This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 15 Hidden Missions!

Chapter 15 Hidden Missions!
Once the players get serious, the monsters won't be enough to fight.

Fortunately, Bei Gaoyang was well prepared.

In a cave, the ogre Mecca was lazily picking between his stinky teeth with bone spurs.

All around were the bones he had eaten.

There is a bonfire burning in the center, and a large iron pot is hung on the bonfire. Red, green, and blue things are tumbling in the boiling soup, and a suspicious and strong smell is permeating. A group of goblins surround the big iron pot , Like a flock of ducks scooping up food from the pot.

When Bei Gaoyang came in, the iron pot had been overturned, and the goblins who didn't grab the food were rolling in the soup, the goblins who were full laughed at their companions who were still hungry, and the rest of them were pouting their ridiculous faces. ass dancing...

He pinched to death a goblin blocking the way with [Mage Hand]. The goblins screamed and scattered to hide behind the ogre.

"Master!" the ogre yelled in surprise, trotting over like a pug on the run.

There are no fewer than a hundred goblins in the cave, and there are hundreds of them outside. These green-skinned creatures are like mice, with amazing reproductive ability. They are everywhere in the wasteland. They will be the main opponents for players to practice their hands in the future. .

The great magician coldly touched the ogre's bald head kneeling under him to show his approval.

This is an ogre with a talent for casting spells. Throwing him a book that records the [Elementary Meditation Method] made him satisfied.

"Master, don't worry, Mecca will definitely complete the task!"

The next location was a mine run by kobolds three kilometers away.

The kobold tribe was trembling because of the arrival of the great magician. In the dark and damp depths of the mine, the kobold priests and leaders knelt on the ground tamely, looking no less terrified than the ogre Mecca.

After listening to the great magician's request, the priest and the leader looked at each other sadly, and agreed honestly.

As a result, the monsters in the game area suddenly "refreshed" a lot, and besides the goblins, a new monster appeared-the kobolds.

Goblins are generally level 1-3, but kobolds start at level 3 and cap at level 6, and there is another one who is obviously a BOSS, with a dazzling halo and a bright red name on it—[Kobold leader Tualatin Owo], in Patrolling around the kobold camp at the foot of the mountain.

The players seemed to see a walking treasure house, and all of them were envious.

"Main Thread NPC" Ramsvier Bei Gaoyang also showed up after being slowed down for a while.

Released the ultimate task of "Newbie Village" - the Proof of the Brave.

"... Defeating the Kobold leader Tualatin Owo, as a proof of the brave, I will open the proof for you to be a professional. People, work hard, for our common and great cause!"

The players were yelling at being teased, and they were only about to find trouble with the BOSS now.

Of course, when the general level is still level 1 and level 2, this is looking for death. Bei Gaoyang is afraid that they will not be clear-headed, so he released a few more small tasks.

Teach the goblins a lesson, teach the kobolds a lesson, investigate the kobolds' camp, collect the ores left by the kobolds, etc.

In response to the players' complaints about "I don't know what to use the copper coins for", Bei Gaoyang is going to visit the camp of abandoned human beings nearby.

Of course, in order to avoid leaking the news, some preparations have to be made.

These are all things.

Now his mentality has been adjusted, he no longer thinks about magic research, but takes the energy to study magic to serve these players, and regards this "game" as his life's work.

I don't dislike the noisy and silly players anymore, looking at them is like looking at my own children.

"Why are you doing this, it's too much!"

The vanilla pudding with a clip sound was about to cry, she looked angrily at the player who stole her experience, wishing she could pounce on the player and tear the opponent's face.

"Yo, yo, 'Why are you doing this, it's too much'", the player winked and imitated her accent, causing the two companions behind him to laugh out loud.

"You..." Vanilla Pudding fell back angrily.

"Don't pay attention to them!" Du Shiyu came up to grab Xiangcao, "The more you care, the more proud these bitches will be."

"Sister, brother has something more "sword", do you want to try it!?"

Du Shiyu gave him a middle finger.

A mouthful of tainted milk and another male player whose ID is Nautical also came up to persuade him.

"...Maybe it's a dead fat house", Said Hang Hai.

"Damn it, who are you calling a dead fat house?" The player whose ID was hidden was not happy.

"What about you, what's the matter, did you get poked in a sore spot?" Although Nau Hai was still level zero, he wasn't afraid at all.

PK is prohibited before level 6, so what if the level is high and the equipment is good?

"Okay, I remember you, don't try to farm monsters!", the player said harshly.

"Our mission is completed, let's go, let's hand in the mission, and wait here if we have the ability!" Hang Hai pulled up his companion and left, making sure that the other party would not keep guarding him. Anyone's game time is precious, and it's useless to fight for one breath. .

"Damn it, I don't know their IDs, so I won't be able to take revenge in the future!" On the way back, Vanilla Pudding was still aggrieved and wanted to take revenge very much.

Du Shiyu wondered if it wasn't because you were too busy, how could you provoke them, but she said, "That guy has red hair, there are few red-haired players, and his voice is so cheap, I will recognize him later."

If you can't pinch your face, everyone's parents are similar, the difference is nothing more than hair, skin color, etc., so it's really hard to recognize people without looking at the ID.

In this way, the sound becomes a highly recognizable thing, and the soft clip sound of vanilla pudding is the culprit that attracts bees and butterflies.

Back at the camp, the wall has been built. On the open space the size of a football field, the main thread NPC Ramsfier Bei Gaoyang is casting a spell, manipulating the [Stone Puppet] to lay the foundation.

From time to time, players come to hand in tasks, and the mainline NPCs are all friendly, not at all impatient as yesterday.

The four of them handed in the task and were about to leave when Du Shiyu suddenly remembered the green stone that made her disconnect, took it out, and respectfully said to the main thread NPC: "Master Legion, I found this thing and need to identify it. "


Bei Gaoyang looked at the stone in the female player's hand unexpectedly, took it over and wiped it lightly with the palm of his left hand.

[The magic core of the prairie wolf, quality: green, enchanting material. 】


Seeing the green brilliance suddenly blooming from the hands of the NPC, the vanilla behind screamed.

Du Shiyu also woke up from a dazed expression, and took the magic core in a daze, a little at a loss.

"Can you tell me how you got it, kid!?" Bei Gaoyang asked kindly.

"N, N, the NPC has a mission, a mission!?", the eyes of a mouthful of poisonous milk turned red.

Hang Hai hurriedly pushed Du Shiyu who was stupid.

"Ah, I picked it up in the red zone, when I..."

Bei Gaoyang nodded as he listened, and finally said, "You are a lucky child, you deserve this, but it is too expensive, you need to take good care of it, it just so happens that I have a commission here..."

"It's really a mission, a hidden mission!"

The clip sound of vanilla is gone, and anyone can hear the envy and jealousy in her voice.

(End of this chapter)

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