This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 158 Open the door to welcome guests

Chapter 158 Open the door to welcome guests

The afterimage from the charge rushed straight to the position where the monsters gathered together. Just as they were about to collide, the elite ghost of the demonized goblin let out a cry, and the little monsters moved away from the densest position, allowing them to Tarzan the ape only fainted two or three of them.

"This elite is intelligent!" Shao Bing reminded loudly.

The ape Tarzan wanted to say something about the intelligence, but saw the elite took out something that looked like a bull's horn, put it to his mouth, and pretended to brag.

"not good!"

Tarzan's 'bad' sound was made with the skill [Battle Cry], which interrupted the elite's blowing the horn in time, and the others knew what to do without reminding them.

Truth ended her erratic movement within the range of the spell, raised her hand and hit [Magic Missile], and then chanted [Fireball] without looking at it.

The little monsters around him were about to focus on him, and the archer's [Bound Arrow] came. The timing was just right, the monsters were not concentrated enough one second earlier, and the crispy mage was about to be killed one second later.

The four mobs stopped, and after Shao Bing had sneaked to the side of the elite, he was about to go to the most comfortable position to activate [Backstab]. He moved sideways, and at the same time dodged Tarzan's [Continuous Skill].

"Fuck, what's this weird!?"

All the skills of Tarzan the Ape have entered the cooling down, watching the elite once again staggered the best launching position of [Backstab] with amazing agility and combat intuition, stepped on the ground with his thick right leg, and a shock ripple visible to the naked eye spread out. Come on, the orangutan Taishan, who had no time to dodge, lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground.

[You are in the range of [Trample], and your body center of gravity and coordination are lost for 2 seconds]

[You are injured by [trample], HP -11]

After failing to activate the skill twice, Shao Bing knew that he couldn't delay any longer. The crispy archers and mages were being beaten by mobs. It would be dangerous if they didn't deal with this elite.

He got out of the shocking ripples of [Trample] in time, and [Sneak] still had 9 seconds to last, and his figure, which was completely integrated with the darkness, soared into the air. Instead of launching a backstab, he launched an equipment stunt.

A reddish shadow stood out in mid-air at an astonishingly fast speed. Most of the demonized goblin elite's attention was on the back of the defense, ignoring the front, and it was too late to react.

Swish swish!
In less than a second, Shao Bing left three deep scratches on the elite, and his life value burned by 20%. The high attack speed and high crit brought by it made the elite miserable. Shout out, -34, -101 (crit), -33.

All of a sudden, two-thirds of his health was emptied, and he stumbled back.

Although the stealth was released, Shao Bing's amazing agility and high speed allowed Shao Bing to move to a suitable position ahead of the monster. When the monster lost its flexibility and turned sideways, [Backstab] was activated.

A blade of light went straight to the elite's neck, but at the moment of contact, it first came into contact with a dazzling fire, and a huge force interrupted the skill, pushing Shao Bing backwards.

[You are damaged by [Resist Fire Ring], HP -55, continuous burning state, HP -2-3-1-2...]

"It's an equipment stunt," Shao Bing shouted!

Others were amazed, it was not uncommon for monsters to have equipment, but they had never been seen used in battle.

At this time, the fireball technique of truth was finally chanted, and his [rough wooden staff] pointed forward, and a fist-sized fireball was like a missile, turning and flying towards the elite.

Soul locking cannot be dealt with by physical dodge. When the fireball is released, the truth will not be seen. [Mage's Hand] is the same as the instant cast, pinch the two mobs that have already chased behind Zhenshe, do you care? Teammates with one-third of their health escaped the kill attack.

The flames from the explosion of the fireball technique shocked the entire valley, and the extremely difficult elite finally fell under the cooperation of the four people, and exploded all over the place.

The remaining mobs immediately lost their organization, no longer knew how to cooperate, and no longer had the courage to fight. They left the enemy behind and fled in panic.

Among the 4 people, the archer has been disabled, the thief has entered a weak state, the soldier's blood volume is still more than half, the skills have not been cooled down, and the state of physical loss is not ideal.Only mages are still in full condition, and they seem to be able to do a job with ease.

"Throw the dice, quick!"

Among the things that the elite exploded, two were green, and the others were white. Seeing that the monsters in the entire valley were rushing here, there was no time to waste.

Shao Bing, who was closest, threw out 9 points, Tarzan the Ape threw out 11 points, and Zhenshe threw out 7 points.

Tarzan the Ape stared at the dice, the elite just used the equipment stunt, there must be a good thing in the two green lights, 11 o'clock, almost already belonged to him.

But truth throws two leopards—12 o'clock!
"I wipe!!"

Winner takes all, no matter how dissatisfied Tarzan is, he can only watch others put everything in his backpack.

"Come on!"

"Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw to the starting position!"

The four of them ran at full speed, but at this time, the way they came from was blocked by dense monsters. Seeing that the situation was not good, Shao Bing at the front turned around immediately, ducked into the bushes and disappeared.

Do you care if I shoot? I eagerly looked left and right, pointed to the hill on the side and back, "there are so few monsters over there!"

As a mage, Truth was not much slower than the archer, and his speed was even faster than that of Tarzan, running in second place.

At the end, Tarzan the Ape seemed to be a must-have scene, but he launched a [Charge] behind him, "Oh, let me go...", looking anxious to use skills to escape.

Unexpectedly, only hit a shadow!
The ape Tarzan stopped and looked back, only seeing the shadow of the mage Truth waving to this side...

"Equip stunts!?"

He gritted his teeth and watched as the opponent used his teammates to lure the monster away, then used his teammates to pull out a gap, and disappeared into the dark night.

Look at the front again, do you care if I shoot, I have already run away without a trace.

Monsters from all directions surrounded them.

[Truth withdraws from the team within the range of the spell]

【Do you care if I shoot you? Quit the team】

[Yijiang Chunshui Liu withdraws from the team]


On the hillside, he is the only one who foolishly attracts a large number of monsters.

"Despicable, shameless!"

The orangutan Tarzan was so angry that he cursed several times on the world channel with impotent rage, and had already given up resistance.

Unexpectedly, the monsters surrounding him didn't launch an attack, but even gave way.

This road leads directly to another camp on the top of the mountain. Torches have been lit outside the camp, as if opening the door to welcome guests.

Tarzan the Ape was surprised and delighted, did it trigger the plot?
(End of this chapter)

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