This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 147 The First Year of the Metaverse

Chapter 147 The First Year of the Metaverse

"...The just-concluded Canaan's first virtual item auction broke an astonishing transaction price of 2.44 million. According to industry professionals, the first year of the metaverse has arrived, and it is entering our daily life at a speed that ordinary people can hardly imagine. Life, such a transaction volume is not inflated, but somewhat underestimated. I believe that as the concept of the metaverse becomes more popular and the Canaan test is steadily implemented, we will definitely enter a new era. Fortunately, this time we Going ahead."

"A total of 34 pieces of Canaan game virtual goods were sold at the auction. The highest price was a clue prop that was said to be related to a hidden profession. The transaction price was 2045 million, which set a record for the transaction of virtual items in history. The benefit myth of Canaan games For the first time, it was truly confirmed, and it was still in an extremely intuitive way."

"According to big data statistics, Canaan has issued a total of 11987 game helmets since the third test, and the number of online players has reached 3000. The server has been opened for 18 days, and the average daily income of each player is 1 RMB. A daily salary of over [-] has replaced a monthly salary of over [-], which has become the hottest topic and the focus of attention among young people. Experts say that compared with the wealth and employment opportunities directly created by Canaan, the opportunities, trade, material and spiritual wealth derived from it are more important. It is the most valuable. According to professional statistics, since the launch of Canaan’s testing, Canaan has created a number of achievements including “realization of virtual props”, “IPization of game content”, and “worldization of literature and film and television works based on the background of the Canaan world”. New industries and new waves will create millions of direct and indirect jobs, and the economic value created around game props, game content, game literature, game film and television will contribute more than [-]% of GDP growth, which is in the post-epidemic era It is especially valuable at the moment, injecting a shot in the arm from the Metaverse into China's economy, and forecasting agencies at home and abroad are generally optimistic about it."

"In the face of this turbulent wave, entertainment, sports and other industries have also firmly grasped the pulse of the times. According to Penguin's [King Pesticide] and [Lu Ah Lu] reached a strategic cooperation with Canaan Company, the joint Since the launch of Canaan's high-level NPC heroes, Miduoyou's [Yuansheng], a two-dimensional online game that has gone abroad for the first time and is popular all over the world, will also be announced in the near future. In the version update, Canaan-related game content is added to accelerate the approach to the tide of the metaverse.”

"...The General Administration of Sports stated that the many ways of playing Canaan games, especially the almost real combat methods, can be developed into new sports competitions. In principle, provinces and cities are encouraged to carry out related offline competitive activities, and to support the vigorous development" "Offline combat training", "game scene one-to-one" restoration, and the inclusion of new sports competition scenes are optimistic. The relevant departments of the country are studying its feasibility, and it is expected to come up with guiding opinions in the near future and submit them to higher authorities for approval."

"Aiming at the strong demand brought about by the fiery Metaverse virtual goods trading market, the first legal consultation draft regulating the market order is expected to be born within this year, and many unresolved issues will be resolved to a certain extent during the consultation period of this draft law." For example, the recruitment of players, the legal status of virtual items, civil disputes, criminal cases and sentencing, etc., the market is generally optimistic about this heavy news, and stocks related to Metaverse have once again reached their limit.”

"...Many Canaan game players have opened offline interactive channels one after another, and many cloud play anchor groups with tens of millions of fans have emerged, with huge influence and commercial value. Many offline celebrities and movie stars are also becoming popular. Elements of the metaverse are getting closer. Fan Chaoyue, who was caught in public opinion turmoil and legal risks not long ago, attended the Canaan virtual item auction and said in an interview that he was just a lucky ordinary player and did not use any immoral and illegal methods. To qualify for the game, and announced that her ID in the Canaan game will be announced in the near future, in response to some public opinion's smearing and questioning of her..."

In the hotel, Zhang Miao was watching the relevant news reports when there was a ghostly cry from outside the door, followed by a bang, the door was slammed open with great force, and her face turned red, as if Ruoran and Hu Xinmin were carrying him drunk. A large woven bag rushed in.

"Clang clang clang!"

Brother Ruoran opened the big woven bag, revealing bundles of bright red and neat hundred-yuan bills, 500 million, which came into view with great impact.

Zhang Miao was stunned for a moment, " did you take out all the money!?"

Brother Ruoran waved his hand proudly, "How can the number on the bank card be as straightforward as it is now, haha...Brother, give me a few cents!"

Zhang Miao was speechless. Seeing that the lawyer from the auction house, the security guard from the bank and the manager from the hotel followed behind him, all of them had subtle expressions. On their faces, Zhang Miao read the word "upstart". Oops.

"What are you doing... Really..."

"Cash, penny!"

It's not that I haven't seen money, let outsiders see the joke, really...

Although they were complaining in their stomachs, they were as excited as they should be, and sent these outsiders away. The five people locked the doors and windows, and sat together looking at the 500 million cash placed in the middle.

"It's like a dream!" Hu Xinmin was the first to break the silence.

"Yes, yes!" Hsieh Changting nodded repeatedly.

Zhang Miao recalled the scene of the auction. He was nervous when his lot entered the bidding stage. He was frustrated when he saw the enthusiasm of the auction and the price was not as expected. …

How much is 500 million?
According to the news I saw just now, the average daily income of each player in the game is more than 500 yuan, and [-] million is divided equally. After deducting taxes, it is only a few hundred thousand, which is an ordinary player. Just two months' income.

But why are you still so excited?

Zhang Miao scolded herself for being worthless, and looked at other people in the same way.

In fact, the 500 million is not just 500 million. It is still a dream for Zhang Miao and others. When there was no Canaan before, they all did the day-to-day saying, "If you get 500 million that day, you don't have to work so hard." Dream, now this daydream has come true.

As for it is not as much as imagined, nor can it make them rich overnight, these are secondary.

"I'm going to 'recharge' 50 yuan, how about you?" Brother Ruoran asked after taking a large bundle of banknotes that belonged to him.

"The current price..." Xie Changting touched the warm banknotes with some reluctance.

"Copper coins are falling. If you buy equipment in RMB, it will be cheaper," Er Niu said with a full face.

"Let me charge 30 yuan, and I should be able to buy a suit of similar equipment." Hu Xinmin had already agreed with his family to send 50 yuan back, and 30 yuan is the most sincerity he can show.

"I have 50 too," Zhang Miao said, taking out a piece of A4 paper, "I wrote down all the equipment that was on sale on the forum, you see..."

"Okay, Xiaoer, move fast enough"

"Yeah, it's rare for an iron cock to pluck its feathers, and it's 50 at once, so proud"

Zhang Miao listened to his teammates teasing, and said: "It's useless if you can't change jobs. You should think about how to clear that damn dungeon!"

(End of this chapter)

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