This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 152 Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals

Chapter 152 Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals
When Zhang Miao and Xie Changting supported each other and walked out of the teleportation formation, Brother Ruoran choked up.

In order to avoid making a fool of himself in public, he immediately went offline... Anyway, the game time is almost up.

In reality, it took him a while to come out of the bathroom, and the circles under his eyes were still red.

"At the end there was a big explosion. I didn't see what happened, Lao Xie and I were too tired. I almost missed it. I still have 10 points of blood, and Lao Xie's 30 points, which is not enough for the boss. In Zhang Miao's apartment, the offline comrades hugged and celebrated, and Ruoran opened the door and came in, there was another burst of hugging and beating.

"There's still an element of luck this time!" Xie Changting said with a weak smile, "But it's finally over."

"It's so fucking difficult!" Hu Xinmin swears.

"I'm going to sleep first, don't bother me if the sky falls", Zhang Miao yawned, and drove his teammates out. The others were also tired, and fell asleep on the bed in seconds.

This time I slept soundly, and I experienced the "strengthening" effect that I haven't seen for a long time.

In reality, in the evening, Zhang Miao looked at herself in the mirror in the bathroom, feeling a little strange.

"Is this me?"

In the mirror, his eyes are firm, his eyes are piercing, his thin lips are tightly pursed, his lines are sharp, his neck and shoulders are tense, and the fat on his lower abdomen has disappeared. That is the sense of sight.

Zhang Miao was not like this before, decadent, pale, powerless, with erratic eyes... He never knew that just a change in spirit and spirit could make such a big change, it was like a different person.

When he walked out of the bathroom, his feet slipped, and he naturally followed the force of sliding forward, his body seemed to lose weight, and "slid" into the living room.

Looking at the long water marks behind him, Zhang Miao smirked.

"Xiao Ai, how many people have cleared the level?"

"405 people"

"so little?"

While busy expanding the [Magic Smart Workshop], Bei Gaoyang asked Xiao Ai about the progress of the players, and the number 405 made him very dissatisfied.

"Before the opening of the server, there were only 45 people, and it has increased by 10 times in two days. The efficiency is already very high."

"You call up the data of the players who have cleared the level and let me see."

Bei Gaoyang has not cared about such details for a long time. The work outside the magic net has involved a lot of energy. After reading several sets of player data, he can see how they rely on their excellent fighting awareness and skills to capture the players under absolute disadvantage. During the interval between the level boss's attacks, he played admirable coordination one by one, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Not bad"

To be honest, this difficulty is a bit harsh.

Especially for the group of players who are mostly ordinary people.

When setting up the dungeon, I only referred to the elite human soldiers in my impression. The so-called minimum requirements were more viewed from the perspective of a great magician.

But he forgot, are the so-called elites he can remember, or ordinary elites?

The players really tried their best to pass the level... No wonder they rebelled!

"Xiao Ai, according to this level of difficulty, how many players are expected to pass the level?"

"...will not exceed 20% in the end"

"20%?" Bei Gaoyang laughed, "That's pretty good, the Canaan natives don't have such a high comparison. It seems that the overall quality of the players is very high."

"Are you ready to lower the difficulty?"

"In this way, players who have already turned one can re-enter the copy, three times a week."

"Let them take people through the customs?"

"If there is no first-rank player in the team, it is a gold medal clearance. It is given a title [Master Demeanor], and the ID is marked in gold fonts. During the fourth test, the combat power score is increased by 1000. There is a first-rank player in the team. The clearance is a silver medal clearance. Give the title, the color and font of the ID will not be changed, and there will be no combat power score bonus. There are at most two first-rank players in the team. This kind of clearance is a bronze medal clearance, and a title [I am a soy sauce] is given.”

"That's right, everything is taken care of"

"You can't be too harsh on the players. After all, it's a game, and the core elements of the game are relaxation and entertainment."

"By the way, my lord, there are already a group of players who focus on leisure and entertainment."


Just talking about leisure and entertainment, he choked for a moment, Bei Gaoyang hurriedly asked what was going on.

There is also a reason why Xiao Ai delayed telling him until now.

"...I found that the contribution of these players to the magic net system is not weaker than other players, especially in 'belief'."

"Oh, where's the data, call it up and let me have a look"

It really is.

The spiritual power and soul power of the players are the key to the growth of the magic net, and it is also the surplus of the system in the usual sense. With the spiritual power and soul power, the magic net can use the magic power between heaven and earth, activate, operate, and maintain the magic circuit of the entire magic net , to achieve various game functions.

But in addition to spiritual power and soul power, there is also an unquantifiable power, which comes from a higher level of "belief".

Faith is also based on "believing", but it is more pure and cohesive.

For the underlying rules of the Canaan world, it is the language for writing the underlying rules, which can affect the legendary [Gaia Consciousness], causing the world rules to shift unconsciously.

The magic net needs this kind of power. On the one hand, it will enhance the rationality of the magic net, making it more and more compatible with the underlying rules of the world. , to launch an impact on the highest altar.

Let's put it this way, mental power and soul power are effective for magic nets on the 9th floor and below, but they don't work when they go up, and "belief" is the key to surpassing the magic net of the 9th floor.

Bei Gaoyang's spell level is only 7, and the great magician of the seventh ring has already stood at the peak that all things can reach. On the eighth and ninth rings, there are no footprints of predecessors to follow, and no one can guide him , and no one intends to guide him.

After the eight-layer magic net is rolled out, his mage level will be improved, but even if he is promoted to a great magician with a ring 9, he is still a great magician and cannot make him a legend.

Only the magic net, only the magic net.

"It really is……"

Looking at the profiles of these casual players, watching them check in at various tourist attractions in the game, doing various DIY, all kinds of calm, speculative, and stockpiling, Bei Gaoyang's frowning brows relaxed.

Also, not everyone is interested in fighting.

Their existence also brings diversity to the game, and there is also the belief that…

"Don't encourage, don't suppress, don't advocate...Let's see again"

Finally set the tone.

After finishing the chores, Xiao Ai will take care of the rest, and Bei Gaoyang will return to busy and fulfilling work.

Just tell Xiao Ai to remind him when there are more than 1000 players in the first round.

It's time for the Alpha demiplane to send people to defend it.

(End of this chapter)

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