Chapter 14
"Hahaha...the old lady is finally on board!"

Du Shiyu happily jumped out of the wooden box. At first glance, the hall where she was born was much more empty than when she first logged in. There were only three or four players touching and looking at each other like a convulsion. .

She touched that her clothes were still there, and the green stone she picked up from the red zone at the cost of disconnecting was not lost, so she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"People of the Rebel Army!", Jabella, the messenger, appeared on the stage.

Hey, changed NPC?
Jabella flapped her two pairs of wings like a dragonfly. Her grass-green flower skirt wrapped her small body, which had exquisite and graceful curves. Waking up during the journey."

"Ah, so beautiful, so cute!"

A female player whose ID is Vanilla Pudding shouted at Little Star.

Jabella rolled her eyelids, "You have arrived in a dark and cruel world, where gods and their minions control everything, including people's minds and souls."

"Confinement is everywhere. The creatures have long been numb and lost in the long and hopeless suppression. You must become stronger as soon as possible and take on the important task of liberating the whole world!"

"You are the glorious rebels!"

[System prompt: Your faction has changed to: Resistance Army]

[System prompt: You have obtained a new identity: civilian]

Jabella skillfully dodged the female player who rushed over: "Civilian, stay away from me!", and then dodged Lushan's claws: "Civilian, watch your words and deeds!"

"Ah! I've been deducted favorability points!"

"Me too!"

"Damn it, why is it like this? They don't have any malicious intentions."

Vanilla Pudding made Du Shiyu roll her eyes in a contrived clip sound, but the two male players were pretty good at it, and it didn't take long for them to circle around her.

Phew, green tea!

Bah, lick the dog!

Du Shiyu withdrew her gaze in disdain, and flipped through the system log.

"So many changes!?"

"It's so annoying to be disconnected for so long!"

"You need to find a team, otherwise you won't be able to catch up."

As soon as I had the idea of ​​finding someone to take it with me, Green Tea and Licking Dog came to my door.

"Miss is alone? Why don't we go together!?" said a male player whose ID was a mouthful of tainted milk.

Du Shiyu nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, what are your attributes?"

She is a good-for-nothing with a strength attribute of only 2. If someone takes her, a fool will refuse.

"Ah ah ah..."

Another player is not in such a good mood as her.

Can't climb up, can't climb up, Zhang Miao took off the gaming helmet and wanted to smash things, line up, line up, Wo Ri, line up for more than two hours without any change, when will I be in line?
Break the game, break the server, don't open it if you don't have that strength, shit, shit!

When he woke up, it was already late at night, and he didn't know the time. He just felt that he would sleep until the next day, so he excitedly logged in to the game. Who knew he was queuing up, and kept queuing up.

When he calmed down a little, he sat in front of the computer anxiously.

Apart from games, he doesn't want to do anything now, and he can't hold anything else in his mind.

I had to open the official website of the game.

Can't play, just pass the eye addiction.

The official website, which looked ordinary at first, has now become a treasure mountain with countless secrets hidden. He greedily browses every piece of information, and finally stops at the job introduction.

The mages, warriors, sharpshooters, and priests on the bad street gave him unlimited reverie, and the character races without any new ideas-humans, elves, dwarves, barbarians, orcs, etc., were like peerless beauties.

I zoomed in and looked at it from a different angle. I imagined that the picture above had become myself in the game, and I was smiling with a dazed face, and I couldn't pull my eyes out.

Finally noticed the system announcement.

"Online Update Patch 1"

[[-]: Add the resurrection envoy Alice, and the envoy Jabella.

Two, the adjustment of the resurrection mechanism, adding the cooling time of the resurrection to pick up corpses, the maximum number of resurrections per day, and increasing the related process of task retrieval in the case of broken or lost corpses.

[-]. For the sexual harassment (including NPC) of players of the opposite sex, the system will impose some punishments, including but not limited to title ban, forced offline, imprisonment, negative status, experience deduction, etc.

Four, before level 6 transfer, players are prohibited from PK.

Fifth, add the priority of picking up dropped items.

Sixth, add the system time reminder, the maximum daily online time of players is 8 hours (game time).

Seventh, cancel the scoring mechanism for characters and items.

[-]. Added role deposit service after players go offline. Players who go offline in the wild will not be protected by the system.

Ninth, open the 'main thread' NPC Ramsfell Bei Gaoyang's favorability system. 】

Zhang Miao's mind slowed down in front of the computer.

"Fuck, I logged off in the wild!", now even more anxious, anxious to hit the wall, "You are so stupid, Zhang Miao, you are so stupid, really!"

Hurry up and call big cousin.

"Hello!?" A sleepy voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Aren't you in a hurry, we went offline in the wild?" Zhang Miao shouted impatiently.

"I'm afraid, what's on you?" The eldest cousin became more sober, " hid something?"

"What did I hide, I haven't touched the corpse a few times."

"That's right... Brother Ruoran is definitely hiding something, this kid is not authentic at all."

"What if I can't log in to the game, I keep queuing up, queuing up..."

"Of course I can't log in, it's not until tomorrow yet... You're not going to sleep stupidly, the game time is not synchronized with the real time."


"It's only 23 o'clock, you idiot!"

Then Zhang Miao looked at the date on the computer.

Sure enough, it was still the day of opening.

so far so good……

He smirked again.

"Aren't you stunned? I was still playing monsters in a dream just now, and I was woken up by you when I just dreamed that I exploded a magic costume, ah... sleepy, hang up, I'll sleep again."

Zhang Miao didn't have the energy to think about other things at all, and he forgot about the time out of sync.

He even forgot that Mr. Wang had ever called. In the words of his eldest cousin, he was in a daze, and his mental state was a little abnormal.

To him, it was more than just a game, never was.

It was a perfect world, more in line with his ideal than reality, and he wished he could never log off.

And people like him are by no means alone.

I wanted to wait until after 12 o'clock to log in as soon as possible, but he was too sleepy, and he was a little abnormally sleepy.

I fell asleep somehow.

It was his cousin's call that woke him up.

"Can you download your photos and game videos? Damn, how can a group of idiots tell them that they won't believe it? Hurry up and send the photos and videos to slap them in the face, fuck!"

(End of this chapter)

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