Chapter 139

The five players in the first pass were unknown until the clearance video was posted on the forum. There are still people in the game with such amazing agility, awareness and reactions.

In fact, this is normal. When the player base increases, there must be some outstanding players. They have outstanding talents in one or more items. The so-called genius refers to such people.

Now five so-called geniuses stood in front of Bei Gaoyang. Four men, one woman, and two dwarves listened to him finish his lines and announced that the job transfer task was completed.

There are many players around watching, all of them are envious and jealous.

[System Announcement: Congratulations to the players who are unique in the world, ten times in one night, Fengrui, kawaii beautiful girl, and naive Brother Hao for completing the first mission, and the function of the system mall is open]

[System Announcement: Congratulations to the players who are unique in the world, ten times in one night, Fengrui, kawaii beautiful girl, and naive Brother Hao for completing the first mission, and the online stall, online consignment, and online auction functions are open]

[System Announcement: Congratulations to players who are unique in the world, ten times in one night, Fengrui, kawaii beautiful girl, and naive Brother Hao for completing the first mission, camp reputation +200]

A series of three system announcements ignited the emotions of the players. Some of the game functions of the third test were finally released. Everyone eagerly operated the game interface, opened the consignment and auction pages to research and check.

There is nothing to say on the consignment page, they are all familiar functions, but the auction page has given a lot of surprises, there are family auctions, guild auctions and battlefield auctions
This shows that after the family function is opened, there are family activities, family levels, and even family bosses to fight, but I don’t know what kind of situation it should be realized, whether the family resident has a high degree of freedom, etc.

As for the battlefield auction, I don't know why. Could it be that the players are divided into two groups to fight each other?

The online shopping mall of the system sells all the things in the black shop of the system, which is nothing more than a little more convenient, and the price is 10% higher than that of Chenxi town.

"Bosses, are there any thieves who have changed jobs?"

"Has anyone changed to a pastor?"

The players surrounded the five first-pass players, and asked each other what they said.

The kawaii beautiful girl was very shy and whispered, "I'm going to change my job as a pastor"

The naive brother Hao said: "Uh... I'm going to turn into a thief"

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go, boss!"

"Boss Kawaii, please ask for a thigh pendant"

"Several bosses please bring a copy, let's add a friend"

"What kind of occupations do you guys have offline? You can't be a special soldier. I watched the customs clearance video. It's awesome."

"Yeah, yeah, as long as there is even a little mistake, it's a tightrope walk all the way, it's too good"

The players were very enthusiastic, and the five of them didn't seem to be good at dealing with such a situation. After breaking up, each of them took a follower to find their respective NPCs who changed jobs.

The pastor's job-changing NPC is indeed a tool man who has been standing under the altar statue. At this time, the ID of the pastor's job-changing tutor appeared, and he watched the kawaii girl approaching calmly.

"Wow, sure enough, this idol is indeed a god in the game"

"God, I don't know what it looks like"

"Perhaps watching from the sky?"

"Isn't Canaan afraid of causing religious disputes?"

"Scared, who forced you to play this game?"

"Is there a lot of trouble abroad?"

"It's just a game, be serious!"

In the strong crowd, the kawaii girl stepped forward to talk to the NPC who changed her job.

"Are you really ready, kid?", the job-changing NPC started the plot.

"Well, I'm ready"

"Do you know what kind of god you are going to convert and serve?"

A system description box was stuck out in front of the beautiful kawaii girl, and she was asked to read according to it, "...the great goddess of life and harvest, Tias, is an innate god who existed at the beginning of the universe. She and the acquired god who rule the world now It's different, it doesn't force people to believe in him, so the divine power is weak, and it fell asleep for tens of thousands of years during the rebellion of the dragon gods..."

"Very well, my lord does not force your piety, but my lord wants you to abide by the following principles, first: respect life, whether it is noble or humble, whether it is wise or foolish, whether it is righteous or evil Yes, you must know that life is the true meaning of the universe, and it is the carrier that breeds the soul and the 'true seed'. Second, bring a good harvest to life..."

Now it is actually the former Hongmeng, and now the real body of Tias is acting.

There's no way, she's a bare-bones commander, and Bei Gaoyang has limited resources for her. From now on, Tias is an independent 'corporate legal person' and has to be responsible for her own profits and losses.

In the future, when more system gods are introduced, they will adopt a "self-responsibility for profit and loss" approach and let them manage. Whether they can grow with the magic net and become real gods depends on how they supervise and train players, and move towards Xiaoai. The direction of management and guidance worked hard.

As the conversation continued, an inexplicable, solemn, and solemn atmosphere began to pervade around the altar statue, and the voices of the discussions became quieter. It's not big, but it gives people a very... hard to describe feeling, which makes people dare not make mistakes and cannot be profaned.

The world channel was full of bluffs. The situation of changing jobs to thieves over there was not the same as here. The players guessed endlessly...

"Come, child, follow me and pray to the great goddess Tias"


The kawaii beautiful girl followed the NPC and knelt in front of the altar statue, praying over and over again.

"My lord..."

"My lord..."

world channel.

"Fuck, why do I have the feeling of witnessing a cult ritual?"

"Don't talk nonsense, this is the real god in the game, aren't you afraid of being struck to death by lightning?"

"It feels so good, I want to change my job as a pastor."

"Wow, the idol is glowing, glowing"

"A miracle!"

"Really? Don't end it, I'm still on the land I'm rushing back from"

An angel-like light and shadow appeared on the statue, and with solemn prayers, it flew to the side of the kawaii girl. A bottle made of light and shadow tilted towards her, and a little crystal liquid fell on her head and disappeared. .

[Congratulations to the beautiful kawaii girl who passed the test of the Goddess of Life and Harvest, gained divine grace, bestowed divine spells, and became the first priest to change jobs]

[Congratulations to the player's naive Brother Hao for passing the test of the thief's job-changing instructor, and getting the blessing of shadow energy, the first job-changing thief class]

[Congratulations to the player who has passed the test of the fighter job-changing instructor alone, and received the blessing of the heart of the brave, the first job-changing fighter class]

[Congratulations to the sharp player who passed the test of the archer job-changing instructor and received the blessing of natural power, the first job-changing archer]

[Congratulations to the ten-time man in one night for passing the test of a mage transfer instructor, learning to meditate, sensing magic power, and becoming the first mage job transfer]

Five announcements in a row made all the players red-eyed. Afterwards, the copy of the Kobold Mine was bombarded wildly. The new and old players were all determined not to give up until they cleared the level.

The next day, another team of unknown players successfully cleared the level.

(End of this chapter)

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