This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 16 Power Generation for Love

Chapter 16 Power Generation for Love
The so-called "hidden mission" seems to have injected a shot of stimulant into the players.

After the news spread, many players looked forward to inspiring their own hidden missions.

Bei Gaoyang could only patiently deal with all kinds of inconspicuous... harassment from the players.

Yes, it is harassment.

"Good morning, Legion Commander!"

"What's the matter, child?"

"No, no, I'm just asking if there's anything I can do for you?"


"Ah, I activated the hidden mission, I activated the hidden mission..."

Bei Gaoyang had a question mark on his face, did I say something, why can't I remember?
"What is the hidden mission, Lord Legion?"

"Uh... the recent movements of the kobolds are very worrying. My people are still very weak. I worry about the conspiracy of these highly intelligent and well-organized demi-human races. Can you help me check their information?" Camp?"

[Would you accept the mission: Investigate the Kobold's camp? 】

"Ah, it's not a hidden mission!?"

The spark in the player's eyes went out.

"Master Legion, I found a very strange thing, can you help me see it?"

"of course can."

"Here, this is it."

Bei Gaoyang didn't know the dark, hard thing in the player's hand, so he picked it up curiously, and it felt a little like ore, and a little like medicinal materials, and the faint smell had a pungent smell of fermented vegetation.

He doesn't know him, let alone [Magic Net], so he can't "identify".

"Where did you find it?"

"Uh, in the goblin's cave, I still have it here, here!" The player brought out many of these...the same things as carbon balls.

Goblin cave?
Bei Gaoyang suddenly thought of something, his face darkened, he wished he could kill this player named Saishui M Xingzhou.

[Goblin's stone has certain medicinal value (sunshine)]

"Ah, what stone? It can't be..."

M Xingzhou against the current quickly threw away these "dung balls" and left disappointed.


Under such harassment, the grocery store was finally built.

Bei Gaoyang closed the door of the grocery store, blocking the players' curious sight, and took out a lot of collected small things from the space ring, and filled the shelves inside.

Next, it's time to hire a grocery store owner.

At the same time, the number of online players exceeded 60, and there were 104 people in the queue. It was time for the second batch of players to go offline collectively.


"Canaan online first test player discussion group"

"Is it possible, is it possible, a 98 yuan game helmet to play a virtual reality game? Are you stupid or me. Is today April Fool's Day, what is there to argue about?"

"I didn't want to argue with you at first, but you insulted me by insulting this game. Don't you know that there are miracles in this world? Now it's a miracle. A miracle happened. Fuck it, it's time for my game. If it wasn't for fear Others are influenced by you trolls, if it’s not that you are afraid that you will ruin the game’s reputation, would you be wasting your saliva here?”

"Let's talk about it, don't scold people!"

"Really...really...didn't lie!?"

"The liar killed his whole family, cut off his children and grandchildren, and was hit by a car to death when he went out!"

"Ah...what to do, I sold the helmet!"

"I also sold..."

" too."

"Come on, let me tell you the truth. I joined the group to fill in the head. The game official found it. The game helmet didn't cost money at all. I didn't want to be serious with you guys. Who told you to screw it up... …Think about it, everyone, even the money for the helmet is delayed, what kind of game can such an official produce?"

"My helmet didn't cost me either."

"Me too."




"No money? It's all procrastination?"

"I was brought in by a friend, and he paid for the game helmet, using my ID card and address, but, but I sold the helmet, what should I do!"

"Management, @流浪的旅人, there are scammers in the group, the game helmet has been cheated, can the official help to find it back!?"

"Why did the management leave the group?"

"Ah, the guy who lied to me about the helmet is gone!"


The crowd howled.

I don't know how many people's helmets were "cheat" away, Zhang Miao turned off the computer in anger and amused, picked up the game helmet and put it on the head for the nth time.

"Grass, still in line!"

He fidgeted and walked around the room, calling his eldest cousin, who was also in line.

"Mr. Wang has withdrawn from the group, do you know?" asked the eldest cousin.

"I didn't pay attention, why bother with him?" Zhang Miao said disapprovingly.

"You don't know who he is. He must have had trouble with the authorities, and the conversation fell apart."

Zhang Miao understands Mr. Wang's routines very well. For the "game guild president" who can attract people to play games, those official figures with little strength are very soft. How about it?
As a game anchor, video blogger, and veteran dragger, Zhang Miao also has his own connections in the industry, and can also influence certain players to play a certain game... Oh, yes, what is the comparison with those idiots in the group, If you have that skill, you might as well recommend the game.

"What are you going to do? What if Mr. Wang is looking for you?"

"I'll let him die!"

"That's good. The situation is different this time. This time...if we don't get it right, we'll be counting on this game for the rest of our lives."

"I think so too... In this way, we help promote the game. I'm afraid it will be closed that day."

"Tap water?"

"Tap water, I want to generate electricity for love!"

"All right!"

Anyway, they were still queuing up, so Zhang Miao took advantage of this time to open the official website. Thankfully, the game screenshots and videos in the account space could finally be downloaded.

He quickly downloaded the promotional materials, went to wash his face, and at least tidied up so that he could see others, sat in front of the camera, and started recording the video.

"Hey, guys, I'm your little brother, today I recommend an epoch-making game to you, really, epoch-making, unparalleled, all other games, pay attention, it's all, compared to it, it's a scum! "

"It's not even scum, there's nothing comparable to it. It's called "Canaan oline", the world's first VR holographic immersive virtual reality online game... Don't be in a hurry to curse, and don't be in a hurry Turn off the video, the little brother knows you don’t believe me, maybe he’s already scolding the little brother for being shameless just because of the rice.”

"Let's not push, let's take a look at a screenshot of the game first!"

"How about it, is it shocking? Hey, here's another one!"

"Did you see the character's name, Little Brother? That's right, it's me. The game is still in closed beta. I'm very lucky to get a test qualification."

"Luke, this is the helmet, isn't it full of science fiction, I swear, there is a lie that strikes the sky."

"Finally, the main course is served. Below is a video of the little brother in the game..."

"Ah, I can finally enter the server. Let's talk next time. Remember that the official website of the game is at the bottom of the video. The game helmet is 98 yuan, and it may not be available now."

(End of this chapter)

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