Chapter 138 Auction

When Zhang Miao and the others were negotiating the auction contract with the Jim Kelly Auction House in Shanghai, the evening news on TV suddenly interrupted a piece of Canaan news.

"Someone cleared the level!?"

Brother Ruoran raised his head and looked at the others in astonishment, Zhang Miao also opened his mouth, looking bewildered.

The person from the Kerry Auction House laughed and said: "The major events that happened in Canaan have been on the evening news. It can be seen that they are advancing with the times, and our auction house will not lag behind. Everyone, professional matters are left to professional people. Do it, our auction house will not let you down."

"Okay then..." Hu Xinmin looked around, and seeing no objection, he signed the contract first.

Then came Hsieh Changting and Erniu Manmian, and finally Brother Ruoran and Zhang Miao.

When Zhang Miao signed, her hands trembled a little. After signing, it was as if she had let go of a heavy burden, and she felt much lighter from the inside out.

Forget it, that's it...

"That's a good cooperation?"

"Pleasant to work with"

"Pleasant to work with"

Lawyers from both sides began to pack up documents, and people on both sides shook hands enthusiastically.

The scheduled auction will be held at the International Conference Center on the [-]th floor of the Golden City Building. Naturally, the auction items are not only Zhang Miao and his staff, but also many precious props in the Canaan game.

King Kelly Auction House belongs to a large international trading group. With such qualifications, it will not be involved in sensitive areas such as foreign capital. Zhang Miao and the others don't have many choices, but it doesn't matter. Everyone is a big girl sitting in a sedan chair. For the first time, If they want to gain fame and build credibility, they will definitely not do small tricks.

This auction is of great significance. There will be a live broadcast of the whole process by Shanghai TV Station and Tiannan Satellite TV, and it will be open to audiences around the world. It is also a major breakthrough for the so-called "Metaverse" to radiate offline and extend its commercial value.

Before the people from the auction house left, they took away a one-to-one copy of the staff. Whoever got this symbolic staff during the auction would own the real thing in Canaan. Zhang Miao and the others could no longer regret it.

People went to the empty room, and the atmosphere among the five people was a bit strange. Looking back at the time when I was at Wang Chaoyang's place, and looking at the present, no one thought that the world was developing so fast, and it even exceeded everyone's imagination.

"The things are sold, and the money is divided. Let's get some equipment, and strive to clear the customs as soon as possible, and complete the job transfer task," Xie Changting said breaking the silence.

"Well, Xiao Er, don't take it to heart. We mainly consider this aspect. It will not be difficult to pass the customs with money." Er Niu said with a full face.

Zhang Miao said, "Are you really going to invest real money?"

Brother Ruoran said with a smile: "What's the matter, if you earn back in the future, you will have to. The most important thing now is to change jobs, everything else is easy to talk about."

"That's all right." Zhang Miao nodded, "It's just that the current price is too high, copper coins are 1 to 8."

"That's something that can't be helped. The price is just like the house price. They say it's going to fall, and they say it's abnormal, but it's still going up like crazy... Forget it, don't forget when it goes online."

After they separated, Zhang Miao sat in the living room alone in a daze, and after a while, she picked up her mobile phone and called home, and transferred 10 yuan to her parents' bank card.

In the evening, Wang Chaoyang looked at the invitation letter and an auction catalog on the desk, and opened them after looking at them for a while. After a quick glance, he found the top-quality game prop that flew away from his hand.

He called the secretary to invite a few people in and threw the auction catalog to them.

"Mr. Wang, our budget may not be enough." One of the analysts said.

"I know," Wang Chaoyang rubbed his eyebrows.

"In fact, the value of these things is a bit inflated now, after all, it is only the early stage..."

"There shouldn't be many competitors, right?"

"You can't tell. There are too many hot money. Many people just hate that they don't have tickets to enter the venue."


“I would advise caution”

There is no result to be discussed in this way, and he still needs to come up with a decision in the end.

Money is a trifle, the point is not worth it...

Forget it, the future is long, so it's better not to be in the limelight at this time.

"Wow, they are amazing!"

In another luxury apartment in Shanghai, Fan Chaoyue watched the kobold mine clearance video on the official website forum, and like many people, he was amazed.

The five players on the screen cooperated perfectly, and their reactions, actions, choices, and judgments were impeccable. The whole video was like a well-rehearsed action movie, which was pleasing to the eye and adrenaline was secreted in large quantities.

"They all know kung fu!"

Fan Chaoyue turned his head and said to an intellectual woman behind him.

This person is wearing a bright red professional attire. He is very beautiful and has a strong temperament. Most people cannot suppress this color. It is either vulgar or elegant, and this person belongs to the latter category.

"There is no such thing as kung fu, but practice makes perfect..." Sister Hong closed the auction catalogue, adjusted her gold-rimmed glasses and said.

"It's really amazing," Fan Chaoyue was still amazed.

"Are you really going to play this game seriously?" Sister Hong asked.

"What's the matter? Isn't that all over?"

Speaking of this sister Hong, anger appeared on her face, "You still have the nerve to say that you didn't hide your words. See how much trouble there is?"

Fan Chaoyue stuck out his tongue, shrank his neck, and stopped talking.

"You can play, but your public identity in the game..."

Fan Chaoyue's eyes widened upon hearing this, "Why?"

"Because it's good for your career, because it helps you undo the damage done!"

"I do not!"

How could Fan Chaoyue agree? In reality, she lives in the spotlight, and finally became an ordinary person in the game. She can make friends, experiences and adventures freely and without restraint. Once her identity is revealed, these things will definitely be lost... …

"Your uncle also agreed, there is no need to discuss this matter!"

"You... tyrants!"

"This is some kind of political correctness. You don't understand. Besides, everyone knows that you are playing Canaan. How do you answer when others ask you? Keep it secret? You don't know how those black fans attack you. If you want to play, you have to be big." Fang Fang, there is nothing to be ashamed of."

Fan Chaoyue's eyes were red, and he lowered his head and shed tears.

Sister Hong sighed, came to her side, and said, "We are all for your own good, unless you want to quit the entertainment circle... Are you willing to leave the screen?"

Fan Chaoyue: ...

At this time, Sister Hong put the auction catalog in front of her, and said: "The draft of the auction the day after tomorrow will be sent out, and the company will start to repackage it for you. At that time, all voices doubting you will be turned into Praise, you will become Canaan's first star player, and you will gain great popularity."

Fan Chaoyue knew that she couldn't resist. Her life was arranged like this since she was a child. The only wayward thing was to make her debut after graduating from high school. After fighting with her family, the rest of her life was still arranged. .

"Catalogue of Canaan Oline's First Virtual Item Auction..."

After Sister Hong left, Fan Chaoyue fell on the bed angrily and covered his face with the quilt.

(End of this chapter)

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