Chapter 160

"You mean that once a camp appears in an area where monsters are concentrated, it means that a boss at the level of an area lord has evolved, right?"


Bei Gaoyang was a little puzzled after hearing Xiao Ai's report.

The magic tide should have receded by now, but the concentration of magic power is still stable at a very high level, even though the abnormal weather caused by the magic tide has returned to normal.

Even if it is demonized, the number of monsters is too amazing, and what is going on in the camp, the demonized creatures regained their sanity and showed a certain degree of organization?
Ha ha……

What about goblins, creatures with low intelligence? Demonized giant flies, demonized grass spirits, etc., did not exist before, and now they all show signs of nesting and organizing.

This mode of birthing advanced intelligent individuals from chaos and chaos is especially like the abyss. Could it be that the law of the abyss has already taken effect on the abandoned wasteland?

"Now there are teams of 14 players investigating these new monster camps."

"Oh, in the context of the mission?"


"That's it, let the players collect some information first, and you are doing specific analysis"

"Analysis comparison database has been established"

It is convenient to have little love.

Bei Gaoyang quickly put aside this trivial matter and devoted himself to his work.

The magic smart workshop has been expanded to the 10th unit, and about one-seventh of the materials have been consumed. There is no room for the city lord's mansion.

The completion of the Mage Tower will also take time, so it is better to complete the order of the abyss first.

Besides, the 10-day period is approaching.

Putting a perfect magic core into the cavity of the golem, the complicated and weird internal linkage parts started to work, the inscribed magic array configurations lit up one by one, and a majestic battlefield golem with a burning With nodules of flame, stand up slowly.

There were exclamations from the players around, and the standing golem was extremely oppressive.

"This is the 16th"

He patted the forelimb of the golem and said with satisfaction.

"I can't stand the light rain, the silver medal is the silver medal!"

The safe area of ​​the Kobold Mine Dungeon is still bustling with people. A large number of players who have not changed their professions gather here as soon as they go online, for dungeons, for changing professions, for business, short, various purposes.

At the system cleaning NPC, an enchanter's booth was crowded with players, and the business was booming. Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao got restless in line. Said: "The gold medal is one more title, it can't be used now, don't need it, let's find someone to help pass the customs, shall we?"

"It's not just one more title. It's said on the forum that there may be more benefits for clearing the level with a gold medal, such as..."

"That's just a possibility, not a certainty. Besides, I don't know whether to delete the file or not."

"...Aren't you very angry, so you can't bear it anymore?"

"What about you, the first enchanter, the first magician, and now you are still queuing up to ask others to help you enchant?"

"That's because there were fewer people during the second test..."

"Ten thousand people is too much? Will there be no place to stand in the future?"

"...I don't want to argue with you"

"are you going?"

"I'll wait two more days"




Xia Miaomiao was walking around angrily, not knowing what to do. The task of job change was the first hurdle in her life. It surpassed the graduation project and thesis defense, and became crazy, impatient, and sad. endless things.

No matter how difficult it is, it feels like this is not as difficult. This dungeon is simply a nightmare for a bastard like her.

Girls already have disadvantages in this area, and it is even more obvious to her. It is useless to read more strategies. When it comes to seeing the real chapter, she is flustered and short of breath. Du Shiyu has not even passed the second floor until now. .

"Hey, beauty, are you interested in joining the family?"

A bearded dwarf player stopped her and said very courteously.

"What family? Can you afford 50 gold?"

"This...cough cough, it's actually not difficult to get together..."

"Liar, get out!"

"I'm not lying to you, we have a transfer player, a master, I can take you through customs and change jobs"

"Not interested in!"

I was in a bad mood at first, and then such an inexplicable person popped up to raise funds to build a family?Either a liar or a brain disorder.

After such an interruption, the anxiety in my heart calmed down a little, and I started to wander around the empty stalls in the square.

"What are you doing, Chun Shui?"

"...mission, what's wrong?"

"Bring me a copy, you promised"

"No more gold medals?"

"It's probably impossible in this life, the silver medal is the silver medal."

"That's ok, you wait for me to have time, I'm outside, maybe I have to wait for a few days"

"How many days?"

"...Stop talking, I just destroyed the team"

Off Team! ?
What is this guy doing?

Once the player dies, he will not be disconnected, and he can be resurrected to pick up corpses... Xia Miaomiao has become more determined to clear the level and change jobs as soon as possible.

If I contact my eldest cousin again, he is still busy, so he won't be able to make it back soon...

It felt like a bird flying after a turn, and the distance between everyone suddenly widened.

Players can also set up a stall online after turning one, and if they set up a stall, they can leave and hand it over to the system for hosting, and just set the price.

Don't look at the inconspicuousness of these dozen or so booths. This is a veritable "offline hanging" with a steady stream of cash machines. Even if you are a loser, you can live a good life. Fee will do.

——Even moving bricks is so efficient.

These stalls have the most ores and materials, as well as red potions, blue potions, and stamina potions, but the current potion masters can only make red potions, and most of the potions on the stalls are produced by players spawning monsters, and I am reluctant to drink and sell them. It was given to profiteers, and profiteers were 'wholesale' to these first-rank players who could set up stalls online, and in the end it was all sold by players like Xia Miaomiao who were anxious about dungeons.

There are also blind boxes.

Xia Miaomiao took a fancy to one, it was a very rare earring that needed to be appraised, it was very old, and the style was also very special, giving people a sense of ambiguity.

She had a hunch that this was a good thing, but the price of up to 1 gold made her hesitate.

She definitely wouldn't have bought it before, but this time she decided to take a gamble.

After selling the earrings, she went to the system NPC to appraise them nervously. With a flash of white light, her heart rose to her throat.

[Secret bone ring, quality white, score 99, load 1, level: 1, equipment: all professions, durability 5/5, wearing effect: luck +2]

Xia Miaomiao almost screamed, her hands trembled when she took the earring from the NPC, she couldn't believe that she would be so lucky, this rare piece of jewelry equipment was never heard of , Add lucky equipment with hidden attributes.

Lucky, lucky...

She unconsciously looked at the system training NPC, and a voice said in her heart, take another gamble, a big gamble...

If you have a green suit, you can win a gold medal anyway, right?

(End of this chapter)

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