This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 155 The profession of a thief

Chapter 155 The profession of a thief
One-turn thieves only have three skills.

The first one is a passive skill—primary assassination specialization, which requires short weapons such as daggers, finger cots, and short swords. The first-level effect is Agility +5, Spirit +2, and obtains a dark element-friendly physique. In the shadows and nights, Movement speed +5%, crit rate +2%.

The second is the active skill, which is also the housekeeping skill of the thieves - stealth. After being cast, the thieves will enter an invisible state, invisible to the naked eye, and can be cracked by detection skills. +20%, all elemental resistance +10%, take damage and take the initiative to attack to remove the invisible state, the singing time is 1 second, the duration is 15 seconds, and the cooling time is 5 minutes.

The third is the main enemy damage and output skill - backstab, which requires sneaking to the enemy's back to cast, causing 200% damage of physical attack power, 5% crit rate, instant cast, and 5-minute cooldown.

Overall, this class has equally distinct strengths and weaknesses.

Specialty is high explosive, high crit, one hit and go, it is a profession that can deal instant kill damage.

Min Gao, with fast movement speed, even if he is not in stealth mode, it is difficult for other professions to catch up without relying on skills.

The disadvantages are crispy skin, single attack method, and long skill cooldown time. Daily task spawning is a burden, and you can only use level A. Even if it is a dungeon, it is not very effective in levels other than BOSS.

Of course, in terms of PK, there are incomparable advantages of other professions, one [Stealth], one [Backstab], crispy mages and archers will be killed in seconds, even if they are fighters, if they can't cope with one, it's cold. All of a sudden is enough.

Priests are an exception.

Priests restrain thieves because the main attribute of priests is spirit. Although priests do not break the stealth skills, they may detect the traces of thieves in advance, give warnings to teammates, and guide teammates' attack directions and locations, breaking the stealth of thieves. .

Generally speaking, this is a profession that extremely tests personal operation and combat awareness. It is easy to learn but difficult to master. Unless you are a PK madman, players who pursue the feeling of "killing one person in ten steps and never staying behind for thousands of miles" are difficult to be accepted by most players. welcome.

Yijiang Chunshuiliu completed the job transfer task and became a level 6 thief. Equipped with [Ghost Claw], his agility immediately soared to 21.

[Ghost Shadow Claw] +5, a piece of white equipment on his body +1, the basic agility required for job transfer is 10, passive skill assassination specialization +5...

He could barely feel his own weight, and his whole body was filled with the urge to jump forward. With a single thought, his figure rushed forward, and the obstacle more than ten meters away almost arrived in the blink of an eye, which scared him subconsciously. Twisting, the figure soared into the air, volleyed out a difficult movement that gymnasts could not do, crossed an obstacle three or four meters high, and landed firmly on one knee.

At this time, the brain catches up with the subconscious movements of the body, realizes what happened, and involuntarily recalls the feeling of moving just now in the mind, and feels hearty, just like eating ginseng fruit.

"Hehe..." He looked at his hands in surprise.

[Ghost Shadow Claw] wraps the slender and thin hands, fits perfectly, and can make all kinds of dazzling gestures flexibly and freely.

The sharp blade extending from the five fingers is slightly curved, reflecting the light blue aura, and the magic stone inlaid in the palm extends out mysterious magic patterns, which seem to be breathing, faintly bright and dim.

Next, he turned into the most powerful parkour athlete, flying over the eaves and walls of Buck City. He jumped to the roof with one body, and landed on the ground with one dive. With a light touch on the shoulder of an NPC, the figure rose into the air again...

It wasn't until he exhausted his strength that he stopped to rest panting, because of him, the people behind him were turned on their backs.

The guards rushed over with whistles, Yijiang Chunshuiliu got up and ran, and the speed of physical recovery after changing jobs was not comparable to before.

In addition, there are many changes, such as the dark element-friendly physique, which gave him a strong sense of intimacy with the shadow, subconsciously avoiding the strong light, and unconsciously changing his foothold.

This feeling is amazing enough, complicated enough, and together, it makes him feel reborn.

This awareness is not an illusion.

Every first job change has an adaptation period. He didn't have such a strong feeling when he changed his job to a fighter in the second test. This shows that a thief is more suitable for him than a fighter. Someone said it on the forum, but he didn't experience it personally at that time.

Try other skills.

Excited, he didn't accept the task, and left the city. There are farmlands on both sides of Buck City, with all kinds of lush vegetation growing. As for whether it is crops or weeds, no player cares. Looking around, countless players are Fight with monsters wandering in the fields, both in teams and solo.

A river of spring water flew close to a demonized goblin wandering on the ridge of the field. After a slight sway, he entered the state of [stealth], feeling like a shadow was cast over his vision and perception. With the filter, he couldn't feel the light, his whole body was cool, and his moving speed soared to an astonishing height again.

The monster was not disturbed, and it "floated" to its back in a very short time. [Backstab] was activated, and only a black light bloomed in the naked eye, and then blood splashed, a big -97, a bright red crit Values ​​fluctuate.

The demonized goblin screamed and fell to the ground with serious injuries, leaving only a layer of blood skin.

Yijiang Chunshui Liu lifted his stealth, his figure protruded from the void, and he went up to level A, resulting in this level 6 demonized goblin.

Luckily, something exploded.

[You killed a level 6 goblin and gained 21 experience points]

【You got the primary red potion】

[You got 5 copper coins]

【You got excellent cloth shoes】

[Excellent cloth shoes, quality white, score 37, load 2, equipment level 6, occupational requirements: thief, durability 15/15.

Basic attributes: agility +1, spirit +1, movement speed +1%]

It is actually a small best with double attributes.

Immediately replaced the shoes equipped with strength and stamina, and the agility was raised to 22.

This time I don't feel any obvious changes anymore, the original equipment has 1% movement speed.

What's next?
The 5-minute cooling time made it impossible to have the chicness just now. Watching the startled monsters rushing towards him, he had no choice but to retreat.

"Dude, it's ok. I just watched it and almost killed a level 6 monster in seconds."

A leveling dwarf player nearby came over to strike up a conversation. Judging by his equipment, he should be a fighter who takes the tank route.

"No team, I have accepted a side quest, and I am going to find a quest item in the demonized goblin camp."

"Can it be shared?"


After adding friends and forming a team, this player shared the task with him, and the task location was marked on the small map, which was a dark area far away from Buck City.

"Wait a minute, there are a lot of monsters on the road, I'll form a few more people"

Yijiang Chunshuiliu is in the adjustment period of changing jobs. It doesn't matter where he goes, so he has no objection.

(End of this chapter)

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