This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 157 Mysterious Camp

Chapter 157 Mysterious Camp
The professional dad refused to hand over his magic pet, and started yelling and yelling. In the end, it could only turn into a white light, and the little wolf cub disappeared.

"Fuck, it didn't explode!"

The famous orangutan Tarzan spat at the place where the corpse disappeared, with a sullen expression on his face.

Shao Bing didn't do anything, and he didn't say anything more. There were still 4 people left in the team. If he went back to form a team, it would take another hour to waste. Everyone didn't have enough game time.

"No more people, let's go, anyway, it's not far away." said another red-named Zhenshe, do you care.

The team started again with one person missing, and soon entered a dense forest. A large number of demonized goblins and demonized goblins wandered around the dense forest.

"Chunshui is going to attract monsters, let's clear a path quickly, everyone be careful"

Shao Bing nodded, and slid out, attracting two goblins and two goblins after a while. The orangutan Tarzan first issued a [battle cry], fixed the monster for 0.5 seconds, and then rushed forward holding the shield. past.

With him attracting hatred in front of him, archers and mages can output as much as they want, a fireball will pass, the explosion will wreak havoc among the monsters, and a large number of damage figures will emerge densely.

The ape Tarzan avoided the damage range of the fireball technique first, then charged forward, and stunned two little monsters with only a layer of blood left. Finally, Shao Bing finished and turned them all into experience with flat A.

Although it was the first time to cooperate, the whole process was smooth and smooth. The four mobs of level 6 and 7 did not take much effort. Except for Tarzan the ape, everyone else gained a wave of experience without injury. It's just a pity, what? Nothing exploded.

Compared with the previous two tests, the overall quality of the first-rank players has improved by more than one level this time. There is nothing to say about operation and awareness.

There was no conversation in the team, and Shao Bing slid out again to lure the next wave of monsters.

This time, two level 8 [little dryads] were attracted. The dryads as tall as two people urged more than a dozen stiff and thick branches with amazing power. The mage could only hide and move, and the situation suddenly became tense.

Shao Bing went into stealth, and people in the same team could see a faint shadow, as if he had no weight or substance, he could always find the gaps swept by the tree monster, approached the main body of the monster very quickly, and finally stood on the ground. Behind a dryad, activate [Backstab].

A flash of a knife flashed, and a bright red value of -89 floated up, causing a dryad to lose two-thirds of its blood bar and enter a state of serious injury and weakness.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, the archer's [Shadow Arrow] and the mage's [Magic Missile] concentrated fire, and Shao Bing also made various difficult dodge moves under the stormy attack of another dryad. He also pumped Leng Ziping A once, taking away the last bit of life from the seriously injured tree demon.


This time it exploded.

Everyone's spirits were shaken, and the remaining tree monster was much easier to deal with. The warrior stood in front to attract attention, and the mage and archer output. In less than a minute, the level 8 monster was dealt with.

"The experience is good!" Tarzan the ape said with a smile, and a virtual dice appeared on the corpse of a dryad, "Who will come first?".

"I'm coming!", Zhen She, do you care? He stepped forward and rubbed his hands, mumbling something in his mouth.

The two dice rolled wildly, and the final points were 3 and 2, a total of 5 points.

Tarzan the Ape laughed loudly, then went up and shook out 9 o'clock.

7 points for truth within the range of magic, 10 points for Shao Bing, and the last thing belongs to Shao Bing.

I spit at you and cursed: "Damn!"

Shao Bing didn't even look at what was exploded, he put everything in his backpack and continued to explore the way.

In this way, maintaining a smooth and comfortable rhythm, none of the four of them stopped to rest and recover their strength, and passed through the dense forest without any danger.

There are the most demonized goblins and demonized goblins, and the little tree demon is the highest level, but the number is very small. In addition to these monsters, there are many other monsters such as demonized vine monsters, demonized piranhas, demonized earth dragons, etc. Three or two are not good enough, and the pollen system of the demonized piranha is purchased, but the four of them are first-stage players who have passed the level with gold medals, and they are not rich, so they don't waste time on this little material.

Outside the dense forest is a stretch of rolling hills, and the demonized goblin camp marked on the map is far away.

It was already dark at this time, and under a small hill there was an earth enclosure that had not been 'lit'. A system NPC guard stood at the entrance. In the dark environment, it was like a guard of a tomb.

The four were activated when they approached the NPC, "Welcome to the C14 safe zone..."

Walking into the safe area, they found the teleportation circle with ease, recorded the resurrection point, and carried out a replenishment at the system black store. The four of them set off again to the mission location.

Between the two hills, a large number of demonized goblins gathered, and scattered bonfires spread over several hills, the number of which was incalculable.

Among the large number of ordinary mobs, the tall and burly demonized goblin elites, dressed in pitch-black leather armor and armed with various weapons, were also wandering. Unlike the monsters they usually encountered, the goblins here were clearly organized.

On the hillside in the center, a dirty and dirty camp was half hidden, and a tall monster that was obviously not a goblin was vaguely seen, patrolling back and forth in the firelight.

"It seems that the difficulty is not small!"

"You have to touch the camp"

"Where are the mission supplies?"

"I don't know, I have to go in and find out"

"How the hell do you find it? What are the monsters in the camp?"

"It's too far away to see clearly."

"This way..." Tarzan's red name faded, and the PK penalty time was about to pass, but he still didn't dare to take risks, and the plan he arranged was very conservative, "Follow this route, clear the past little by little, and wait until we reach this position Let Chunshui sneak in and take a look, at least finish the investigation first."

"Hmm... Is there any problem with Chunshui?"

Shao Bing looked at the mysterious camp in the distance, and he had a sense of seeing a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair, but instead he jumped excitedly to try, "No problem."

"Okay, let's go!"

There is one less person in the team, and there is no priest, no one will rush straight into the monster pile.

To be on the safe side, they also put out the torch.

Thieves have a unique advantage in such an environment. When night fell, Shao Bing felt like a fish had returned to the water. His body was trembling with excitement, his mouth was dry. level of operation.

"This guy is a master!" Tarzan the Ape looked at his shadow and said convincingly, "Just talk less."

"It feels like he's quite proud." Do you care if I shot, with a sour tone, "As for the's okay!"

There was another one who was calmer or more 'proud' who didn't speak, his mage robe was blown by the night wind, his face was expressionless.

Shao Bing lured the monsters back, but not three or four, but a dense group, "Be careful, the elites are active perception"

"Fuck!" Tarzan the Ape didn't have time to complain, he raised his shield to meet him.

(End of this chapter)

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