This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 13 The magic net is the only hope

Chapter 13 The Magic Web is the Only Hope

A group of players went offline, and a group of players went online, and the excitement and hustle and bustle of the game remained.

Bei Gaoyang looked at these joyful players, as if looking at his own children, and smiled gratifiedly.

Now it is the one-ring magic net, and when the eight-ring magic net is used, it will exceed his mage level, and he will also open the path of promotion that he has been looking for because of the [magic net].

With the help of the forest goblin sisters, the ears are much quieter, and it is time to take stock of the harvest since the service was launched.

Sitting in front of the central hub of [Magic Network], let [Xiao Ai] call up the "Background Data", mainly checking the expenditure and income of [Magic Network] during this period.

A simple circular column indicates that the green filling is the spiritual and soul energy harvested from the players by [Magic Net], and the red filling is the combined expenditure of the game system, content, functions, and the definition and blessing of the players.

"Why are there so few!?"

The green on the graph column is only slightly higher than the red, and this layer is the current surplus.

Only with a surplus can the magic net grow and more players can be kept online at the same time.

"What the hell, just such a little game content, how can you spend so much!?"

Income is fine, the problem is expenses, which shouldn't be so much anyway.

This is more than [-] people online. The spirit and soul energy of more than [-] people are harvesting at any time, and they are all in a state of violent emotional ups and downs. They can only barely maintain a balance of income and expenditure?

Bei Gaoyang was naturally dissatisfied, and asked [Xiao Ai] to call up the more "energy-consuming" magic net "process" and check it.

The most "energy-consuming" part is the definition and blessing of the player's character, which is expected. What makes his teeth sore is that without job transfer, equipment, and skills, all players are still relying on naked attributes to survive on a level basis. In the case of A, that’s it, what should we do next?
Of course not, absolutely not!
He listed this "process" separately, and analyzed the most "energy-consuming" sub-items in it.

"It turned out to be a resurrection picking up corpses!?"

Xiao Ai said: "The player dies in battle, the system has to allocate resources to protect his body, and repair it to the point where it can re-carry the player's soul. All the system resources are consumed, not [active substances]."

Bei Gaoyang squeezed the space between his eyebrows. Most of the game content and functions were bought on Earth, but he never expected such a humble setting to have such a big hole.

Change, definitely change.

It's just been adjusted once, even if you want to change it, you have to wait until the end of the first test.

"In fact, it can be designed as special functional props or rewards. As long as the door frame is raised, it will not be so flooding, and it should save more than 80% of system resources."

"Well, Xiao Ai will record this item."

The second sub-item comparing 'energy consumption' is even more surprising.

It turned out to be the rating of each player.

"Scoring is an evaluation of the overall quality of each player. It is convenient for players to understand the strength and quality of themselves, items and opponents at a glance, which consumes a lot of computing resources of the system."

"What score, chop, chop, chop now!"

This item has not been adjusted before, Bei Gaoyang didn't even bother to post a system announcement, and directly cut off this big 'energy-consuming' user.

Satisfied to see that the red filling on the graph column has dropped a little, and the rising green is half a centimeter higher.

The third sub-item that compares 'energy consumption' is the player's physical strength and recovery from injuries.

There is no way to save this, and the energy consumption in this area will only increase and not decrease in the future.

Bei Gaoyang's teeth began to ache again, so he reluctantly let this item go.

The fourth is the storage, definition and interpretation of the items touched by the player.

For example, if a player randomly picks up a stone, [Magic Net] will endow it with corresponding attributes and incorporate it into the unified calculation and blessing.

"This..." Bei Gaoyang hesitated.

If this item is cut off, the "game" will be much inferior. What you see is what you get...

"Actually, it is not necessary to assign attributes to all items." Xiao Ai played the role of a staff member dutifully, "A simple name and introduction are enough. Only special items or items that are useful to you and the magic net system are included. Yes, it should save 70 system resources."

"Then let's do this, streamline it, streamline it."

The last item of 'energy consumption' is the resurrection of the player.

Most of the 'energy consumption' in this regard is [Magic Cloning] and [Active Substance], which do not belong to the [Magic Network] system, but [Magic Network] requires timely recording, control and coordination, such as recording the identity and level of players , item information, and the 'data' will be restored after resurrection.For example, control the resurrection progress of each player, set aside some resources at all times, supervise the process and results of [Magic Cloning], and intervene when appropriate, etc.

"It is recommended to simplify the birth and resurrection mechanism. For example, each player has a separate incubator and cloning circle, which is not necessary."

If Xiaoai didn't remind, Bei Gaoyang was going to do the same.

There is no way to get into the first test. When the second test is over, he plans to use a large pool to submerge a super-large [magic cloning] array, inject [active substances], put in the corresponding bones, and put all the [ Magic net access device] Anchored in this pool, the birth and resurrection of players are temporarily deployed, instead of having to reserve sufficient system resources at all times to prepare for the launch and resurrection of new players like now.

"There is also the problem of storing characters after players go offline. Many players go offline in the wild, and the system must allocate some resources for protection and monitoring."

Bei Gaoyang's head is getting bigger, is this so troublesome at the beginning?

Then he became alert.

What's going on, why am I so impetuous, I shouldn't!

Ever since he came back from Earth, he has been aware of this problem, occasionally woke up, and relapsed after a while.

Could it be that this is the price of using the "Book of Canaan"! ?
No, I didn't use the "Book of Canaan" to invent any forbidden techniques, and I never used it to kill people, let alone fight with it...

Could it be the sequelae left by crossing the Earth's crystal wall system?

"Write it down, change the ones that can be changed immediately, and save the ones that can't be changed until the end of the first test."


"Monitor the operation of the magic net at all times, and notify me immediately if there is any abnormality."

Bei Gaoyang returned to his meditation room with a lot of thoughts, and sat cross-legged to meditate.

But he opened his eyes soon after, and cursed fiercely: "I'm afraid of a ball, the minions of the church will come to the door at some point, and there is no way out!"

According to the normal promotion path, he has no way to follow. The spells above the seventh ring are all secret arts, not masters and apprentices or blood relatives, who will teach others?

[Magic Net] can be said to be the only way, and also the only hope.

The player is his capital against the forces of the church and the gods.

Both are indispensable.

(End of this chapter)

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