This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 153 The Creature Of The Player

Chapter 153 The Creature Of The Player
Another [Smart Magic Workshop] was assembled. A total of 8 neat metal boxes are lined up, and the two layers are stacked together. It really looks like a cyberpunk-style black technology factory.

But Buck City's castle can no longer be put down, and another site needs to be selected to build a real magical smart factory.

Bei Gaoyang asked Xiao Ai about the outfit changes of the players.

"Not ideal"

Xiao Ai told him that except for the first few days, the players were more enthusiastic, and then the enthusiasm waned.

Up to now, it has changed about 10%.

Even if it is only 10%, the saved system resources are still a considerable number. On the graph column, the color filling representing expenditure and income has been reduced to 1:4. The large amount of free resources has greatly promoted the development of the magic net. grow and develop.

Theoretically, the third test can be completed now, the design of the fourth layer of magic net on the left hand.

However, the growth progress of the players has not met expectations, the highest level is only level 7, a job change task wasted too much time, but after adjustments, a large number of players who have completed the job change will inevitably burst into a long-suppressed upgrade enthusiasm.

Counting the work at hand, Bei Gaoyang found that almost all of his free time was taken up.

The "factory" of the magic smart factory can't just build a shed. He should have had his own mage tower long ago, no matter from the practical point of view or from the safety point of view.

The mage tower can have a constant internal compressed space as the factory building of the smart factory, and can be used as the signal amplifier of the magic net to realize barrier-free communication with the Alpha demiplane and speed up the progress of the magic net coverage there.It can be combined with the magic net to bring the entire game area into the perception range and achieve a certain degree of [pseudo-domain].

Think about it, the three-ring spell, which can be used almost infinitely, casts its power on any point within such a wide range...

Bob had already done the preparatory work for the mage tower. After blackmailing the abyss, the magic materials were no longer a problem, the only difference was the manpower.

The mage tower cannot use magical power to 'cut corners', it must be built bit by bit by hand without any external force.

The mage's tower is the dispatch center of magic power. During the construction process, it cannot be contaminated with even a little bit of magic power.

Before the 'interior decoration', Bei Gaoyang couldn't even participate prematurely. This is not a superstition, but the experience and lessons summed up by countless predecessors.


Buck City hasn't been this noisy for a long time.

Players walk the streets and alleys regardless of night and day, whether you are asleep or awake.Whether it was on the road or in Bob's makeshift shelter, it was theirs to occupy it anyway.No matter what the occasion, you can invite friends, talk eloquently, and act like no one else is there. No matter whether you hear or not, you can talk about you in front of your face, and even hit your mind with malicious intentions...

The young city lord and his friends have completely changed their perception of the players. Even the residents of the city are unbearable, although they dare not do anything to the powerful professional master.

In the early morning, Bei Gaoyang finished his long hours of hard work. For the first time, he walked in Buck City, where players were roaming around. He couldn't feel any discordant factors, only vigor and vitality.

He saw a player who was kicked out by his family. The male owner was holding the door bolt and guarding the door of his house. Behind him, his wife was disheveled and her hair was still wet.

I also saw a crying child sitting on the side of the street. A player was teasing him with a piece of burnt meat. Maybe it was to hide the mission or something. The child's parents hid behind the door, looking worried and helpless. It's really worrying to see.

A burst of noisy movement came from the corner of the street. Two players rushed past. The guards of Buck City hurriedly saluted Bei Gaoyang, then blew a sharp whistle and chased after the two players.

At the gate of the city, a team of players came back to hand in the task, talking and laughing. Their bodies were covered with monster blood, and their backs were carrying peeled skins, chopped claws, bloody heads, eyeballs, tongues, etc. This is because there is not enough space in the backpack For sake.

They didn't care about the strange eyes of the NPCs at all, especially the residents of Buck City. They looked at them as if they were looking at some monsters and ghosts, which was very different from the curiosity and reverence at the beginning.

"How wonderful!" Bei Gaoyang sighed, "What a harmonious and perfect picture"

Bob's face twitched, and he lowered his head.

Bei Gaoyang really regarded these players as his own children, and he didn't understand Bob's complicated mood at all. He was cheerful and endured the harassment from the players all the way, showing full patience.

"Master Legion Master, good morning"

"Where are you going, my lord?"

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Excuse me, is it time for a real-life roleplay? What's the VX number? Can you contact me offline?"


After a long time, Bei Gaoyang couldn't stand it anymore, and had to issue a system warning, so that these players who wanted to take advantage of it scattered away.

The players are only in awe of the system warning, even the main thread NPC, before receiving the system warning, can still be harassed.

As an NPC player, the young city lord can't understand the brain circuits of players from another world at all, nor can he understand why the omnipotent great magician is so indulgent, let alone imagine such an inexplicable relationship.

Outside Buck City, Bei Gaoyang climbed up a hill, and looked down at the surrounding environment condescendingly.

The demon tide is still raging, but it has shown signs of stabilizing. The farmland around the city is full of players who team up to spawn monsters, and some bonfires that stayed overnight have not been extinguished.

The aura of skills flickers from time to time, the fireball technique draws a round trajectory in the air, the green light of blessing falls, the stealthy flash assassination, the afterimage collision of charge, the impact of arrowhead explosion...

The invisible magic web controls everything.

Bei Gaoyang was very satisfied, as if the king was looking down on his country and inspecting his soldiers.

"Just here!"

He said to the young city lord, "From now on, all residents put down all the affairs in their hands and devote themselves to the construction of the mage tower."

"Yes, my lord!" Bob first agreed respectfully, and then said with a little hesitation: "But the food..."

"Don't worry, post a mission and let the players help you farm"

"Ah!?" Bob couldn't imagine what it would be like for players to pick up hoes and work in the fields.

Bei Gaoyang smiled and said: "They are not only born fighters, but also born farmers. As long as they have tasks and rewards, they can do anything. They are not afraid of sacrifice, hard work, and wind and rain."

(End of this chapter)

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