Chapter 146 Blessing the Myth
On December 12, the tenth floor of the Jindu Building in Shanghai was full of seats.

The auction has not yet started, and the venue is full of buzz. About one-third of the players, one-third of the institutions, and one-third of the media present at the meeting, and most of the media are foreign media, so a piece of blond hair The blue-eyed international friends wielded long guns and short cannons, and most of them looked very serious, which was a bit incompatible with the relaxed and joyful atmosphere of the scene.

Canaan's international evaluation is mixed, and conspiracy theories have not completely disappeared, but this does not prevent the majority of game lovers from voting with their feet and giving Canaan extremely high praise.

The popularity has always been high, and with the smooth progress of the third test, a large amount of information and videos about the game have spread, and gradually penetrated into all aspects of society.

Some star players, who also have a lot of support abroad, have no qualifications for the game, so they find a favorite player's perspective to substitute in, which has become the only choice in desperation.

Domestic capital is aware of the huge business opportunities, and the cloud game model has become popular. Many institutions and companies looking for players to cooperate with have a "cloud play perspective" agreement content, but the enthusiasm of players is generally not high, and other methods can also be used. In the case of obtaining huge wealth and benefits from the game.

Too much trouble!
I have to say that the players are really a lucky group, and they don't have too much food to please foreign audiences.

The organizer is doing the final nervous adjustment, when suddenly there is a noisy movement outside the door, the door of the exhibition center is pushed open, Lin Cong, the most famous rich second generation in Huaguo, a high-ranking official in the entertainment industry, and the husband of the nation, With a large group of players under the banner, they rushed in with a whoosh.

"This guy has a helmet too?"

"I don't think so. I saw him blasting on Weibo before, saying that he mobilized a lot of people to help arrange the number, but he didn't win the lottery. Hehe..."

"Then why is he here?"

"It seems to be a guild, there are players under it"

"Isn't it forbidden to recruit?"

"Come on, look at the number of institutions on the scene, it's nothing more than a fancy name."

"Hey, with these people who are not short of money, we don't want to get good things."

During such discussions, Lin Cong led people to sit in the middle of the seats near the front row very domineeringly.

After another ten minutes, people came in one after another. Fan Chaoyue, wearing a peaked cap and sunglasses, lowered his head all the way, and followed Sister Hong and company executives to enter the venue in a low-key manner at the last time.

"Boss Lin is in front, are you going to say hello?"

The assistant whispered in Sister Hong's ear.

Sister Hong looked at the seat in the front row in response, and Lin Cong's eyes just met, and they smiled and nodded.

"No need... Chaoyue, is Lin Cong still pestering you?"

"Him? No more"

"Don't mess with this kind of person, famous big mouth, it's not good for your career"

"I see, I see, are you annoying..."

At this time, a domestic media turned the camera, and the lens included several people. Sister Hong and her group immediately showed decent smiles and said no more.

"...Dear guests, colleagues from the media, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon, adhering to the country's policy of vigorously developing the Communist Party, out of the needs of the Communist Party, with the support and care of a certain superior unit and leaders, Today we gathered together for the arrival of the first year of the metaverse, for our common second home for mankind, and for... Now I announce that the first virtual item auction of Canaan Online is officially opened, and I will invite you to the magic city..."

There was applause from the audience. While listening to the official speech of a certain leader, Fan Chaoyue lowered his head and played with his mobile phone, watching the simultaneous live broadcast on it, as well as the barrage of players and cloud players.

Seeing the happy place, I couldn't help but chuckle, and seeing the angry place, I pointed and poked my finger on the screen, as if this could kill those sunspots who slandered me.

"I'm still wondering why the higher-ups should be so active and active in such a new thing, and now I suddenly understand."

"Uh, what's Mr. Liu's opinion?"

"The common second home of mankind is enough to explain the high-level intentions."

"I think it's very difficult. According to the current test rhythm, even if the public test is performed in the future, I am afraid that everyone will not be able to enter this second home."

"There is no need for everyone to enter... What the top management cares about is soft power!"

"Oh, good bye, good bye"

"Stop talking to me, don't you know? I don't know why you are so active in developing overseas business?"

"Isn't this afraid of not being able to catch up with the wind?"

"Well said, the wind is coming, do you see how many pigs are flying in the sky?"

"I can't say that well, hehe..."

Zhang Miao felt out of place here.

The air here, the layout here, the specifications here, the people here... usually only seen on TV.

But now, as one of the protagonists, he frequently receives attention from all directions, which makes him restless and doesn't want to stay for a second longer.

The other four teammates were not much better, flustered and short of breath, lacking confidence...

Alas, I am still comfortable in my own kennel.

The prologue of the bureaucratic article is finally over, and the auction will immediately enter the topic.

Under the enthusiastic explanation of the host, the graceful beauty in cheongsam came up with a silver plate. The auctioneer uncovered the cashmere cloth covering it, and suddenly there was an old sheepskin scroll underneath.

"The following is our first lot, the jewelry enchanting blueprint, produced by the kobold mine, unidentified, everyone who is interested in changing jobs as an enchanter, don't miss it. Jewelry is generally classified as precious, and there is no related item in the system store." Blueprints are for sale, and can only be dropped by missions and monsters. According to our calculation model, the probability of dropping from a specific monster on a specific occasion will not exceed one in ten thousand. It is a genuine and rare item. The starting price is 100 million RMB, each time The price increase must not be less than 1, and the auction begins!"

Fan Chaoyue looked at the barrage on his mobile phone. The bidding price of one million swiped the screen. Some questioned, some were amazed, and some beat their chests to beg for a game qualification... There is no better demonstration effect than now, hearsay Thousands of times, but there is no real directness to witness the fiery atmosphere at the scene.

Soon, the bidding price soared to 200 million.

"200 million for the first time, 200 million, enchanted jewelry drawings, not for sale in the system store, can only be dropped in the copy of the Kobold Mine, the drop probability is not more than one in ten thousand, are you ready to transfer to jewelry and scroll making Master, this opportunity is rare, don't miss it!"

"200 million for the second time, the second time, no bid yet..."

Zhang Miao's face was flushed, and her palms were sweating nervously, even though the auction was not his item.

"210 million, table 18 bid 210 million, suddenly added 10, thanks to the guests at table 18, 210 million for the first time, 210 million for the second time, 210 million..."


In the corner, a player and his parents jumped up and hugged and celebrated.

The barrage on Fan Chaoyue's phone has decreased, replaced by exclamation marks. From then on, the myth of Canaan's benefit will be beyond doubt.

However, this is just the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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