerted by one-tenth.


Seeing this, Bei Gaoyang went back.

The fortress will not fall for a while, but it will definitely not be able to hold it, it just depends on how long it lasts.

Once the Rock Fortress is captured, the Principality of Delsa will not be spared. With the brutal and barbaric nature of the centaur, the people will be devastated by then.

From the perspective of race and civilization, he should be on the side of the fortress, but... who made him a 'villain'.

The centaurs have already acted desperately, and they can't fall behind too much.

The spell to be invented has already been constructed on the blueprint, and he frowned as he looked at the cumbersome spell configuration.

five rings!

Can't be lowered anymore.

Now he's thinking about whether it's worth it.

The use of "Book of Canaan" should be cautious. Even [Magic Net: [-]] didn't invent any spells. Try to solve it by yourself and the accumulation of Magic Net. Is it worth it for a war golem?
But after watching the offensive and defensive battles of Panshi Fortress, Bei Gaoyang realized that, at least for a long time, the players are not enough to be the force he relies on. The third and fourth layers of magic nets will not work, at least until the fifth layer. Can.

Forget it, the magic net can also be used, there is no reward if there is no effort, it is not in my character to look forward and backward.

Pay attention and start preparing.

The spell to be invented was named [Magic Workshop]. Bei Gaoyang first asked the dwarf to make a cube metal box, and then mixed all the necessary materials, such as ghosts, puppet mechanical arms, active substances, high-concentration magic solutions, Mind flayer larvae, prayer scrolls, and dozens of psychic mediums were all stuffed in, and began to engrave the magic circle configuration of the [Magic Workshop] around this metal box.

This time is different from the past. The preparation work is very cumbersome and cannot be omitted. It took two full days to set up everything needed in the Santo's Mansion in Buck City.

"The Book of Canaan" turned a new page, and Bei Gaoyang began to write with a solemn expression.

Something in the dark was touched, and this time he caught it keenly, like some kind of indescribable existence, vast, without sadness or joy, just like the legendary Gaia consciousness.

Bei Gaoyang wondered in his heart, what is the origin of "The Book of Canaan", since it can guide the underlying rules of the world?

Before he had time to think about it, the spell was invented successfully, and all the abnormalities disappeared without a trace, as if the sudden flash just now was just an illusion.

[System Announcement: Players who dominate the world, ten times a night, Fengrui, kawaii girl, and naive brother Hao successfully opened the copy of the Kobold Mine ([-]), passed the final test of Saladin Owo, and obtained the certificate of bravery, What a joy! 】

at last!

Bei Gaoyang smiled gratifiedly.

(End of this chapter)

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