Chapter 151
When a person puts all his energy into doing something, the effect is often unbelievable even to himself.

Zhang Miao never knew that he could do such a thing. The [Meteor Fire Rain] chanted by the kobold chief for 0.5 seconds had no markings on the landing point and almost no reaction time. It's like growing a pair of eyes, able to see what's happening around in 360 degrees, where the teammates are, what the boss is doing, and before the danger comes, they can often foresee it in advance.

Walking a tightrope all the way is like dancing on the tip of a knife. Others will find it extremely thrilling, but he feels it heartily, without any awareness of danger. He only feels that he can and can do better.

Is this the "enlightenment" mentioned on the forum?

He was extremely excited, but at the same time calm as ice and snow, he was like an antelope jumping around an elephant, or a kingfisher flying in a dense jungle, avoiding [group fear technique] After reaching the range, he seized the gap of less than one-tenth of a second and dodged into the BOSS's arms. Li Min Shuangjia's dagger wiped the kobold chief's neck with a touch of amazing reflection, and then escaped from the BOSS's body like a cloud and flowing water. Counter range.

"Xiao Er, good job!"

Brother Ruoran roared, the shield blocked the boss's pursuit in time, resisted the heavy blow, retreated a few steps, and gave up the position to Xie Changting who came up in time, and poured a bottle of red medicine into his mouth , screaming excitedly, and returned to his fighting position with a ferocious face.

The kobold chief yelled again and again, but his powerful skills fell into the void. He clearly had the combat power to kill anyone in seconds, but it was useless. It seemed that there were 5 flies around him, and he would give him a cold shot from time to time, bit by bit. lost his blood.

A battle lasted for more than half an hour, and everyone's physical strength was about to bottom out. Zhang Miao's heart was beating like thunder, and his movements were deformed uncontrollably, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted. The last bit of blood left by the boss Skin, as if it won't decrease.

There is still the last bottle of stamina potion left, and he resisted not to use it. There is still the last level, the novice village boss who is also the proof of the hero. Persevere, persevere!

"Nimma, you're not dead yet!"

At the last moment, Brother Ruoran jumped forward, facing the boss's upcoming skill, without dodging or evading, he slammed into the kobold chief!



The most beautiful voice in the world appeared, the kobold chief roared to the sky, shouted the name of [God Mao Qi], fell down unwillingly, and then exploded.

Zhang Miao was so exhausted that she didn't care about the scene of the explosion, the system prompts and the open door on the fourth floor, and fell to the ground panting like a dead dog.

After a while, he suddenly laughed, "Hehe, haha..."

At this moment, he is like a newborn.

The others laughed with joy, and their eyes became moist when they smiled. The sense of accomplishment at this moment is indescribable, something they have never tasted in their entire lives.

"here you go!"


"We can too!"

"...So this is what it feels like to be a master?"

"I fucking seem to have opened up the second vein of Ren and Du, ahem..."

After resting happily for a few minutes, several people recovered a little bit of physical strength, and then got up to check their trophies.

Copper coins, silver coins, medicines, clearance tokens, two pieces of whiteboard equipment... After these things were put away, there were still two green lights lying there quietly.

"Little boy, come here"

Zhang Miao asked with a smile, "Or me?"

"It will be you from now on!" Brother Ruoran replied with a smile.

It is not only everyone's fighting awareness and skills that are enlightened, but also their feelings and distance from each other.

"Then I'll come!"

Zhang Miao gestured to wipe his face, and put his hand into one of the green lights.

[Beaker, life occupation transfer item, you can go to the Potion Master transfer NPC to receive related tasks]

"Wow, a good start!"

"5 gold in hand!"

"Not bad!"

All the previous impetuousness disappeared, and the five of them relaxed a lot, as if they had been reborn, and they could look at the harvest of this moment with a very calm mood.

"Why don't you come here once? Last time, didn't you say that you haven't touched the equipment yet?"

"I'm coming?" The eldest cousin looked at the others.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"Don't waste time"

"Then I'll do it!", Hu Xinmin rubbed his hands and stepped forward, and there was another burst of "the sky is so good..." Others shouted and scolded him, telling him to start quickly.

[Shadow Dagger, quality green, score 177, load 3, equipment level 8, occupational requirements: thief, durability 25/25.


Special effect: drink blood, basic attack has a 1% chance to absorb 20% of the damage and recover your own HP.

Special skills: chasing shadow, stealth stealth state, movement speed +20%, skill cooling time -5%]

"Fuck, drink blood!?"

"This attribute is awesome!"

"Send it, send it!"

"The best weapon for thieves"

"A metamorphosis with high attack, but unfortunately there is no magic attack"

"A thief is a physical occupation, what kind of magic attack do you need?"

"It doesn't feel any worse than the staff I sold!"

"That staff can be used without changing jobs, just in time for it to be stuck at one turn, this dagger is not worth that much money, don't think about it."

"That's not bad, haha..."

Although happy, but not as ecstatic as before.

There is one last level left.

Several pairs of smiling eyes looked at each other, and high-spirited confidence and fighting spirit returned to everyone.

The forum has long been very familiar with the analysis of the first turn task. The third-level kobold chief is the most sad. The fourth pass, the original novice village boss skill characteristics, has been experienced in the previous two tests. There are many ways to deal with it. In fact, it is better than the dog-headed The difficulty of the human chieftain is lower.

The first level is the Kobold Captain, the second level is the Kobold Priest, the third level is the Kobold Chief, and the fourth level is the novice village boss.

"come on!"



The five-member team recovered their physical strength and health, and walked into the portal leading to the last floor without hesitation.

A small crypt, a gloomy environment, and many strange rocks... Sitting on a stone chair, Tualatin Owo was shrouded in mysterious shadows.

"It's time to come"

The BOSS of Xinshou Village stood up slowly, slowly lifted the iconic one-handed axe, and stepped down the steps in full armor. With a sound of "hum!", a circular platform was lit up, and an atmosphere of sadness, despair, and anger permeated.

"Come on, intruder, let me weigh your catties!"


Ten minutes later, Brother Ruoran died and was kicked out of the dungeon scene.

Fifteen minutes later, Hu Xinmin's health was only a little bit bloody, and he struggled to block the route of the boss chasing his teammates after his physical strength was exhausted.

Thirty minutes later, only Zhang Miao and Xie Changting were left in the dungeon.

"Ah!", Zhang Miao drank the last bottle of stamina potion, stood up and hugged the boss's legs.

Xie Changting took the opportunity to take away the last trace of the boss' blood.

"You...have won my respect!", Tualatin Owo showed a sad smile, and fell down!

Then it exploded!

(End of this chapter)

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