Chapter 156
A job transfer task got stuck for so much time that Shao Bing couldn't remember the last time he went to the wild to farm monsters.

I feel that the map of Canaan is infinitely broad. Although it is also divided into a safe zone (green zone), a game zone (blue zone) and a red zone, the red zone can also be seen and touched.

Many monsters have migrated from the red zone to the blue zone, and the birds can fly freely. The so-called red zone is just a game map that has not been opened yet. As for the disconnection, it must be the punishment mechanism of the system. Dangerous, not strong enough to go out.

At this time, the dim yellow sunset hangs at the junction of the sky and the earth, and the sky is covered with thick fire clouds. The darkness and depression brought by the magic tide are about to fade away, but monsters still emerge in endlessly on the wasteland.

There is a sharp dividing line between the blue zone and the red zone surrounding Chenxi Town. The animals and plants in the red zone are growing crazily, while the blue zone does not have such a strange vitality.

Towering trees and forests are densely covered on this dividing line, and unless the vision is good, there are not many scenery outside the game area.

It feels like a cage. Players are kept in this cage to grow up. The monsters are the feed for the players to grow... Feed! ?

Well, this metaphor might not be appropriate, Shao Bing laughed inwardly, but his face was still as dull as ever.

Five-person team, five occupations, everyone gradually became familiar with them along the way. Except for him who seemed taciturn, the other four teammates were very talkative.

"When will this go?"

"Come on, we'll be there in about an hour"

"The map is too big and troublesome, and it takes a long time to walk every time"

"Just light up the teleportation array. We can't finish this time. Let's record the landing point over there."

"Is it worth wasting so much time just for one task?"

"The system won't treat us badly. There was a guy who ran the map last time, and it took him three days to come back. The reward experience was directly upgraded to a level."

"I hope so!"

Each player has a different field of vision in the game, and the distance they can see is different. As a thief, Shao Bing has no advantage in this area. He can only see things within 60 meters. Priests are different. And perception is highest, the first to spot danger.

A wasteland demon wolf appeared a hundred meters ahead. It spotted the player, and instead of running away, it waited for the team to approach.

"Magic wolf, level 9 elite!", the pastor professional daddy warned his teammates loudly.

"Demon wolf!?"

"It's such a cunning thing again, I know it will come across sooner or later"

I don't know how many players who ran the map were killed by this top predator. The team immediately put on a fighting posture, and the captain, a level 6 warrior, Tarzan came to the front.

"Woooo..." The demon wolf howled in a low voice, licking something under its body.

"It doesn't seem to have the intention to attack?", the pastor professional dad noticed the abnormality and told his teammates.

"It seems to be asking us for help?" The archer Zhen shot, do you care? Seeing a wolf cub wriggling under the wolf, he lowered his bow and arrow.

As the scout in the team and the person with the highest agility, Shao Bing said, "I'll go over and have a look, be careful."

"Don't go there, this monster is very cunning, you can drive it away"

The last member of the team is troublesome. This is a level 7 mage whose ID is 'Truth is within the range of magic'. His accent is a bit special. Shao Bing has already recognized him as the patriarch of the first family of the second test, You Rong Naida, I don't know why he changed his name this time, and why he became a lone ranger.

"Maybe it's good, Chun Shui will go and have a look, if not, run away"

Shao Bing nodded, and approached the wolf cautiously. The wolf showed no hostility, and licked the cub twice, staring at the thief approaching quietly with a pair of glowing wolf eyes.

"The wolf cub is injured. It is asking us for help. Daddy, come over and try?"

"There is no hostile relationship prompt, and no combat state is triggered"

"But there is no task prompt"

This was the first time we had encountered such a situation, so everyone naturally thought about adventures. The pastor's professional dad stepped forward and looked at the dying wolf cub under the magic wolf in amazement.


The demon wolf spat out something, then whimpered and picked it up carefully, it turned out to be a piece of golden ore.

After the appraisal, the system prompts that it is pure gold ore. What is horrifying is that the grade is actually purple.


Captain Tarzan jumped up in shock, and the reaction of the others was not much better.

"Consultation fee!?"

"This beast is fertilized!"

"How much can this rough stone be sold for?"

"I don't know, I've never seen it in a system black store."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... " the demon wolf is urging, after getting the approval of teammates, the professional dad sings the prayer of the goddess of life and harvest, Tias, and then casts the skill [blessing].

The aura of divine art is different from any profession. It is emerald green, and it is as strong as liquid light falling on the dying wolf cub, and it is getting better visible to the naked eye.




Everyone thought that the demon wolf was going to turn his face, but it was not. It picked up the improved wolf cub and put it in front of the professional dad.

[Triggering Adventure: Magic Wolf's Call for Help]

[The mission is completed, thanks to the magic wolf]

【Congratulations on getting a magic wolf cub】

[Whether to domesticate, as a magic pet? 】

The professional dad was dumbfounded. He couldn't believe that such a huge pie fell on his head. After the others figured out what happened, they were speechless.

"Domestication failed, related functions are not open"


No one knew when the wolf mother left. The wolf cub arched the professional daddy's calf, and his wet eyes were cute and pitiful.

"It is said that it cannot be domesticated, and the relevant functions are not available!", the professional dad said with a blank look.

"Maybe we have to wait for the next test," Shao Bing said.

"Then what should I do?" The professional dad was at a loss for what to do with the little thing under him, looked at Shao Bing, and hoped that he would pay attention to him.

"You can keep it as a pet first, and then take it as a magic pet after the fourth test...or sell it."

"Sell? No, no, no, no, no!"

The professional dad hurriedly picked up the little wolf cub, as if he was afraid that others would snatch it away.

He was so nervous, everyone except Shao Bing was envious, jealous and hated, all because of the system, why didn't this pie fall on his own head?

The system is also wronged, this time is a real adventure, there is no script.

Wasteland demonic wolves are not easy to control. This kind of magical beast has high spiritual intelligence, excellent talent and instinct to deal with crises. So far, no more than three demonic wolves have been 'domesticated' by the magic net. The one just now is obviously not.

Tarzan the Ape said: "Ahem, how can we say that everyone is also a team, right?"

Zhenshe, do you care: "Yes, according to the rules, this wolf cub should be owned by the team... What do you mean by the truth?"

Truth is within range of magic: "...I'm fine with it!"

Sure enough, it started.

Shao Bing didn't care, and took a step back, expressing his non-participation.

"Don't even think about it!", the professional dad naturally quit, "None of you triggered the task, and the system didn't throw the dice..."

[System prompt: The professional dad was invited out of the team by the captain Tarzan]

The professional dad was also alert, turned around and left without making any entanglements, but was fixed in place by the [Binding Arrow] shot by the well-prepared Zhen.

(End of this chapter)

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