This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 148 Refinement and Combat Power System

Chapter 148 Refinement and Combat Power System
The offline auction is in full swing, but online, Bei Gaoyang is working overtime to build a 'cleaning system server' for the players.

The 4 magic smart workshops are lined up in a row, which is quite spectacular. The lost materials just make room for the 'server' to build, but it is still very crowded.

Busy so far, the scheduled workload is only half completed, but the time to open the server is coming, Bei Gaoyang can only let Xiao Ai take over the four magic workshops, connect them to the magic net, and try it first.

The No. [-] helmet that had not been used for a long time was covered with dust, and he picked it up and put it on. The No. [-] game character made his debut and walked out of the birth point.

As for the GM, this is the one. Bei Gaoyang's game character used the authority to teleport to the square of Chenxi Town. There is a new shop here, and the aura of infinite magic has not completely dissipated. The freshly baked refined NPC is staring. , waiting for his visit.

Pass your novice wooden stick to the NPC, and an interface will pop up.

This interface is also very down-to-earth, the online game template from the earth, one-click operation like a fool, very easy to use.

The price of 1 gold for a training session, Xiao Ai was worried that such a high price would restrict the progress of the overall change.

Bei Gaoyang thinks that the free lunch is cheap no matter how delicious it is. As long as you grasp the psychology of the players, the price is not a problem.

10% chance to refine higher and better attributes, and even make equipment advanced.

60% of the training is successful, but the equipment attributes will be replaced, and the overall effect is about the same.

30% of the training failed, the equipment was broken, and the system just recovered.

"What are the higher and more extreme attributes? How do players judge?"

"Of course it's grade and color..."

"I'm afraid it won't work. For example, the player has A skill before training, and after the training is successful, it is replaced with B skill. According to the system's judgment, A and B are roughly equivalent, but B skill is not applicable to the player..."

"So what if it doesn't apply, you really think they are masters!?"

"The players must be voluntary. You always talk about guidance. You must let the players see the real benefits. Even if it is a gamble, the probability is very small."

"What about your suggestion?"

"I recommend reinstating the scoring system"

"Score? Isn't it removed?

"In the past, there were too few system resources, but now this resource is nothing"

"Then if the equipment score is restored, wouldn't it be necessary to evaluate the player's overall strength...combat power?"


"...Uh, let me think about it"

"For example, the job transfer task of the Kobold Mine dungeon is because the player does not have a clear understanding of his own strength, which leads to the current situation. The level cannot accurately reflect the player's strength. If it is outside the level, another Having a more accurate scoring system can solve this problem to a certain extent.”

"But the offline evaluation of this system is not good."

"This is Canaan. With the rating system, players can also have a quantified goal, and try their best to improve their ratings, from items, combat awareness and combat skills, tasks, and system resources. In terms of acquisition, there will be a powerful grasp..."

Bei Gaoyang thought it made sense, and called out many templates and materials to see. The so-called combat power rating simplifies complex issues, but it is in line with the purpose of "assembly line, industrialization" to cultivate extraordinary force.

"This is a major surgery. Even if you want to use it, you have to wait for Magic Net [-]. The current reserved ports are not enough."

"You can launch the equipment score first to see the effect"

"Okay then, let's do it."

Careful, Xiao Ai immediately restored the equipment scoring 'module', which was launched before, so it is convenient and fast.

Refined NPC replaced the novice stick.

Character zero swung the wooden stick, perhaps because of psychological effects, it felt a lot more 'real'.

Teleport to the edge of the play area again, and throw the stick out of the play area to test how it reacts in the real environment.

After a while, Bei Gaoyang picked it up and looked at its attributes.

The attribute of strength +1 is there, but the attribute of agility +1 is missing. The physical attack not only did not decrease, but increased a little. This made Bei Gaoyang a little surprised, and couldn't figure out the reason for it for a while.

In a real environment, the part of the prop that belongs to the magic net will naturally fail, and it stands to reason that this should not happen.

Bei Gaoyang tried again, controlling the character No. [-] to step out of the game area, and immediately felt that his body became a lot 'sluggish', but he didn't "drop the line", which made him pleasantly surprised...

"Perhaps a radiation effect?"

"How to say?"

"The magic net can be regarded as a radiation source, even if it is outside the game area, it still has a certain amount of heat"

"Well, I'll take a look when I'm far away"

The more Zero goes out, the heavier the body feels, and the soul, on the contrary, becomes lighter and lighter. When the weight becomes lighter, there will be a phenomenon similar to "stuck and delay". Finally, after he walks out of more than two hundred Meters later, the connection is dropped.

Bei Gaoyang's soul returned to his body, and he picked up the body of the number zero character.

After thinking about it, I can't take advantage of this new discovery for the time being.

I can only study it later when I have time.

"The refining price of 1 gold, and open 4 refining interfaces at the same time, I'm afraid I have to wait in line again"

"I'm very skeptical about the enthusiasm of the players, when they find that there is no real benefit"

"I don't understand here."

The magic workshop can only expand slowly. Bei Gaoyang is still burdened with the task of producing war golems. All dwarf artisans in Buck City have been connected to the magic net and have been transferred to blacksmiths. With the system resources overflowing, Bei Gaoyang let Xiao Ai spared no effort to increase the forging level of the dwarf craftsman to the highest allowed by the magic net, which improved the efficiency.

Hurrying back to Buck City, Bob excitedly came over to report that the person who had been sent out to contact other abandoned tribes a few weeks ago had returned.

"...Here, here, there is a castle..."

The location on the map was a bit unexpected, it was actually in the direction close to the entrance of the dungeon.

In the blacksmith shop of the system, he picked up a finished part. The blacksmiths hadn't closed their eyes for a few days, and looked haggard and pitiful, so he gave them half a day off to rest.

It's a good thing to find other abandoned people tribes, as long as they haven't become White Walkers, they are all his potential leaders, but it's not convenient for Bei Gaoyang to come forward, so he asked the young city lord Bob to engage in diplomacy.

Taking advantage of the downtime for maintenance, all the remaining magic cores were assembled, and the 6 war golems lined up were extremely oppressive.

With peace of mind, Bei Gaoyang took down the two sets, put them into his space ring, and prepared to use them for the defense of the demiplane Alpha.

So, two days after the server was shut down (reality), the server was reopened, and the offline players were already suffocated.

 Thanks to the book friend who was kicked by the man for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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