This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 159 Cloaked Man Riding a Bone Dragon

Chapter 159 Cloaked Man Riding a Bone Dragon
The ape Tarzan walked into the dark cave, and saw a deep canyon that seemed to be cut out by a sharp axe. In the canyon, a pair of huge lava-like eyes opened, and a thunderous rumbling The voice said: "Soul from a foreign land, what are you looking for, power, authority, wealth or beauty?"

The ape Tarzan was dumbfounded, stupid, did such a "massive" plot task be triggered by himself so easily?But you didn't do anything yourself?

His spirit was completely overwhelmed by these huge eyes, and his soul was trembling unbearably.

"It was my negligence!" said the thunderous voice, and then said an extremely short and awkward incantation, repeating the words just said, so that Tarzan could understand.

"I can satisfy you all you want, tell me where you come from, and what is the 'net' on your body?"

"I, I... from Earth, I am a player..."

Tarzan the Ape didn't know what happened to him, shouldn't he follow the plot mode, why did he jump out of the plot?
In the dark, it seems that there is a force guiding him, ordering him, and giving the answer to the question.

"An alien plane called Earth? Oh, no, it's another crystal wall system. Hehe, Ramsviel is indeed very courageous. After obtaining the Book of Canaan, he didn't use it to improve his spell level. Instead, it is used in the shuttle of the crystal wall system..."

Tarzan can't understand again, Rumsfeld?Isn't it the main thread NPC? What is the Book of Canaan? Why does this plot feel a little strange?

"What about the 'net' on your body?"

network! ?

"I, I don't know..."

"It's really cautious. Let me ask another question. Where does your extraordinary ability come from?"

"Ah, of course it's the game... setting... the program... one turn, oh... I don't know..."

"So, what are players and games?"

"A player is... a player is a player, a game... a game is Canaan..."

"Canaan?" The thunderous voice became high-pitched, and then fell into a long silence.

a while...

"I understand, but I don't seem to understand"

"Rumsviel was a genius, about 10, or 20 years ago, I've known him since he was an arcane apprentice, when he used a very interesting gizmo as a promotion for himself as an arcanist Li...he is a very thoughtful person, and he always has some genius-like ideas in his mind. I even thought of loving talents, but it's a pity...uh, when I'm old, I always like to recall the past..."

"Well, Canaan is a game, he told you so, right?"


"Very well, how did he win your trust?"

"...Huh? I don't understand..."

"Then let me change my perspective. Why do you believe that the world you live in is just a game?"

"Because... because it's just a game, otherwise what else could it be?"

Communication is difficult, but the parties involved are not ordinary people.

He is extremely wise and sharp. Even if the brain circuits of the two parties are not on the same channel, even if there is no similarity in the experience and understanding of the two parties, he can still grasp the key points keenly from a few words and pieces of information.

The mage's intuition is extremely amazing. They are a group of people who are at the core of the mystery and have been studying the mystery. Mystery does not require evidence or a rigorous deduction process. It only needs to find a little thread from the mess to vaguely see it. to the end...

The magic net was not touched, and Xiao Ai didn't notice any abnormalities. Even Tarzan the ape didn't know what he was going through at this moment.

"Hehe, then treat it as a game."

Tarzan the Ape felt baffled, how could this plot be so strange, with no beginning and no end, and such a big battle arranged!
"I like you very much, maybe, we have another meeting?"

"Ah... yes, I'd like to"

"Just keep it a secret. To anyone, just be an old guy's special hobby. Can you promise me?"

The ape Tarzan didn't realize that the other party's voice had become normal, full of vicissitudes and magnetism that had been baptized by the years, he just felt that it would be unreasonable not to agree to the other party, "Okay, okay!"

"Then what is your purpose here? What do you want?"

"Uh... a mission to investigate this monster camp and bring back a token."

"What token?"

"...I want to see the task details"

"Hehe...well, you can now read...the details of the mission."

It was only then that Tarzan of the Ape regained the ability to manipulate the game window, but he didn't find it weird at all, and he didn't even have such a thought in his mind.

"...The mission said that Buck City sent a team to investigate the vicinity... Later, a human guard named Clyde disappeared... The mission requires me to bring back a letter he left in the camp, which should be from Buck City information needed"


At this time, those huge, dark red eyes like magma floated up from the deep canyon, and for a moment, Tarzan couldn't breathe.

It was a huge, pale dragon head without any flesh and blood, and between two sharp dragon horns sat a man in a cloak surrounded by black mist.

The bone dragon's body was still floating, and the cloaked man surrounded by black mist had already appeared not far from Mount Tarzan.

A letter appeared out of nowhere and landed in the hands of Tarzan the Ape.

"what else do you want?"

"I still need... It would be even better if I still have equipment"

"Equipment!?" The cloaked man smiled and said, "Is it a magic product?"

"Should...should be"

"Ramsfeld will notice, do you have any good suggestions?"


When the ape Tarzan walked out of the monster camp, he had already forgotten the real experience. In the false memory, he was alone. Fortunately, he found a secret passage, escaped from the monsters' encirclement, and sneaked into the monster's camp extremely bravely. , found clues to the mission, and finally found the mission props.

It was also lucky. When returning along the way, he happened to meet a very special demonized goblin. This monster was dressed gorgeously and was kneeling in front of a statue of an altar to kill himself. His blood bar was almost gone.

Such a god-given opportunity, he naturally would not let it go, a [Charge] ended it, and a ring that needed to be identified exploded out.

In the safe zone, he fell into ecstasy holding the ring firmly out.

This is how the second blue outfit in the game was born.

"Hahaha, I'm finally in luck!"

Tarzan the Ape laughed, and sent a screenshot of the ring's attributes to the World Channel, as if seeing how annoyed and envious those teammates who abandoned him were.

(End of this chapter)

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