Chapter 162

"Actually, there is no need to pay it back in such a hurry... Well, I apologize, the previous contract can be discussed again..."

"Go to hell, I won't sell myself just for a few hundred thousand, take the money and get out!"

"Hey, business is not a good thing, don't be like this... Okay, I'll go, remember to take care of me when you have business in the future."

"Go away!"

"Come on, girl"

"If you don't leave, I will report you for sexual harassment!"

As soon as Xia Miaomiao put the 'loan usury' away, Du Shiyu pinched the soft flesh around her waist, twisted it twice, and said through gritted teeth, "It's just a few hundred thousand, huh?"

"Oh, it hurts, let go"

"Isn't it quite majestic just now, it's only a few hundred thousand, and that's all my savings!"

"I will pay you back, really, at most, at most one... one month!"

"A month, didn't you say a week?"

"Little rain~~"

"Let's see if you dare to gamble again"

"Don't dare, never dare again"

Xia Miaomiao signed several alliances under the city, coaxed gold coins from Du Shiyu to pay off the foreign debt, and got back her equipment.

This lesson was really hard to remember. Fortunately, she had the lucky earrings in her pocket, which made her come out of the situation where she couldn't be more distressed.

But, how should I put it, some people just forget about the pain when their scars heal. No, when she saw the lively scene at the Xilian NPC, her eyes drifted away involuntarily.

"Give me the earring!"

Du Shiyu spread out her hand in front of her.

"What earrings!?"

Xia Miaomiao played stupid.

"Stop talking nonsense, leave it to me for safekeeping, and when it's sold, I'll pay back my money first, plus interest."

"You don't need to do this, two sisters in one world..."

"Will you give it!?"

"...Here, let me give it to you!"

"It's almost there"

Du Shiyu put away the earrings she had traded, and glanced at the attributes.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she also thought of taking a gamble.

She is still like this, let alone a best friend who has no self-control.

"You go there, you don't want to download the copy?"

"I'm going to meet a friend, anyway, it's not too late!"

"You went to find that Fan Chaoyue again, why are you so unmotivated!"

"You are self-motivated, but it's a pity that it's all used in crooked ways."

It seems that he will be remembered by his buddies for a lifetime.

Xia Miaomiao stood dejectedly on the square in the safe area of ​​the dungeon, looking around in a daze, not knowing what to do.

The dungeon can't be cleared, the level can't be raised, and she has no interest in moving bricks (after hundreds of thousands of dollars, she can't look down on those three melons and two dates), and she looks like someone is chasing after others when they are busy, but she has nothing to do.

Walking and walking, I came to the training NPC, and watched a dwarf player hand over a shield to the NPC after repeated hesitation and entanglement.

This shield is not ordinary at first glance, maybe it is a piece of green equipment.

To actually use green equipment to refine, what a heart.

Xia Miaomiao became interested, looking forward to seeing the overturned car.

It's unlucky for no reason, isn't it?

"Oye, it worked, it worked!!"

There is neither a system announcement for advanced equipment, nor a broken scene after failure. The dwarf player jumped up and down happily. Someone asked him what attributes he had refined, and he said happily: "Replace +3 intelligence with success. Added +3 power, and the special effect of [Gast Wind] on acceleration was replaced by [Rock] that added physical defense and magic defense, and I used them all, hahaha..."

Others envied his good luck, but Xia Miaomiao was not happy. Afterwards, there were players who practiced one after another. Although the advancement did not happen, failure was also rare. On the whole, most people could get what they wanted.

"Am I the only one who is particularly unlucky?"

"Or, today is a good day for refining?"

Xia Miaomiao's itching was unbearable, but unfortunately the earrings were taken away by her buddies, alas!


On the friend channel, Yijiang Chunshuiliu sent a text message, and Xia Miaomiao replied feebly: "Yeah" with a (dazed) expression.

"I'm back, I just have time, let's take you through the copy"

Xia Miaomiao was shocked, and quickly posted her location with a smile on her face.

"Xiao Yu, there is an expert leading the way, will you come?"

"Expert? Free?"

"Of course it's free, my friend"

It is already a business for first-time players to lead people through customs, especially silver medal clearance is expensive. Basically, players with this confidence are masters, and there is no need to think about a pit without two or three Ws.

There are also certain requirements for the equipment and operation of the employer. After all, it is a waste of time for one person to force four bastards.


"A river of spring water. During the first test, he led someone to defeat the boss of Xinshou Village. We are in his team. Did you forget?"

"He...wait a minute, let me ask"

"Just you, no one else, don't make it difficult for me"

"I know, I know"

After a while, a river of spring water came.

When Xia Miaomiao saw him, he was dressed in professional equipment, and he stood out from the crowd of players who hadn't changed their profession.

"Chunshui, this way!"

Xia Miaomiao waved vigorously.

Shao Bing found her, smiled, and walked over here.

"You're so cool, what level are you?"

"Level 9, how about you?"

"You were only level 6 a few days ago..."

"Go out and do a mission, it's quite troublesome..."

"Didn't you say destroy the team?"

"Later I finished it alone"

"Wow, did you explode your equipment yourself?"

"I bought it at an auction. I spent all my money and owed a lot of foreign debt."

"All in green clothes?"

"Well, the weapon is mine"

Xia Miaomiao didn't know what to say. It's only been a few days since I saw each other. Why did the gap open up all of a sudden!

A few days ago, everyone was pretty much the same.

"Wait a little longer, Brother Chun and Saint Warrior will also come."

"You called them"

"It's all agreed"

"You take us alone, are you sure?"

"Try it, your operation and equipment are not bad..."

Knowing that it was a polite remark, Xia Miaomiao still felt very happy, "Then... can I bring someone else? Isn't there still a place?"

"Your friend? How about equipment and operational awareness?"

"You know, the first test player, the first enchanter, the first magician..."

"Ah, I remembered, her, yes, is she called Xue Wu Fei Yu?"

"Do you still remember, why are you interested in her?"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"Hey, there are ghosts in my heart!"

The two were chatting, and Brother Chun, who hadn't seen him for a long time, walked out of the teleportation formation, saw the two of them, and yelled at the place from a long distance, "Sapling haha..."

"This guy only has eyes for beautiful women," Shao Bing scolded with a smile.

Xia Miaomiao smiled reservedly.

"Long time no see, long time no see, come on, Sapling, say hello to the offline audience..."


Xia Miaomiao laughed when she remembered how he was stung like a pig's head, "Hello, big guy..."

After a while, the Huaguoshan Saints also arrived, and the four formed a team, waiting for Du Shiyu.

"You guys go, I won't go"

"What's the matter with you, everyone has been waiting for you for a long time."

"I still want to see if I can pass the level with a gold medal."


Xia Miaomiao really didn't understand what her buddies were thinking, she said she was high-spirited, she was going to be a leisure player, said she didn't want to make progress, what kind of gold medal was she thinking about at this time, it was rare to have a free master belt, so So give up?

 It's a bit late, please change first
(End of this chapter)

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