This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 150 Little fresh meat, aunt touch

Chapter 150 Little fresh meat, aunt touch

Bob, the young lord of Buck City, tightly clenched the hilt of his sword, staring at the direction of the resurrection point, keeping a motionless posture for a long time.

The residents of Buck City are also waiting for this moment with bated breath. They stay in their respective positions, as if they have been pressed to pause, just waiting for a signal, and they will start performing according to the script that has been rehearsed thousands of times.

at last……

A white light appeared at the resurrection point, and a bearded lover player walked out of it. This was like a signal, and the whole Buck City moved.

Then came the second, third, and fourth white lights...

【Arrival in Buck City】

【Unlock new map】

[Buck City Lord Bob is waiting for you in the City Lord's Mansion...]

"Fuck, isn't this city too dilapidated?"

"Yeah, it feels like a dirt fence"

"Many NPCs"

"Let's go, let's go, visit the city lord... where is the city lord's mansion?"

"Follow the street, there are arrows on the minimap"

Players who are new to the noble land are very curious about everything. Walking on the main road, they look at the houses and shops on both sides, the children laughing and playing on the corner of the street, and the half-orc farmers with sad faces...

"Why are people here so thin?"

"Yeah, they all look like African refugees"

"There must be a lot of tasks"

"I don't know if there are hidden missions, but when the hidden occupations will appear, there is no clue at all."

At this stage, the players who have completed the first turn are all elites. Compared with the aborigines in the Canaan world, the biggest difference is not in physical fitness, but in spirit and soul.

A person with a strong spirit and soul will naturally exude a strong temperament, which is enough to make them stand out from the crowd. The residents of Buck City watched with awe and curiosity as this group of people walked past their door, all the way to the city lord. go to the government.

There is a small square in front of the City Lord's Mansion. Bob and his friends are nervously waiting for the players to arrive.

"Welcome, young rebels!"

Because he was too nervous, the young city lord spoke in a hurry, and the players stopped on the steps in front of him.

"A good young lord"

"Another high-level NPC"

"I don't know if there are hidden tasks"

"Wow, level 18 fighter, why is there no level display on the heads of other high-level NPCs?"

"To make a long story short, Rebels, Buck City has suffered heavy losses in the demon tide, and urgently needs your help..."

"Mission, mission"

“Finally can continue to upgrade”

It doesn't seem too difficult, the young city lord thought to himself, if the players were ignoring what they were talking about below.

"...clean up the farmland outside the city, and teach those nasty demonized goblins a lesson"

"... Please help the residents of the city as much as you can. They are poor people. The curse of the gods and the erosion of the abyss have caused them to lose almost all their relatives..."

"Wow, it's starting to have an abyss background."

"I remember that senior NPC mentioned the White Walker in Buck City, where is the White Walker?"

"There is also a copy of the Baldwin family cemetery..."

"Go, Rebels, I'll wait for your good news"

After the lines were finished, the young city lord breathed a sigh of relief.

If you want to ask him his impression of the players, it's really hard to describe. It's not as good as imagined, and the worst scenario didn't happen as expected. No surprises and no dangers, it seems very ordinary.

"The main task is to clear the farmland outside the city?"

"Well, look on the small map, there are many icons with quests to accept"

"These guards also have on their heads"

"Take the mission, fill it up and wander around, maybe there will be surprises"

Bob's little friends also have a role to play. They deal with the players' strike-ups a little stiffly, and recite the lines according to the system prompts...

"Wow, I found that the NPCs here are so intelligent, even the little soldiers have various emotional reactions, you see... blushing, I actually saw the NPC blushing"

"Sister, you are wearing too cool clothes, this NPC looks like a chick"

"Hee hee, this NPC looks so cute, little fresh meat, Aunt Momo..."

"...Hey, what's wrong with him, nosebleed?"

"No way, how do I feel like a real person?"

"Canaan Company let minors play NPC?"

The unbearable NPC 'Xiao Xianrou' broke out, and suddenly pushed away the 'auntie' who was mopping up on him, and drew out his long sword: "Get out!"

"Stop, Skid!" Bob hurriedly stopped the furious little friend, then turned to the players and said, "Pay attention to your words and deeds, Rebels, we are compatriots, we need to respect each other!"

Several 'aunts' have no self-consciousness about sexual harassment: "I have received a warning from the system"

"Me too!"

"All intelligent NPCs?"

Bob doesn't know what an NPC is, but he thinks this is not a good description. As a player, he is not recognized by other players, which makes him a little sad.

"This NPC named Skid can't accept the mission, what are you doing!?"


"It's over, the system prompts that if the favorability level drops to disgust, you can't accept the task"

"What did I do, I didn't do anything!"

The player and the NPC are not on the same channel at all, and the focus of the two parties is also completely different. Skid feels insulted, and Bob is persuading.

"The favorability is recovering?"

"The task can be accepted again, damn it!"

Next, don't dare to make any outrageous moves.

Strictly speaking, this is the first collision of the two worlds. Different values, moral concepts, customs, perspectives, and everything else are all very different.

After finally sending these dozens of players away, his little friend Skid said: "I don't like them, their eyes remind me of... goblins!"

"Shut up, Skid!"

"They are not compatriots at all!"

Another friend also said, "They have no respect for us."

The players couldn't hear these quarrels, and they quickly forgot what happened just now. At this time, they were wandering around in Buck City, picking up quests and spying everywhere...

The residents of Buck City quickly got a taste of the players.

The entrance to the Kobold Mine is bustling with people. Zhang Miao, who has krypton gold of 50 soft sister coins, has already spent every copper plate on his body. Now he is fully equipped with a shotgun.

"This time we must clear the customs!"

"Yeah, there is no way out!"

"No customs clearance, no offline"


Looking around, they are all teams like them. Most of them have polished their equipment and paid a high price, so they are naturally full of expectations.

Zhang Miao didn't know what to do if he couldn't clear the level this time, since the players who turned around had already moved to Buck City.

"let's start!"

Brother Ruoran went up to talk to the NPC in the instance, but unexpectedly the instance is already full, and he needs to go to the Kobold instance (4) near the b[-] teleportation point.


After such a distraction, the momentum and determination that everyone had finally brought up was vented a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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