This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 17 Edward the Vampire

Chapter 17 Edward the Vampire
It's like a brand new carriage, the brand new parts inside are finally running smoothly after a while of bumps and bumps.

The basic process after each player goes online is like this.

Routinely harass him, the main thread NPC, to see if he can trigger "hidden tasks", and then fill up various "daily tasks". Nearby, form a team before going out.

Since there is no real team-building function, there are a lot of disputes between players. Disputes about monster hunting, troublemaking, fighting for the last blow, and loot distribution have occurred from time to time, but dozens of people have broken out several times when they are online. There is a conflict, if the system does not prohibit PK, these players can play themselves to death.

Team formation is one aspect, and monsters are too difficult to fight is another aspect.

This is not something that can be solved by typing the keyboard or moving the mouse. This is the real deal, not much different from real people hacking and killing.

Goblins are weak, and players are even weaker. Players at level 0 should not try to single out. If you want to upgrade to level 2, you must have certain "operation" skills in order to be stable.

Coupled with the fact that several people take turns to "eat" experience, the efficiency is...

Now only a few players have reached level 2, and most of them are still at level 0 and level 1.

Players gradually found the rules of going online and offline, and became familiar with the few game contents.

The game is 8 hours, but the reality is only 4 hours, plus the rest and sleep time, there is enough free time to arrange the time reasonably, so that the game and life will not be delayed.

The phenomenon of queuing has been reduced, and the maximum number of online users has broken through to 70. In the case of reducing a part of the "expenditure", the increase in the number of online people has further increased the surplus of [Magic Network], freeing up more system resources to allow Bei Gaoyang has come to enrich the content of the game.

Now it's the economic system that needs to be addressed.

The players already have a certain amount of copper coins in their hands. Although they are only virtual numbers issued by the system, they are still of great use.

During this time, Bei Gaoyang was also making up lessons.

A good economic system is essential for a good game, especially an enduring and tenacious game.

It allows players to continue to get a "sense of gain" while "playing". A good economic system can even radiate into reality, bringing tangible economic benefits to players.

A large part of the charm of the game comes from this. After players get used to VR holographic virtual reality, only benefits, benefits that nothing else can provide, can make them forget about food and sleep, and forget themselves about every gain and loss in the game.

The grocery store is about to open, and Bei Gaoyang is going out to find a boss for it.

Five kilometers northwest of "New Village", there is a camp for abandoned human beings.

The camp was not big, just a settlement protected by a two-meter-high soil fence.

There are farmlands opened up by abandoned villagers scattered around the settlement. A few farmers are vaguely seen working in the fields, and some heavily armed knights are patrolling the dirt roads in the fields.

There are many sources of camps for such abandoned people.

Because of belief, because of oppression, because of being framed, because of defeat in power and on the battlefield, because of unbearable tyranny... etc., I can't live in the civilized world, and I have to flee to where the glory of those gods can't shine for a while In a barren land, they lived a primitive life of ruthless hair and drinking blood.

"Ho ho~~"

At the entrance of a cave under the hill, Bei Gaoyang stunned the bear goblin with a [Mental Shock], carefully chose a place to stay, and walked into the lair where bones were discarded everywhere.

With a snap of his fingers, the silver coins suspended on his shoulders emitted a dazzling light. The light pierced through the darkness in the cave, and made a human who looked like a savage roll out of the corner.

"Help, help!"

This is a male, who seems to have been captured by a goblin bear. He tremblingly stretched out his hand to the great magician, begging for help pitifully.

With long, yellow hair and a full beard, he looks like he has been imprisoned for a long time.

Bei Gaoyang chanted a spell, and an invisible wind blew across the entire cave. The scattered skeletons trembled, flew into the air, and then joined together into complete skeletons.

Putting these bones into the space ring, unfortunately, most of them are still human, and most of them are the bones of the old, the weak and children, and less than one-third of them can be used.

Bei Gaoyang would come out to collect these materials every once in a while to make more preparations for [Magic Cloning].

Concentrating on his work, he gave his back to this seemingly harmless and pathetic man.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up, and in less than a blink of an eye, an afterimage stuck to Bei Gaoyang's back, and the long-haired man embraced him from behind "affectionately", paralyzed by [Vampire Touch] He subconsciously counterattacked.

The long-haired man's mouth was split open, and the dagger-like canine teeth gleamed coldly, biting towards the targeted aorta.

With a sound of "Boom!", the luminous silver coin exploded, and the light that was excited instantly carried scorching heat and purple light that was harmful to vampires. The long-haired man screamed and threw it backwards, and the person in the air was like a candle made of a body. dissolve.

Before he landed, another pitch-black palm appeared in the void. With a light grip, the vampire's high-speed flash was useless. Then, with a "click!", a purple electric light split him squarely. Then, after landing, it was like a piece of charcoal, without a sound.

"The strength is not bad!" Bei Gaoyang turned around and said, "At least he is a Baron."

Where there are human beings, there must be vampires, just like flies chasing stinky flies. Bei Gaoyang knew his identity a long time ago, and pretending not to know was just to lure him out. When he thought success was in sight, he killed him in one fell swoop. Uniforms, this can save a lot of things.

Blood core is one of the main materials of [Magic Cloning], but Bei Gaoyang is still undecided whether to use him as a material, or...

The vampire baron watched the mage walk in fear, "Please, please, please forgive my offense... I, I can redeem myself... I am willing to serve you, Your Excellency... Oh, no, I am willing to offer my soul, please Please don't..."

"That's what you said!" Bei Gaoyang had an idea, it would be nice to have a vampire baron as a servant, at least he didn't have to do this kind of work of collecting bones himself.

He took out a parchment and began to write a soul contract with extremely harsh terms, "I didn't force you."

The vampire really wants to cry, why is he so unlucky, he managed to sneak into this camp of abandoned civilians, had a stable job, just got promoted, and met such a powerful wizard.

"Your name!" Bei Gaoyang asked while writing the terms.

"Edward, Edward Watts."

"Just one last name? A wild vampire?"

"Yes Yes!"

Bei Gaoyang was a little disappointed, he thought that if he caught one, he could pull up a bunch of them, but he was an orphan that no one wanted.

"Sign it, and follow me from now on!"

Edward had no choice but to endure the severe pain of scorched and peeling flesh, and tremblingly signed his name.

Well, the grocer has it.

It's better not to touch the camp of abandoned human beings, there are too many people, if the news leaks, the loss outweighs the gain.

(End of this chapter)

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