This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 140 Diversion?

Chapter 140 Diversion?

The news that someone has cleared the customs one after another can irritate many people. For a while, they think they can do it. It wasn't until the head was smashed that they realized that it was their ability to pass, and most people didn't have such ability. so……


After returning from the third mission, Brother Ruoran wanted to scold the game master planner, but he didn't dare, his face turned red, and he still couldn't fart.

Zhang Miao quickly persuaded him to save others from seeing the joke.

Everyone is very frustrated, the progress this time is not as good as the previous few times, and they haven't even passed the second floor...

The dungeon is still a dungeon, although the difficulty has been reduced, but the fucking 5%, it's the same as no reduction, anyway, they can't feel it.

"What should I do!?" Xie Changting asked irritably.

"Cold salad, I don't believe it!" Er Niu gritted his teeth, as if the captain of the kobold who wiped them out was standing in front of him.

"They all have one head and two legs. Others can do it, why can't we? I'm exhausted with it!"

Where is Brother Ruoran getting angry, a passing player looked at him curiously, and he scolded him, typical of what you are looking at, what are you looking at...

The game time is approaching, and the safe zone is still crowded with people. Like them, many players are ready to fight this dungeon to the death, and they don't believe that they can't pass the level.

After going offline, Zhang Miao ordered takeaway and left in her apartment.

Hu Xinmin and the other four came in one after another, each with their heads downcast, without saying a word.

In fact, each of them understands in their hearts that those who can pass the level now are 'geniuses', and they are just ordinary people. They usually play chicken, some can be God of War, and some can't even win the trump card. The same thousand games, Some people have more than KD10, some people don't even have 1, what is this, this is the gap.

There are always some people who surpass ordinary people in terms of talent, temperament, luck... in every aspect, so they can pass the level, but they can't.

Everyone understands, but no one will tell the truth.

I'm the first test player, and I had a good time at the beginning, how many people are begging to hug their thighs, how come they are down?
Unconvinced, unwilling, confused, not knowing what to do.

"What if you can't pass the customs all the time?"

The wine has been filled, the hot pot has been boiled, and all kinds of delicacies are placed on the whole table, but everyone has no appetite and just stares in a daze.

Zhang Miaoshou first broke the silence and asked.

"Impossible, there is no way to prevent people from changing jobs..." Hu Xinmin's tone became more and more uncertain.

Under normal circumstances, this is true, but Canaan is an ordinary game. Didn’t Canaan say that the game process is dominated by intelligent AI and the main thread NPC, so there is no way to interfere too much offline?

"It's really possible. Some people on the forum said that in the future, players will be stratified. Some people with talent, perseverance and determination will continue to upgrade and become stronger. Others will become life players. They can also upgrade, but they cannot change jobs. ..."

"Can't change job but can upgrade?"


"Then what's the matter? If you don't change your job, you can't work in a living occupation."

"You can't get a job in a systematic life occupation, but you can work in a non-systematic one. Whatever you do in reality, you can do it in the game. The degree of freedom will become higher and higher. Is it normal for Second Life in the Metaverse?"

"Diverging in reality, but also doing this in the game?"

"It's more fair in the game, regardless of family background, regardless of relationship..."

"Bullshit, if I have a billionaire father who spends [-] million yuan, I don't believe I can't pass the level!"

"This time passed the next time, it can't be the same again and again, this is just a turn."

"Forget it, forget it, it's all speculation, eat first, eat"

Everyone raised their glasses reluctantly, drained the beer in one gulp, and moved their chopsticks.

"No, what you just said is wrong!"

Brother Ruoran startled the others, Er Niu Man Mian just took a mouthful of hot shabu-shabu, tears came out of his eyes.

"You can upgrade if you can't change jobs, so I can upgrade to level 30 or 40, and use the basic attributes to pile up, can't I still pass the level?"

"But if the level exceeds level 3, you will have no experience!"

"Need a fart experience..."

"If you exceed level 3, you can no longer enter the dungeon?"

Brother Ruoran misfired.

"It's very possible," Hsieh Changting said in a cool tone.

Er Niu was very annoyed, "Why are you saying all these unlucky things, Crow's mouth?"

"I didn't say it, it was deduced by many people based on the progress of the game. You say, what is the meaning of Canaan's existence? Online games, just serve us? No, Second Life is in line with its force. "


I don't know the taste of a meal, but it's a pity that the table is full of good dishes.

The housekeeping aunt came in to clean up, and the five players sat in the 'computer room' where they usually go online.

"Actually, we are lucky enough, look at now... before that was such a luxury"

"Are you ready to give up?"

"I didn't say that, I was just a little pessimistic about the future"

"Then spend money"

"It doesn't make sense. What about the future? In the end, it's because we were lucky. Now we are enjoying the bonus of the first two tests, so we can't tell in the future."

"Old Xie, you are too pessimistic"

"I saw the gap with others. I said that the little girl who changed her job as a pastor was so shy in front of others. She seemed to be a different person as soon as she entered the dungeon. I don't know how her brain grew. I doubt it. It's a computer instead of a human brain, the coquettish movement, the same reaction and consciousness, the boss's actions are all predicted by her, and many times it is a fatal situation, and she can be unscathed."

Everyone is convinced of this point. After watching the first video on the forum, those who don’t understand it will only find it pleasing to the eye, and those who understand it will know the difficulty.

"Splitting? I don't believe the players are willing to agree. Besides, this is still the third test. What if the files are still deleted?"

"If you can, you can, if you don't, you can't. You can do third grade math problems, so you can go back to the first grade of junior high school. Don't you?"

"Okay, okay, let's talk about what to do?"

"Anyway, I won't give up"

"Me too"

"Then pay for offline training?"

"That thing is a gimmick, a waste of money, why not start from scratch and do some real training"


"Fighting, martial arts, responsiveness, combat coordination..."


"I think it will work"

"Then it's settled"

"There is also this auction, the money that is divided must be recharged."

"Krypton gold, I krypton gold, take out half of it, damn it, don't believe in this evil!"

When people are in adversity, especially after experiencing many failures, they tend to exaggerate the difficulties they face and fall into self-doubt and depression.

As for the diversion of players, what is going on here? The maximum number of players online is 3000. When force is urgently needed, Bei Gaoyang can't wait for them to change jobs immediately.

At least for now, he doesn't have such an idea, maybe in the future, from the perspective of saving resources, it is impossible to make millions or tens of millions of players become advanced professionals, right?

It can only be screened and selected from the best.

Someone may be stuck at the first turn, and someone may be stuck at the second turn, but the ascending channel will not be blocked.

He also needs to leave enough resources for his own use.

(End of this chapter)

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